
Humanosphere Asia Research Node

Updated: 2024/04/15


Humanosphere Asia Research Node Activity Report 2023 is uploaded.

Link: ARN-Activity-Report_2023_1120_web-1.pdf (



Outline of Humanosphere Asia Research Node

International Promotion of Humanosphere Science

In 2016, RISH initiated a new program named “Humanosphere Asia Research Node (ARN)”, thereby strengthening the hub functions of international collaborative research and fostering innovation in Humanosphere Science with the ultimate goal of delivering solutions on a global scale. ARN’s achievements included the following: 1) an ARN joint laboratory at Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) was founded jointly with the Japan-ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation Platform (JASTIP) project; 2) the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th ARN Symposium on Humanosphere Science was held in Penang, Malaysia, Uji, Japan, Taichung, Taiwan, and Nanjing, China, respectively; 3) a number of RISH Open Seminars were delivered and broadcast live via web conferencing to selected foreign research organizations; 4) a server mirroring system for the “Humanosphere Science Database” was installed in Indonesia. ARN held “the 6th Asia Research Node Symposium on Humanosphere Science” as an online event in September 2021. In addition, following the respective reorganization of BRIN and RISH, “the 7th Asia Research Node Symposium on Humanosphere Science” was held as an online event in December 2022 to accelerate the internal collaboration between BRIN and RISH. With these ARN activities, RISH is in a perfect position to pursue the integration of different research disciplines and to promote the internationalization of Humanosphere Science.

Network of Humanosphere Science in Asia

We have initiated a collaborative network of Humanosphere Science in Asia with overseas research institutes to promote further utilization of RISH’s large facilities and field stations in overseas.

Overseas facilities and field stations
Equatorial Atmosphere Radar (EAR), Kototabang, Indonesia, Kototabang
Tropical artificial forest, Indonesia
Kyoto University satellite office, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia

ARN & JASTIP Joint laboratory, LIPI, Indonesia

Major cooperative overseas research institutes

LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Sciences), Indonesia

LAPAN (National Institute of Aeronautics and Space), Indonesia

RIHS (Research Institute for Human Settlements), Indonesia

NARL (National Atmospheric Research Laboratory), India

Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

USM (Universiti Sains Malaysia), Malaysia

Collaboration with other research programs

ARN works in collaboration with other international research programs such as JASTIP, SATREPS and IUGONET, as well as domestic research network such as the Forum for Sustainable Humanosphere.

Japan-ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation Platform

Production of Biomass Energy and Material through Revegetation of Deteriorated Grass Fields in Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) program

Inter-university Upper atmosphere Global Observation NETwork

Consists of members from 47 ministries / public research organizations, 59 universities and more than 35 private enterprises

Hub function between ASEAN and Japan

ARN serves a hub that connects research network between ASEAN and Japan through the joint laboratories in Indonesia, and also an opportunity for various research institutes of Japan to access ARN’s overseas research facilities. In addition, we highly encourage overseas researchers to conduct collaborative research using the domestic facilities under the joint usage platform promoted by ARN.

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International Collaborative Research

ARN promotes international collaborative research and field education on Humanosphere Science associated with “Equatorial Fountain”, “Utilization of wooden biomass”, and “Database for Humanosphere science”.

Cooperative Study of the “Equatorial Fountain”

The energy and material flows that occur in all height regions of the equatorial atmosphere, which are referred to as the ”Equatorial Fountain”, will be studied.

Cooperative Research on the Sustainable Production and Utilization of Tropical Biomass in Relation to Environmental Conservation

Aiming to contribute to the production, recycling, and conservation issues of tropical biomass, this subject deals with such topics as breeding of useful tropical plant, production of physiologically active substances, conversion of biomass to useful substances or materials, and development of high strength timber buildings.

This subject collaborates with projects such as JASTIP and SATREPS to promote the following international collaborative research on tropical biomass.

  • Conversion of tropical biomass to functional materials, chemicals and fuels
  • Search for useful tree species suitable for material production
  • Invasive control of wood harmful insects
  • Environmental purification using tropical microorganisms and enzymes
  • Development of safe and environmentally friendly housing and its structural members
  • Breeding of plants with useful traits and environmental restoration of degraded areas

International Cooperative Studies Using the Database for Humanosphere Science

This subject promotes collaborative research on database for Humanosphere Science by placing mirror server at overseas to improve accessibility that allows researchers in each country to utilize databases, accumulate individual research results and promote mutual reference.

The database for the humanosphere is the collection of digital data related to the humanosphere accumulated from research at our institute, including the terrestrial human habitat, the forest-sphere, the atmosphere, and outer space. These electronic data are open to the public via the Internet.

  • RISH was elected a regular member of the World Science Data System (WDS) of the ICSU (National Assembly Science Council) in March 2016 after being evaluated the importance of the long-term atmospheric observation database by the MU radar and the Equatorial Atmospheric Radar (EAR). Further promotion of international use of data is requested through maintaining and developing a Humanosphere database including MU radar and EAR.
  • The primary data independently obtained by MU radar and EAR is copied as archive data and installed in the mirror server in Indonesia, so as to protect databases and to improve accessibility from Indonesia.
  • We promotes utilization of the Humanosphere database in Indonesia by utilizing the function of IUGONET which is a data exchange system. For this purpose, the data recording device (RAID, 140 TB) and PC for data management were relocated to LAPAN in Bandung.
  • We are promoting collaborative research with Indonesia’s wooden specimen storehouse through utilization of the wood diversity database of RISH.

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Capacity Building

ARN supports the career development of young researchers and engineers by offering opportunity for engagement of collaborative research and involvement of international schools in Indonesia and other Asian countries. With ARN’s support, their research capacity can be built as future leading scientists in various research fields of Humanosphere Science.

ARN & JASTIP Joint laboratory

Capacity building of international researchers on Humanosphere Science is carried out through holding international school, workshop and symposium. to access ARN’s overseas facilities. In addition, ARN highly encourages overseas researchers to conduct collaborative research using domestic facilities under the joint usage platform it promotes.

International School, Symposium

ARN supports the career development of young researchers and engineers by offering opportunities for collaborative research and involvement in international schools in Indonesia and other Asian countries. With ARN’s support, these young scientists can grow into future leaders in various fields of Humanosphere Science.

In October 2018, we held Humanosphere Science School 2018 (HSS) in Indonesia.

Open Seminar

RISH Open Seminars are delivered and broadcasted live to partner research organizations via web conferencing service.

[RISH&LIPI] 2018/10/24 ”International agricultural cooperation between Taiwan and Central America/Fiji: citrus diseases as an example” by Dr. Chun-Yi Lin (Mission researcher, RISH Kyoto University).
[RISH&LIPI] 2018/3/27 “The Special ARN Student Seminar in Humanosphere Science” at Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), in Indonesia. A total of four RISH graduate students presented the achievement of their nearly 2-month oversea training in the seminar. The presentations were broadcasted live to RISH through video conferencing.
[RISH&LIPI, LAPAN] 2017/5/31 “Microscopic control for chemical treatment in wood flow forming” by Dr. Soichi Tanaka (Mission researcher, RISH Kyoto University). And other 7 lectures in 2017.
[RISH&LIPI] 2016/9/21 “Long-term field test performance of treated wood-based and wood-plastic composites (WBCs and WPCs)” by Dr. Cihat Tascioglu (Professor, Duzce University, Faculty of Forestry, Duzce, Turkey, currently Visiting Professor at RISH, Kyoto University). And other 3 lectures in 2016.

Intensive course, Technical training

We provide intensive lectures, various practical training and technical exercises on Humanosphere science.

Research guidance on wood material development, and Construction of network system for online meeting, provided by Dr. Umemura at LIPI, Bogor, Indonesia (April 2017)

Radar Observation Practice including practice of radar observation, basics of data processing and data analysis, provided by Dr. Hashiguchi at EAR Observatory, Kototabang, Indonesia (November 2016)

Intensive lecture on atmospheric dynamics process and atmospheric measurement method, provided by Dr. Tsuda at LAPAN, Bandung, Indonesia (April 2016)

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Related Events

2023/10/29 Venue: Hasanuddin University, Indonesia and online

The 8th Asia Research Node Symposium on Humanosphere Science was held online jointly with the 2nd International Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development.  We were proudly joined by 80 participants.

The event was divided into Session 1 (Atmosphere and Energy) and Session 2 (Materials and Environment), where discussions took place regarding the latest scientific and technological developments aimed at establishing a sustainable humanosphere.   





2022/12/21 Venue:Online

The 7th Asia Research Node Symposium on Humanosphere Science was held online as a joint program of “The 10th Sustainable Development Seminar.  We were proudly joined by 90 participants.
The symposium brought together researchers and students with understanding the current status of BRIN(Indonesia) and RISH, both experienced reorganizing in 2021.  In addition, a session of this symposium was held as the 10th Sustainable Development Seminar, a seminar that has been running for five years, providing young researchers and students with an overview of the current situation of science and society in Southeast Asia, mainly Indonesia.





2021/9/20-21 Venue:Online

The 6th Asia Research Node Symposium on Humanosphere Science was held online as a joint program of “LAPAN-Kyoto University International Symposium for Equatorial Atmosphere“ and “INternational Conference on Radioscience, Equatorial Atmospheric Science and Environment (INCREASE)”.   Nearly 200 oral presentations were presented in 7 parallel sessions. We were proudly joined by 533 participants.



2020/12/22-23 Venue:Online 

The 5th Asia Research Node Symposium on Humanosphere Science was held online. We were proudly joined by 103 participants.  15 oral speakers gave presentations, and 17 poster presenters  gave short speeches. Poster presenters also shared their research through the REMO system. These presentations covered scientific and technological advances in multiple research fields that contribute for “Sustainable Humanospehere”.





2019/12/26-27 Venue:Nanjing International Conference Hotel, China

The 4th Asia Research Node Symposium on Humanosphere Science was held by co-organized with Nanjing Forestry Univ. We were proudly joined by 237 participants. We set up 8 sessions and invited 35 speakers. The lectures covered scientific and technological advances in multiple research fields that contribute for “Sustainable Humanospehere”. 153 poster presenters shared their research by presenting their posters and 41 of them took part in the elevator speech session.




2019/10/28-29 Venue:Bogor, Indonesia

HSS and ISSH 2019 was held in Bogor, Indonesia by being co-organized with JASTIP, SATREPS,etc. Latest issues related to the Humanosphere science was discussed by total of 211 participants.




2019/3/18-22 Venue: Bundung, Indonesia

The first International Equatorial Atmosphere School 2019 was held at the Aerospace Research Institute (LAPAN) in Bandung, Indonesia. 108 researchers and students from Japan, Indonesia and surrounding countries participated. This event helped accelerate our big research project to establish the Equatorial MU Radar (EMU) that is the full-spec atmospheric radar in the near future right next to the EAR.




Promoting international collaborations of ARN

2019/03/4-8 Venue: Indonesian Institute of Sciences(LIPI) and Universiti Putra Malaysia(UPM)

RISH faculties visited Indonesian Institute of Sciences(LIPI) and Universiti Putra Malaysia(UPM)to promote international collaborations of ARN.




2018/9/25-27 Venue: Taiwan, National Chung Hsing University

The 3rd Asia Research Node Symposium on Humanosphere Science -Present and Future of Humanosphere Science- was held. We were proudly joined by 201 participants including 163 non-Japanese. We were also joined by 140 student researchers. We set up 8 sessions and invited 35 speakers from Asia (mainly Taiwan), European and Japan. The lectures covered scientific and technological advances in multiple research fields that contribute for “Sustainable Humanospehere”. And 58 poster presenters shared their research by presenting their posters and taking part in the elevator speech session.



The 2nd Humanosphere Asia Research Node Workshop toward Sustainable Utilization of Tropical Bioresources & The 3rd JASTIP Bioresources and Biodiversity Workshop “Synergy of ASEAN Countries and Japan for Sustainable Development”

2017/11/3 Venue: Bogor, Indonesia

This workshop was planned to further strengthen the international network in biomass-related “Humanosphere Science”, in conjunction with the activities of JASTIP. The topics of the researches cover biodiversity and conservation studies, bioprospection in the ASEAN region, development of innovative technology for bioresources and its dissemination. The workshop also discussed on the development of network of biodiversity and bioresource database and depository in ASEAN. 

Humanosphere Science School 2017(HSS)The 7th International Symposium for Sustainable Humanosphere(ISSH) The 360th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere

2017/11/1-2 Venue: Bogor, Indonesia

The conference theme focussed on how advanced science and technology take roles in achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs). The main theme for this conference was “Advances in Science and Technology for the Future of Sustainable Humanosphere”. 

ARN Biomaterials Workshop

2017/10/31 Venue: Bogor, Indonesia

ARN Biomaterials Workshop was held at Bogor, Indonesia. 

The 2nd Asia Research Node Symposium on Humanosphere Science

2017/07/19-21 Venue: Uji, Kyoto

We were proudly joined by a total of 228 participants from 41 research institutes in 13 countries including 36 invited speakers in which 18 are from Asia, 4 from Europe and United States and 14 from the domestic. We were also joined by 51 young researchers who have shared their research by presenting their posters and taking part in the elevator speech session.

The 1st Asia Research Node Symposium on Humanosphere Science(The 338th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere)

2017/2/20-21 Venue: Penang, Malaysia

The ARN Symposium was held with the aim of internationalizing the Humanoshere sciences and the career development of young researchers. There were more than 60 participants from Malaysia, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, etc., and 9 graduate students and 10 researchers joined from RISH.

the 2nd Workshop of Bioresources and Biodiversity Research in JASTIP & International Premeeting of Humanosphere Asia Research Node on Biomass Utilization

2017/1/23 Venue: Uji, Kyoto

27 presentations on the use of tropical biomass was given for 72 participants including 16 foreign researchers.

Humanosphere Science School 2016(HSS), International Symposium for Sustainable Humanosphere(ISSH)

2016/11/15-16 Venue: Bogor, Indonesia

HSS and ISSH 2016 was held in Bogor, Indonesia by being co-organized with JASTIP, SATREPS. Latest issues related to the Humanosphere science was discussed by total of 260 participants.

International Symposium on 15th Anniversary of Equatorial Atmosphere Radar (EAR)

2016/8/4 Venue:Sari Pan Pacific Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia

With a total of 221 participants, the Equatorial Atmospheric Radar 15th anniversary event was held in Jakarta, Indonesia. Major participants were listed below;

  • Minister Kozo Honma, embassy of Indonesia in Indonesia,
  • Dr. Muhammad Dimyati, Rector of Indonesia Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RISTEKDIKTI),
  • Dr. Thomas Djamaluddin, Director of Research and Development of Indonesian Air and Space Agency (LAPAN),
  • Dr. Inaba Kayo, Vice President of Kyoto University,
  • Dr. Takashi Watanabe, Director of RISH, Kyoto University
Workshop of Bioresources and Biodiversity Research in JASTIP International Premeeting of Humanosphere Asia Research Node on Biomass Utilization

2016/02/17 Venue: Kyoto, Japan

Research introduction of Asia Research Node and JASTIP, SATREPS was presented and research orientation was discussed.


Humanosphere Asia Research Node Activity Report 2022

Humanosphere Asia Research Node Activity Report 2021





Humanosphere Asia Research Node Activity Report 2020

Humanosphere Asia Research Node Activity Report 2019

Humanosphere Asia Research Node Flyer 2018 


Humanosphere Asia Research Node Activity Report 2018 


Gokasho, Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. 611-0011
Telephone: +774-38-3346 Facsimile: +774-38-3600