
木の文化と科学 京都2011
Wood Culture and Science Kyoto 2011 (WCS Kyoto2011)

更新日: 2015/12/04

開催日時 2011/08/06(土曜日) - 2011/08/09(火曜日)
開催場所 京都大学宇治おうばくプラザ (きはだホール、ハイブリッドスペース、セミナー室)
主催者 京都大学生存圏研究所
申請代表者 川井秀一 (京都大学生存圏研究所循環材料創成分野)
所内担当者 吉村剛 (京都大学生存圏研究所居住圏環境共生分野)
関連ミッション ミッション 4 (循環型資源・材料開発)
関連分野 木質科学、文化財科学。

後援: 文化庁,COST Action IE0601 “Wood Science for Conservation of Cultural Heritage”,東アジア文化遺産保存学会,国際森林研究機関連合 (IUFLO) Division5,国際木文化学会 (IWCS),一般社団法人文化財保存修復学会,公益財団法人文化財建造物保存技術協会,奈良文化財研究所,一般社団法人日本木材学会,社団法人日本木材保存協会,セルロース学会,独立行政法人森林総合研究所

WCS Kyoto 2011:


本シンポジウムは、京都大学生存圏研究所がこれまで 5 年間にわたり主催している「木の文化と科学」シンポジウムシリーズを国際的に展開して、木の文化の国、日本の関連研究を集約し、世界に発信する場とすると同時に、内外の関連コミュニティーの連携を図るためのものである。



  1. 木の文化と科学に関連する国内外の研究者による研究発表(口頭発表およびポスター発表)
  2. 上記の通り国内外の講師による一般市民公開の講演会(同時通訳付き)
  3. 木造文化財建築物の再建・修復現場の視察をメインとするテクニカル・ツアー

の 3 つのプログラムからなる国際シンポジウムである。


京都大学生存圏研究所は、これまで建造物由来古材や木製文化財を用い、人文科学や自然科学分野の研究者との学際的な研究交流、文理融合的な共同研究を先導し、修理技術者の経験的な判断を客観的な指標で裏付ける試みに取り組んできた。また、文化庁との覚書をもとに行政、文化財所有者の協力を得て、木製文化財や文化財指定建造物由来古材の体系的研究を実施し、飛鳥から現代にいたる古材を 400 点以上収集・保存管理している。これは、生存圏研究所が提唱している「生存圏科学における新領域:千年居住圏」構想の基礎となったものである。

近年、関連分野において同様な学際領域開拓の動きが盛んになっている。たとえば、国際森林研究機関連合(IUFRO) Div.5 に Wood Culture (5.10.01) が 2007 年に設置され、また日本と韓国・中国による東アジア文化財保存修復学会が設立(2007年)されている。さらにEU諸国においては木質科学と文化財保存修復学分野の共同研究 COST IE0601 “Wood Science for Conservation of Cultural Heritage” がスタートしている。このように、関連分野のコミュニティーは大きな拡がりを見せつつある。

当初 3 月の実施を予定していた本シンポジウムは、東日本大震災の影響により 8 月に延期して実施したものである。2 月時点での参加登録者数 150 名からは減少したものの、最終的には 13 ヶ国、102 名の参加を得ることができ、木の文化と科学に関する最新の研究成果の紹介と情報交換が活発に行われた。上記「生存圏科学における新領域:千年居住圏」構想をサポートするコミュニティーの拡大と熟成に大きな貢献があった。


8月6日 (土)


8月7日 (日)

午前: 46 件のポスター発表(ハイブリッドスペース)
午後: 一般公開講演会

13:30–13:40 開会の辞
木の文化と科学 京都 2011 実行委員長
13:50–14:30 イタリア・ルネッサンス期パネル画の維持管理 —モナ・リザを例として
Luca Uzielli 氏
14:30–15:10 馬王堆漢墓および老山漢墓から発掘された木材の樹種
笑梅(Jiang Xiaomei)氏
15:30–16:10 「木材を扱う大工の知恵」
16:10–16:50 「木造彫刻の保存修理」 —文化財修理所の意義と実践—
16:50–17:30 木の文化を探る生存圏科学 —最近の話題から


8月8日 (月)

午前・午後: 38 件の口頭発表

8月9日 (火)



ポスター PDF ファイル (1 138 980 バイト)
ポスター PDF ファイル (1 194 626  バイト)
ポスター制作: 北守顕久 (京都大学生存圏研究所)


WCS Kyoto 2011 の全プログラム

Poster Presentations

7th August, 2011, 9:00–12:00
Hybrid Space, Uji-Obaku Plaza, Kyoto University.

P-1 Praggananda Sraman
A tree contribution towards wellbeing: A Buddhist perspective
P-2 Sun Cheng-wen, Liu Li-li, Zhang Min
Wood carving of Huizhou
P-3 Luo Hui-ding, Liu Li-li, Zhang Min, Liu Jia
Luo Dong-shu Shrine —the model of ancient wood construction architecture
P-4 Fang Shun-lai, Liu Li-li, Zhang Min, Zhou Xiao-lin
Artistic characteristics of old wood construction houses in Chengkan
P-5 Fukamachi Katsue, Oku Hirokazu, Miyoshi Iwao, Tabuchi Atsushi
Experimental study for conservation of satoyama landscape through repairing old timber houses on the Tango Peninsula, Kyoto (1) New trend of the conservation activities of traditional houses
P-6 Tabuchi Atsushi, Yamawa Ai, Fukamachi Katsue, Oku Hirokazu, Miyoshi Iwao
Experimental study for conservation of satoyama landscape through repairing old timber houses on the Tango Peninsula, Kyoto (2) Evaluation of structural characteristics of an earth-walled storehouse
P-7 Yumiko Murakami, Hirokazu Oku, Daisuke Sakuma, Mio Horiuchi, Yasushi Inomoto, Katsue Fukamachi, Misao Yokoyama, Junji Sugiyama, Katsuhiro Osumi, Takakazu Yumoto, Mechtild Mertz
Wood use inferred from a farmhouse in the Tango Peninsula, Japan
P-8 Koichi Yamamoto, Makoto Kiguchi
Wooden shop-name signage on the façade of westernized buildings built in 1920–30’s in the east Japan
P-9 Shinya Koga, Yasuhiro Utsumi, Yukie Saito, Masahiko Kadomatsu, Nao Sakanoue, Hirokazu Yamamoto
Effect of bark decortication for hiwada production on growth and wood properties of Chamaecyparis obtusa
P-10 Mayu Ueda, Miyuki Matsuo, Munekazu Minami, Akihisa Kitamori
Modern use of traditional material —Kitayama-Sugi furniture project
P-11 Shoichi Nakashima, Akihisa Kitamori, Satoru Murakami, Yulianto P Prihatmaji, Munekazu Minami, Takuro Mori, Kohei Komatsu
Structural utilization of log timber —An attempt on construction of Kitayama logs warehouse—
P-12 Misao Yokoyama, Junji Sugiyama
Wood identification of Japanese traditional buildings by using VOC method
P-13 Hisashi Abe, Ugai Watanabe, Kazumasa Yoshida, Katsushi Kuroda, Chunhua Zhang
Changes in DNA distribution over long-term storage in the wood of Cryptomeria japonica
P-14 Yuko Fujiwara, Yoshihisa Fujii, Masako Uemura
Applicability of profilometers to infer the shape of knives from knife marks left on the surface of wooden cultural properties
P-15 Ma Ling-fei, Yu You-ming, Huang Hao-zhe , Lu Heng
Identification and properties of unearthed wood from the Yinshan Big Tomb and Xiaoshan floating bridge site in Zhejiang
P-16 Motonari Ohyama, Yasuharu Hoshino, Masataka Hakozaki, Hitoshi Yonenobu
Development of tree-ring chronologies over the last two millennia in Japan
P-17 Hiroyuki Fujii
Dendrochronological potential of Japanese Hemlocks: the third species available for dating of modern wooden architectures in Western Japan
P-18 Takumi Mitsutani
Dendrochronological analysis of Yakushi Hall and wooden statues of Chikouji Temple in Nagano Prefecture
P-19 Hiroaki Kaneko, Mitsuharu Iwasa, Shuichi Noshiro, Tomoyuki Fujii
Wood types and material selection for Japanese wooden statues of the ancient period
P-20 Victoria Asensi Amoros, Catherine Lavier, Gersande Eschenbrenner, Sandrine Pages-Camagna
Study and identification of ancient Egyptian woods: the funerary model’s of Lyon Museum
P-21 Shuichi Noshiro, Tomoyuki Fujii, Hirokazu Yamamoto, Misao Yokoyama, Junji Sugiyama
Timber selection for temple and shrine buildings during the early modern Edo period
P-22 Hajime Sorimachi, Junji Sugiyama
RISH Xylarium —the role in researches for wood culture and science
P-23 Yoshimasa Kishimoto, Miyuki Matsuo
Torii, gateway to Japanese shrine —Some attempts to keep the members of torii for a long time and the influence of them on the style of torii—
P-24 Kenji Umemura, Shuichi Kawai
Durability of isocyanate resin adhesive for wood
P-25 Taro Kataoka, Yasuji Kurimoto, Yohsei Kohzduma
Supercritical drying for archeological waterlogged wood treated with lignophenol
P-26 Kenta Higashijima, Toshiharu Enomae, Kiyohiko Igarashi, Isamu Sakamoto, Akira Isogai
Seawater effect on preventing flood-damaged papers from fungi growth
P-27 Toshiharu Enomae, Akihiko Takashima, Michihisa Hotate, Masamitsu Inaba, Masato Kato
Present situation and problems in view of questionnaire survey on restoration processes of paper cultural heritage
P-28 Yoshihisa Fujii
Review and future scope on the methods for non-destructive evaluation of bio-degradation in wooden historical properties in Japan
P-29 Takuro Mori, Yoshiyuki Yanase, Joko Sulistyo, Ziyadatil Inayah, Sulaeman Yusuf, Maya Ismayati, Yulianto P Prihatmaji, Shuichi Doi
Investigation of biodeterioration in Indonesian traditional wooden structure of “Joglo” Part 1: A case study in Sultan Palace
P-30 Yoshiyuki Yanase, Takuro Mori, Yulianto P Prihatmaji, Sulaeman Yusuf, Maya Ismayati, Joko Sulistyo, Ziyadatil Inayah, Shuichi Doi
Investigation of biodeterioration in Indonesian traditional wooden structure of “Joglo” Part 2: A case study in area of Kotagete
P-31 Miyuki Matsuo, Misao Yokoyama, Kenji Umemura, Hakuju Kuiseko, Shuichi Kawai
Color changes in wood, paper and their components during natural aging and heat treatment: evaluation and application
P-32 Marco Fioravanti, Giacomo Goli, Bruce Carlson
The effect of mechanical loading on conservation of antique violins
P-33 Masashi Nakamura, Saki Nakagawa, Yumi Miyake
Determination of visual and aesthetic properties of edge-grain pattern by multiresolution contrast analysis
P-34 Takunori Noguchi, Eiichi Obataya, Kosei Ando
Effects of ageing on the vibrational properties of akamatsu (Pinus densiflora) wood
P-35 Liu Li-li, Zhang Min
The characteristics of fire protection of old wood construction houses of Chengkan, Huizhou
P-36 Wang Zhi-zheng, Liu Li-li, Zhang Min, Liu Yi-xing
Lao-hu Shrine in Chengkan
P-37 Yu Ooka, Hideaki Tanahashi, Kazuyuki Izuno, Yoshiyuki Suzuki
Embedment characteristics of aged wooden members of traditional architectures in Japan
P-38 Kei Sawata, Masahiko Toda, Satoru Kanetaka, Yoshihisa Sasaki, Takuro Hirai
The effects of repair methods for deteriorated column of wooden houses on bending resistance of columns and shear resistance of opening frames
P-39 Özlem Bozkurt
Historical wooden elements of Birgi Great Mosque
P-40 Yasunobu Noda, Naoyuki Furuta, Takuya Fujiwara, Kohei Komatsu
Development of compressed cross-lapped corner member
P-41 Munekazu Minami, Akihisa Kitamori, Kohei Komatsu
A plank house system —For sustainable forestry management in Japan
P-42 Ridwan Yahya, Katsuhiko Koze, Junji Sugiyama
Serial optical micrograph as an alternative tool for quantitative anatomical analysis of wood
P-43 A. Hasanpoortichi, B. Bazyar, H. Rangavar, H. Khademieslam, R. Hosseinpour pia
Evaluation of the mechanical properties of recyclable particleboard
P-44 Piotr Boruszewski, Piotr Borysiuk, Mariusz Mamiński, Leszek Danecki, Mirosława Mrozek
From past till now —materials and products made of wood particles: old ideas and new challenges
P-45 Hirohito Matsukawa, Hitoshi Takagi
Evaluation of adhesive property of laminated bamboo composites
P-46 Sho Nonaka, Kenji Umemura, Shuichi Kawai, Teruo Kimura
Properties of binderless composites made from Japanese Cypress shavings


Program of the Plenary Presentations
(The 177th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere)

7th August, 2011, 13:30–17:30
Kihada-Hall, Uji-Obaku Plaza, Kyoto University

Professor Shuichi Kawai
Chairperson of the Conference Committee
13:40–13:50 Professor Toshitaka Tsuda
Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University
13:50–14:30 LECTURE 1: “Assessing and Monitoring Italian Renaissance Panel Paintings with a special reference to Mona Lisa”
Professor Luca Uzielli
University of Florence
14:30–15:10 LECTURE 2: “Wood Identification of Excavated Wood from the Ma Wang Dui and Lao Shan Han Dynasty Tombs in China”
Professor Jiang Xiaomei
Chinese Academy of Forestry
15:10–15:30 Coffee Break
15:30–16:10 LECTURE 3: “Wisdom of Master Carpenter for Japanese Traditional Wooden Architecture”
Mr. Masao Nishizawa
Japan Association for the Traditional Construction Arts (JAPTCA)
16:10–16:50 LECTURE 4: “Conservation and Repair of Wooden Sculptures–roles and practices of the Conservation Center for Cultural Properties”
Mr. Sei-ichi Fujimoto
16:50–17:30 LECTURE 5: “Sustainable Science in Wood Culture —recent activities”
Professor Junji Sugiyama
Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University


Oral Presentations

8th August, 2011, 9:00–17:40
Uji-Obaku Plaza, Kyoto University

Room A: KIHADA Hall, 9:00–17:20

   Chairperson: Takao Itoh
9:00 Amin Nawahda, Samar Shanti
Future challenge for wood utilization in sustainable environmental planning
9:20 Sujan Mitra Chakma
Buddhist history and wooden Buddhist art —Traditional Mahayana Buddhist wooden fish art
9:40 Samar Shanti, Amin Nawahda
Wood lattice work in Islamic architecture “Moucharaby”
10:00 Klaus Seeland
Trees, wood and human beings —Analogies in the history of civilization
10:20 Coffee break
   Chairperson: Shuichi Noshiro
10:40 Suyako Mizuno, Junji Sugiyama
Wood identification of wooden Komainu using synchrotron X-ray microtomography
11:00 M. Fioravanti, G. Di Giulio, G. Signorini, G. Galotta, C. Capretti
Wood identification in cultural heritage: methods and quantitative analysis
11:20 Peter Kitin, Jan Van den Bulcke, Tomoyuki Fujii, Katsuhiko Takata, Hans Beeckman, Joris Van Acker, Barbara Lachenbruch
Little invasive or non-invasive imaging of the microstructure of wooden archeological objects by microscopy and X-Ray tomography
11:40 M. Fioravanti, G. Gallo, G. Di Giulio, A. Salvini, S. Ceccarelli
Soft drying techniques applied to conservation of waterlogged archaeological wood
12:00 Lunch time
   Chairperson: Shuichi Kawai
13:00 Keynote Lecture:
Yoon Soo Kim
Wooden cultural heritages in Korea: Current status of conservation policies and deterioration agents
   Chairperson: Suyako Mizuno
13:40 Mechtild Mertz
Traditional use of oaks in Japan
14:00 Kazuo Terada, Noriko Kagemori, Shuichi Kawai, Yance Mandang, Rashmi Srivastava, Yutaka Kagemori
What can fossil wood tell us? —The identification of fossil woods from the Pliocene in West Java, Indonesia
14:20 Coffee break
   Chairperson: Tomoyuki Fujii
14:40 Shuichi Noshiro, Mitsuo Suzuki, Yuka Sasaki
Introduction of Toxicodendron verniciflua Stokes (lacquer tree) and its implication during the prehistoric Jomon period in Japan
15:00 M. Suzuki, S. Noshiro, K. Kobayashi, Y. Sasaki, I. Nishida
Material plants of baskets excavated from the earliest Jomon Higashimyo Site, Kyushu, Japan
15:20 Asensi Amoros, V.
Egyptian woods database: identifications, use and trade —The example of Fustat Istabl’antar (Islamic Period)
15:40 Coffee break
   Chairperson: Mechtild Mertz
16:20 Takao Itoh, Mechtild Mertz, Biao Pan, Dagang Li and Jiayan Luo
Wood species related to Mongolian fleet, unearthed from Takashima undrwater site, Nagasaki, Japan
16:40 Yong Hee Yoon, Yojung Kim, T. Mitsutani, Whan Suk Moon, Won-Kyu Park
Species identification and tree-rings dating of wooded boxes excavated from Shinan Shipwreck, Korea
17:00 M. Imamura, M. Sakamoto, H. Ozaki, H. Matsuzaki, M. Yokoyama, S. Kawai
Variation of 14C in tree-rings and its application to precision dating for archaeological and historical wooden structures of Japan


Room B: Seminar Rooms 4 & 5, 10:40–17:40

10:20 Coffee break
   Chairperson: Tsugunori Kimoto
10:40 Pouya Miryousefi Maafi
Guilan’s timber structures
11:00 Pouya Miryousefi Maafi
Manifestation of symbols and beliefs in Guilan wooden cultural heritages
11:20 Pouya Miryousefi Maafi
Conservation and revitalization of wooden cultural heritages via eco museums —Case study Mirsayar house
12:00 Lunch time
   Chairperson: Yoshihisa Fujii
13:40 Misao Yokoyama, Joseph Gril, Miyuki Matsuo, Hiroyuki Yano, Junji Sugiyama, Bruno Clair, Takumi Mitsutani, Minoru Sakamoto, Mineo Imamura, Shigeru Kubodera, Shuichi Kawai
Wood aging on mechanical properties
14:00 Tsugunori Kimoto, Masahiro Inayama
Primitive construction and modern concept of “Hōryūji-Kondō” with piled timbers and truss system
14:20 Coffee break
   Chairperson: Akihisa Kitamori
14:40 Xiaolin Yang, Hongyi Lu, Qing Zheng
Chinese tradition timber architecture —A systematic thought to human, nature and society
15:00 Ping Yang, Yoshiyuki Suzuki, Hideo Horie
Computer modeling of structural performance of ladder-liked timber beam used in reinforcement of Japanese traditional wooden temple
15:20 Hongyi Lu, Ping Zhang, Xiaolin Yang
The exquisite way of “Jian Jia” —Study on the space logic of Chinese traditional timber architecture
15:40 Hideaki Tanahashi, Yu Ooka, Kazuyuki Izuno, Yoshiyuki Suzuki
Seismic characteristics of traditional wooden architectures in cultural heritage in Japan
16:00 Coffee break
   Chairperson: Hiroyuki Yano
16:20 Sang-Joon Lee, Chul-Ki Kim, Ki-Bok Kim, Jun-Jae Lee
Application of the NDE for reuse of disassembled wooden members from ancient building
16:40 Le Conte Sandie
The use of multidisciplinary mechanical tools for the reconstruction of the Erard Piano in Musée de la musique
17:00 Akihisa Kitamori, Kiho Jung, Yasuo Kataoka, Kohei Komatsu
Utilization of unique nature of compressed wood for the reinforcement of traditional timber buildings
17:20 Yulianto P Prihatmaji, Akihisa Kitamori, Shoichi Nakashima, Satoru Murakami, Kohei Komatsu
Mechanical analysis of rotation performance of Javanese traditional timber joint


Room C: Seminar Rooms 1 & 2, 11:00–16:00

10:20 Coffee break
   Chairperson: Toshiro Morooka
11:00 Wei Xiang,Xu Jianying,Lu Shasha
Dehydration of wood and bamboo tablets using a new alcohol-ether method
11:20 Łukasz Bratasz, Bartosz Rachwał, Łukasz Lasyk, Michał Łukomski, Roman Kozłowski
Analysis of fatigue processes in painted wood
11:40 Michał Łukomski, Łukasz Bratasz, Marcin Strojecki
Understanding the response of painted wood to the environmental impacts: a path to rational strategies for the collection care
12:00 Lunch time
   Chairperson: Masashi Nakamura
13:40 Kenichi Azuma, Katsuyasu Kouda, Masashi Nakamura, Saeko Fujita, Yoshio Tsujino, Michiko Uebori, Junko Kusaki, Shigeto Inoue, Shuichi Kawai
Effects of emissions from cedar timber on psychological and physiological factors in indoor environment
14:00 Joseph Gril, Julien Colmars
Hygromechanics of painted wooden panels from the cultural heritage
14:20 Coffee break
   Chairperson: Tsuyoshi Yoshimura
15:00 Rohny Setiawan Maail, Kenji Umemura, Shuichi Kawai
The degradation behavior of wood cement-bonded board
15:20 Boris Dodji Kasseney, Tianfu Deng, Jianchu Mo
Baiting trials to protect historical wooden houses against Odontotermes formosanus (Isoptera: Termitidae)
15:40 R. Rashmi, Shanbhag, R. Sundararaj
Natural durability of some exotic timbers against termites
16:00 Coffee break



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