Webページ: https://www.rish.kyoto-u.ac.jp/news/arn_2/
京都大学生存圏研究所は、2016(平成28)年度に、生存圏科学の国際化推進の海外拠点を活用した国際共同研究と人材育成をさらに強化するため、「生存圏アジアリサーチノード (ARN)」共同ラボをインドネシア科学院 (LIPI) 内に設置し、国内外の研究者コミュニティーを連接させる(ハブ機能)活動を開始した。
今回、ARN のハブ機能の強化の一環として、国内外の共同研究者を糾合した国際シンポジウムを上記の開催日に開催した(第1回目は今年2月にマレーシア・ペナンで開催)。アジア諸国、欧米諸国、日本国内の多様な研究機関より生存圏科学の創生に貢献する様々な科学分野の研究者を招聘し、7つのセッションを設け、基調講演を含めた合計36の講演を実施し、活発な議論を行った。また、国内外の学生を中心にショートプレゼンテーション付きのポスターセッション(ポスター掲示52件、ショートプレゼンテーション51件)も実施し様々な分野の研究者と学生が直接交流できる場も提供した。参加者の総数は外国人53名、学生71名を含む228名であった。
以上のように,本シンポジウムにおいて ARNの機能を活用した共同研究や生存圏科学の国際展開と教育に関して活発な議論を行うことができ、新たな国際共同研究の発掘と国際研究コミュニティーの拡大、国際的な若手人材の育成、ARNの機能の拡大等に貢献した。
- 生存圏科学の国際展開、国際的な人材育成の強化、国際コミュニティーの拡大
- 赤道大気レーダー等の大型設備、実験フィールド、ARN共同ラボを活用した国際共同研究の拡大
- 国内外の研究機関とARNの連携強化、本研究所のハブ機能の強化
- 本学の国際教育研究拠点としての機能やプレゼンスの向上
- 第3回アジアリサーチノードシンポジウム開催の決定
19th July, 2017
Opening Ceremony Chair: Prof. Tsuyoshi Yoshimura |
09:00–09:05 |
Prof. Takashi Watanabe, Director of RISH, Kyoto University |
09:05–09:10 |
Prof. Sulaeman Yusuf, Head of Research Center for Biomaterials-LIPI |
09:10–09:25 |
Intoroduction to Asia Research Node (ARN)
09:25–09:40 |
Photo Session |
09:40–10:30 |
Short Poster Presentation — Elevator Speech I (P01–P27) |
10:30–12:30 |
[Session 1] Producing Biomass Energy and Material through Revegetation of Alang-alang Fields Chair: Prof. Toshiaki Umezawa
- (Keynote) Plant diversity in Imperata cylindrica fields: case study in Cibinong, Katingan and Kupang Regencies of Indonesia
Didi Usmadi, Didik Widyatmoko*, Joko R. Witono, Danang W. Purnomo, Iyan Robiansyah, Mahat Magandhi, Hendra Helmanto, Reza R. Rivai, and Rizmoon N. Zulkarnaen (*Center for Plant Conservation, Bogor Botanic Gardens-LIPI, Indonesia)
- (invited) The importance of soil microorganism for revegetation of degraded land
I Made Sudiana*, and Atit Kanti (*Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia)
- (invited) Revegetation of degraded grassland with sorghum plants by applying anorganic and organic fertilization
Reni Lestari*, Kartika N. Tyas, Mahat Magandhi, Didi Usmadi, Arief N. Rachmadiyanto, Reza R. Rivai, Hendra Helmanto, Rizmoon N. Zulkarnaen, and Frisca Damayanti (*Center for Plant Conservation, Bogor Botanic Gardens-LIPI, Indonesia)
- (invited) Properties of particleboard from alang-alang grass and natural adhesives
Subyakto*, Firda Aulya Syamani, Kurnia Wiji Prasetiyo, Lilik Astari, and Eko Widodo (*Research Center for Biomaterials, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia)
- (invited) Metabarcoding analysis of soil microorganisms as a novel tool for soil environmental diagnosis and improvement
Shigeru Hanano*, I Nyoman Sumerta, Masaru Kobayashi, Hideki Hirakawa, Nozomu Sakurai and Daisuke Shibata (*Kazusa DNA Research Institute, Japan)
12:30–13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30–15:30 |
[Session 2] Wood Biomass Conversion — Green Chemistry and Biological Processes Chair: Dr. Hiroshi Nishimura
- (Keynote) Transfer research results into green products and materials (keynote)
Gunnar Westman* (*Chalmers university of technology, Sweden)
- (invited) Potentiality and limit of rice husk utilizing as a renewable substrate for production of biofuel and biorefinery
Chartchai Khanongnuch*, Woottichai Nachaiweing, and Takashi Watanabe (*Chiang Mai University, Thailand)
- (invited) Identification of β-1 structure existing as spirodienone unit in lignin
Takuya Akiyama*, Tomoya Yokoyama and Yuji Matsumoto (*The University of Tokyo, Japan)
- (invited) Protection group chemistry enables the high yield production of lignin-derived monomers during integrated biomass depolymerization
Jeremy Luterbacher*, coworkers and collaborators. (* Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland)
- (invited) Designing of synergistic enzyme systems for biomass saccharification
Benjarat Bunterngsook, Pattanop Kanokratana, Satoshi Oshiro, Takashi Watanabe, Verawat Champreda* (*National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Thailand)
15:30–16:00 |
Coffee Break |
16:00–18:00 |
[Session 3] Green Wood Technology Chair: Dr. Kenji Umemura, Dr. Kentaro Abe
- (Keynote) Trend in research and practice of timber utilization as building material in China
Zeli Que*, Zherui Li, and Xiaolan Zhang (*Nanjing Forestry University, China)
- (invited) Properties of green composite made from Indonesian agricultural waste
Yuliati Indrayani*, Kenji Umemura, and Tsuyoshi Yoshimura (*Faculty of Forestry, Tanjungpura University, Indonesia)
- (invited) Green nanomaterials for new applications
Md. Iftekhar Shams*, Sourav Bagchi Ratul, and Hiroyuki Yano (*Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh)
- (invited) Recent research activity for timber structure in Japan
Takuro Mori* (*Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan)
18:10–20:00 |
Poster Session & Welcome Mixer |
20th July, 2017
09:00–09:50 |
Short Poster Presentation — Elevator Speech II (P28–P53)
09:50–11:50 |
[Session 4] Research Advances on Invasive Species Management Chair: Dr. Chin-Cheng Yang
- (Keynote) Genetic changes associated with fire ant invasions
DeWayne Shoemaker*, Eyal Privman, and Chin-Cheng Yang (*Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, University of Tennessee, USA)
- (invited) Struggle with invasive alien species in Japan
Kouichi Goka* (*Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan)
- (invited) Long-term research on the dynamics of the invasive Argentine ants and native ants in Hiroshima, western Japan
Fuminori Ito* (*Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University, Japan)
- (invited) Monitoring the human-mediated spread of alien ant species through global data synthesis and local sampling networks in Okinawa
Evan Economo*, Benoit Guenard, and Masashi Yoshimura (*Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Okinawa, Japan)
- (invited) Does land use and habitat complexity affect resistance to biological invasion in tropical agroecosystem?
Damayanti Buchori* (*Department of Plant Protection, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia)
- (invited) The global resurgence of bed bugs with special reference to Asia
Chow-Yang Lee*, Motokazu Hirao, Changlu Wang, and Yijuan Xu (*Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia)
- (invited) The development and application of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in the monitoring and control techniques of RIFA (red imported fire ant)
Chung-Chi Lin* (*Department of Biology, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan; National Red Imported Fire Ant Control Center, Taipei, Taiwan)
11:50–12:50 |
Lunch |
12:50–14:50 |
[Session 5] Research Alliance on Water-logged Wood in East and South-East Asia Chair: Prof. Junji Sugiyama, Yohsei Kohdzuma
- (Keynote) The analysis and conservation of waterlogged archeological wooden artifacts in Korea
Lee Kwang-Hee* and Kim Su-Chul (*Department of Conservation Science, Korea National University of Cultural Heritage, Korea)
- (invited) Preservation of significant component of Punjulharjo ancient boat and excavated charred wood in Indonesia
Nahar Cahyandaru* (*Borobudur Conservation Office, Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia)
- (invited) Temporary storage of waterlogged wood excavated from archaeological sites
Kazutaka Matsuda* (*Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Japan)
- (invited) Outline of conservation method with using of Trehalose for archaeological waterlogged wood. —Technique, Effect & Potentiality—
Kouji Ito*, and Akiko Miyake** (*Osaka City Cultural Properties Association, Japan, **Hayashibara co.,Ltd, Japan)
- (invited) Networking of conservation of waterlogged wooden cultural heritages in south-east Asia
Yohsei Kohdzuma* (*Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Japan)
14:50–15:20 |
Coffee Break |
15:20–17:20 |
[Session 6] Remote Sensing of Tropical Forests from Space Chair: Prof. Yoshiharu Omura
- (Keynote) Earth observation by fully polarimetric radar
Yoshio Yamaguchi* (*Niigata University, Japan)
- (invited) Forest bio-physical parameter estimation using PolInSAR data
Gulab Singh* (CSRE, IIT Bombay, India)
- (invited) Sustainable forest management based on experience in PT. Musi Hutan Persada, South Sumatera, Indonesia
Rachmat Wahyono* (*PT. Musi Hutan Persada, South Sumatera, Indonesia)
- (invited) Vegetation structure influences on bird diversity: linking remote sensing and biodiversity monitoring
Motoko S. Fujita*, Tsuyoshi Yoshimura, Yoshiharu Omura, and Shoko Kobayashi (*CSEAS, Kyoto University, Japan)
- (invited) Retrieval of vegetation structure in Indonesian plantation forests from microwave satellite remote sensing data
Shoko Kobayashi*, Yoshiharu Omura, and Motoko S. Fujita (*College of Agriculture, Tamagawa University, Japan)
17:30–18:30 |
Poster Session |
18:30–20:00 |
Banquet (& Poster Session) |
21st July, 2017
09:00–11:00 |
[Session 7] Equatorial Fountain —Study of Atmosphere, Motion and Materials— Chair: Prof. Mamoru Yamamoto
- (Keynote) Stratospheric transport processes described by atmospheric tracers
Fumio Hasebe* (*Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University, Japan)
- (invited) Strateole 2: a long-duration balloon campaign to study wave and transport in the equatorial UTLS
Albert Hertzog*, Richard Wilson, and Riwal Plougonven (*LMD, Palaiseau, France)
- (invited) Significance of the EAR for atmospheric and space research and education activity in Indonesia
Afif Budiyono*, Halimurrhman, Clara Yono Yatini, Syafrizon, and Mamoru Yamamoto (*National Institute of Aeronautics and Space of Indonesia (LAPAN), Indonesia)
- (invited) Impacts of tropical peat fires on environment
Masayuki Itoh*, Osamu Kozan*, Mikinori Kuwata, and Masahiro Kawasaki (*CSEAS, Kyoto, University, Japan)
- (invited) Origin, growth and dynamics of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles (EPBs) observed from Equatorial Atmospheric Radar (EAR)
Sudarsanam Tulasiram*, K. K. Ajith, Mamoru Yamamoto, and Tatsuhiro Yokoyama (*Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Mumbai, India)
Closing Remarks Chair: Prof. Tsuyoshi Yoshimura |
11:00–11:05 |
Dr. Afif Budiyono, Deputy Chairman of National Institute of Aeronautics and Space of Indonesia (LAPAN) |
11:05–11:10 |
Prof. Kazufumi Yazaki, RISH, Kyoto University |
11:30–18:30 |
Excursion (Byodo-in temple, MU Radar) |