
生存圏科学スクール: 持続的生存圏の構築に向けて
3rd Humanosphere Science School 2009
“Scientific Exploration and Sustainable Management of Peat Land Resources in Giam Siak-Bukit Batu Biosphere Reserve of Riau, Sumatra”

更新日: 2015/12/24

開催日時 2009/08/04(火) 8:00~ - 2009/08/05(水) ~16:00
開催場所 インドネシア国、リアウ州ペカンバル市、リアウ大学本部キャンパス大教室
主催者 京都大学 (生存圏研究所ならびにG-COEプログラム),インドネシア科学院バイオマテリアルユニット、リアウ大学
申請代表者 山本衛 (京都大学生存圏研究所レーダー大気圏科学分野)
関連ミッション ミッション 1 (環境計測・地球再生)
ミッション 2 (太陽エネルギー変換・利用)
ミッション 4 (循環型資源・材料開発)
関連分野 生存基盤科学。



東南アジアの熱帯天然林が乱伐により減少して行く中で、大規模な人工植林が興りつつある。そこで、G-COE ではインドネシアスマトラ島リアウ州 Giam Siak/Kecil-Bukit Batu 自然林保護区(18万ha)を囲む産業林(22万ha)、更にそれらを囲むパーム林(30万ha)からなる生物圏で、インドネシア科学院ならびにリアウ大学の研究者たちと研究活動を進めている。住民組織と泥炭地の持続的利用、荒廃泥炭林の修復、樹木からバイオエタノール生産のケーススタディ、生物多様性評価などである。


  August 4 
8:00–  8:30 Registration
8:30–  9:00 Opening ceremony
Opening speech from Suprapedi
Opening speech from Rector UR, who will officiate the opening
9:00–  9:15 Coffee break
9:15–  9:45 Endang Sukara (LIPI)
Biosphere reserve toward sustainable development of Riau — an update
9:45–10:15 Shigeo Kobayashi (Kyoto University)
Ecological functions of peat swamp forest and land resource management option for global warming mitigation in Southern Asian wetlands
10:15–10:45 Sofyan H. Siregar (Riau University)
The use of epilithic diatom (Bacillariophyceae) as bioindicator pollution in aquatic ecosystem
10:45–11:15 A. Rachman Sidik (KSDA)
Scientific studies for reserve management and empowerment of local communities
11:15–11:45 Shen Tse An (Sinarmas)
Tree improvement — the way to be sustainable for plantation and paper company
11:45–12:15 Koji Tanaka (Kyoto University)
Social forestry and empowerment of local communities: a lesson from the Gunung Betung, Lampung Province
12:15–13:15 Lunch time
13:15–13:45 Saiful Hadi (Riau University)
Toward a biosphere reserve: socioeconomic dynamics and challenges of sustainable management of Giam Siak-Bukit Batu Area in Riau
13:45–14:15 Noa Nishimoto (Kyoto University)
A descriptive study of the antandroy dialect of Malagasy: concept of time and space
14:15–14:45 Enny Sudarmonowati (LIPI)
Research results and potential activities in Riau areas: its support to ecosystem and community
14:45–15:15 Arif Yudiarto (BPPT)
Indonesia prospect as “Brazil” of Asia ethanol production
15:15–15:45 Coffee break
15:45–16:15 Takahisa Hayashi (Kyoto University)
Case study on bioethanol production in Riau
16:15–16:45 Titania Nugroho (Riau University)
Isolation, molecular identification and phylogenetic analysis of industrially important fungi from soil (case study Trichoderma)
16:45–17:15 Rumi Kaida (Kyoto University)
Enhancement of saccharification in transgenic trees
19:00–21:00 Banquet
  August 5 
8:30–  9:00 Shuichi Kawai (Kyoto University)
Sustainable production and utilization of forest biomass in tropics
9:00–  9:30 Joenie Setijo Rahajoe (LIPI)
Carbon cycle and sink in several forest ecosystem types and agriculture land in relation to carbon trade
9:30–10:00 Yasuo Iijima (JICA)
JICA’S activities in department forestry
10:00–10:30 Osamu Kozan (Kyoto University)
Heat, water and CO2 cycle in South East Asia
10:30–11:00 Coffee break
11:00–11:30 Ignatius Sutapa (LIPI)
Water management system in peat swamp region
11:30–12:00 Kosuke Mizuno (Kyoto University)
People’s management of natural resources: the case of peat land conservation and restoration
12:00–13:30 Lunch time
13:30–14:00 Herwin Simbolon (LIPI)
Peat swamp forest ecosystem: an important ecosystem on regional land use planning
14:00–14:30 Motoko Fujita (Kyoto University)
Biodiversity in plantation: case studies in acacia plantation on birds, termites and fungi
14:30–15:00 Delita Zul (Riau University)
The use of microorganisms in soil quality assessment and monitoring
15:00–15:30 Asami Kabasawa (Kyoto University)
Ecotourism in Indonesia: seeking models for developing ecotourism in Riau
15:30–16:00 Closing ceremony


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