
客員教授 Ortwin Renn客員教授によるRISHセミナーが開催されました

2024年4月24日、当研究所客員教授 Ortwin Renn博士(Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Center Potsdam)によるRISHセミナー「How to involve stakeholders and citizens in transdisciplinary research」が会場とzoomのハイブリット形式で開催されました。

Seminar Key points:
Prof. Renn  emphasized the importance of transdisciplinary research, including stakeholder engagement, participatory research design, and the integration of theoretical and practical knowledge. He presented various analytical tools and approaches to conflict resolution, deliberation, and decision-making, and discussed the critical elements for successful deliberation. Prof. Renn  also highlighted the value of transdisciplinary research in tackling sustainability challenges, and discussed the complexities of cross-cultural communication in research.
Next Action Items:
We will explore methods for identifying transdisciplinary research topics by engaging stakeholders and citizens through processes like citizen assemblies.
In RISH, we will evaluate suitable facilitators and process designers with expertise in both the subject domain and facilitation skills for catalyzing transdisciplinary research processes and will establish clear criteria and methods for measuring the outputs, outcomes, and impacts of transdisciplinary research processes.


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