

Updated: 2022/07/01


Creation of Novel Science for the Humanosphere: Diagnosis and Remediation of the Earth

RISH defines the “humanosphere” as the spheres that support human activities, including the human living environment, the forest-sphere, the atmosphere and the space environment. We aim to investigate present and future problems of the humanosphere and explore innovative technology that will contribute to establishing a sustainable society in harmony with the natural environment.

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Joint Usage / Research Center

RISH was approved as the Joint Usage/Research Center for the science of the humanosphere. RISH consists of the following two core research areas: the Core Research Divisions,which focus on fundamental humanosphere research; and the Center for Future Pioneering Research on the Humanosphere, which is newly established to promote innovative studies.

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By integrating the research results obtained in all the Core Research Divisions, we pursue solutions to present and future problems concerning the humanosphere by addressing our four missions: “Mission 1: Environmental Diagnosis and Regulation of Circulatory Function”, “Mission 2: Advanced Development of Science and Technology towards a Solar Energy Society”, “Mission 3: Sustainable Space Environments for Humankind”, “Misson 4: Development and Utilization of Wood-based Sustainable Materials in Harmony with the Human Living Environment”, and “Mission 5: Quality of the Future Humanosphere.” p2-21_2-1

Educational Programs

We promote the education of graduate students in the scientific fields of agriculture, engineering, natural science, and informatics at the graduate schools of Kyoto University. We likewise educate young research fellows by encouraging their participation in collaborative projects using the world-class, top-level research facilities available at the Joint Usage/Research Center. Through our symposiums and open seminars, we are fostering the development of the future leaders of our society.

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Gokasho, Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. 611-0011
Telephone: +774-38-3346 Facsimile: +774-38-3600