
Events - International Symposium

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International Symposium


523rd Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
The 8th Asia Research Node Symposium on
Humanosphere Science — jointly with —
The 2nd International Conference Environment and Sustainable Development
Date 2023/10/29
Mission ミッション1 環境診断・循環機能制御
ミッション2 太陽エネルギー変換・高度利用
ミッション3 宇宙生存環境
ミッション4 循環材料・環境共生システム
ミッション5 高品位生存圏
499th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
Microbial metabolites in deep sea and soil: collection, analysis, and functions in biological interactions.
Date 2023/06/14(水曜日) 14:00~16:30


The 494th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
Future perspective of study on nonlinear wave-particle interaction
Date 2023/03/16(木曜日) - 2023/03/17(金曜日)
The 488th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
The 13th Tropical Biomass Flagship Symposium
Date 2022-12-22
The 487th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
The 7th Asia Research Node Symposium on Humanosphere Science (the 10th Sustainable Development Seminar)
Date 2022-12-21
The 486th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
Asian Wireless Power Transfer Workshop 2022 (AWPT 2022)
Date 2022-12-05/06
The 478th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
16th International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy (ISEA-16)
Date 2022-09-12/16
The 476th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
The 2nd online symposium of the Plant Microbiota Research Network
Date 2022-08-22 13:00–18:30


The 472nd Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
Producing Biomass Energy and Material through Revegetation of Deteriorated Grass Fields
(The 6th SATREPS Conference of Producing Biomass Energy and Material through Revegetation of Deteriorated Grass Fields)
Date 2021-03-25
The 448th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
The 6th Asia Research Node Symposium on Humanosphere Science (Joint International Symposium on 20th Anniversary of Equatorial Atmosphere Radar)
Date 2021-09-20/22
The 454th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
Plant Microbiota Research Network
Date 2021-08-27


The 436th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
The 5th Asia Research Node Symposium on Humanosphere Science
Date 2020-12-22/23
The 438th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere and The 11th Flagship Symposium of Tropical Plant Biomass
The 5th SATREPS Conference, Producing Biomass Energy and Material through Revegetation of Alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica) Fields
Date 2020-11-17
The 426th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
The 9th VERSIM (VLF/ELF Remote Sensing of Ionospheres and Magnetospheres) Workshop
Date 2020-03-23/27 2020-11-16/20


The 413th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
Science Meeting for Plasma and Nanobubble Research
Date 2019-11-01 & 2019-12-27
The 407th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
The 4th Asia Research Node Symposium on Humanosphere Science
Date 2019-12-26/28
Place Nanjing International Conference Hotel, People’s Republic of China
The 406th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
Producing Biomass Energy and Material through Revegetation of Deteriorated Grass Fields (The 4th SATREPS Conference of Producing Biomass Energy and Material through Revegetation of Deteriorated Grass Fields)
Date 2019-11-19/20
Place Wood Composite Hall, RISH, Kyoto University.
The 409th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
Humanosphere Science School 2019 (HSS2019)
Date 2019-10-28/29
Place Bogor, Indonesia.
The 412th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
NDACC Science Workshop in Tsukuba
Date 2019-10-17/18
Place National Institute for Environmental Studies (2019-10-17)
International Congress Center EPOCHAL TSUKUBA/National Institute for Environmental Studies/Meteorological Research Institute/Aerological Observatory (2019-10-18)


The 398th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
1st International School on Equatorial Atmosphere (ISQUAR) 2019
Date 2019-03-18/22
Place National Institute of Aeronautics and Space, Kota Bandung, Republik Indonesia
The 397th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
Bioengineering of lignocellulose for clean energy production: perspectivesand opportunities
Date 2019-02-27/28
Place Wood Composite Hall, RISH, Kyoto University.
The 391st Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
Wood Culture and Science 18
Current state of Wood science and Xylarium in East Asia
Date 2019-02-21 14:10–16:50
The 390th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
8th international symposium of collaborative researches in Fukushima since the Great East Japan Earthquake
Date 2018-12-11/12
The 376th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
Producing Biomass Energy and Material through Revegetation of Deteriorated Grass Fields
(The 3rd SATREPS Conference of Producing Biomass Energy and Material through Revegetation of Deteriorated Grass Fields)
Date 2018-11-22
Place Rafflesia Room, Conservation Building, Center for Plant Conservation Botanic Gardens, Bogor, Indonesia
The 384th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
Humanosphere Science School 2018 (HSS2018)
The 8th International Symposium for Sustainable Humanosphere
Date 2018-10-18/19
Place Hotel GranDhika, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara, Republik Indonesia
The 383rd Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
The SPARC (Stratosphere-troposphere Processes And their Role in Climate) 2018 General Assembly
Date 2018-09-30/10-05
Place Miyako Messe (Kyoto city)
The 373rd Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
The 3rd Asia Research Node Symposium on Humanosphere Science
Date 2018-09-25/27
Place National Chung Hsing University (台湾國立中興大學)
The 375th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
The 23rd International Symposium on Plant Lipid (ISPL2018): Session "Secondary metabolic lipids"
Date 2018-07-09
The 377th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
International symposium on utilization of agricultural residue.
Date 2018-06-15/16
Place Ānhuī, China.


The 364th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
Invasive Ant Conference 2018
Date 2018-01-23
Place Kihada Hall, Uji Obaku Plaza, Uji Campus, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, Japan.
The 346th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
Wood culture and science 17
The Twelfth Joint Seminar of China-Korea-Japan on Wood Quality and Utilization of Domestic Species
Date 2017-12-18/20
Place Uji Campus, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, Japan.
The 361st Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
The 3rd International Seminar of Nano bubble Science Program
Date 2017-12-06/08
Place Yayoi Auditorium, Ichijo Hall/Annex, The University of Tokyo
The 358th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
The 2nd SATREPS Conference
Producing Biomass Energy and Material through Revegetation of Alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica) Fields
(The 8th Flagship Symposium of Tropical Plant Biomass)
The 3rd Sustainable Development Seminar
Date 2017-11-16/17
Place Wood Composite Hall, Uji Campus, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, Japan.
The 360th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
Humanosphere Science School 2017 (HSS2017)
Date 2017-11-01/02
Place Bogor, Indonesia.
The 359th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
International Workshop on radio science and radio application technology
Date 2017-10-29/30
Place KANAZAWA BUNKA HALL, Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan.
The 355th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
Fire Ant Workshop 2017
Date 2017-10-10 13:00–17:30
Place Campus Plaza Kyoto, Lecture Room 2
The 349th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
International Symposium on Earth-Science Challenges (ISEC)
The 5th Summit between the University of Oklahoma and Kyoto University
Date 2017-10-01/05
Place Uji Obaku Plaza, Uji Campus, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, Japan.
The 343rd Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
The Asia Research Node International Symposium on Humanosphere Science
Date 2017-07-19/21
Place Uji Obaku Plaza, Uji Campus, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, Japan.
The 348th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
International Symposium on Utilization of Agricultural Wastes in Anhui
Date 2017-06-05
Place Héféi Shì, Ānhuī, China.
The 344th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
The 15th Workshop on Technical and Scientific Aspects of MST Radar
Date 2017-05-27/31
Place National Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo, Japan.


The 331st Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
2nd GEOlab-RISH Joint workshop on GNSS and SAR Technologies for Atmospheric Sensing
Date 2017-03-06/09
Place Uji Obaku Plaza, Uji Campus, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, Japan.
International Workshop on Exploration of Biological Activities of Plant Resources towards Sustainable Humanosphere
Date 2017-03-06 (Mon) 13:00–17:45
Place Uji Obaku Plaza, Seminar Room 1 & 2, Uji Campus, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, Japan.
Mission ミッション5-1 人の健康・環境調和
The 332nd Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
Workshop of waves in space plasma
Date 2016-12-02/03
Place Wood Composite Hall, Uji Campus, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, Japan.
The 329th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
Humanosphere Science School 2016 (HSS2016)
Date 2016-11-15/16
Place IPB International Convention Center (IPB ICC), Bogor, Indonesia.
The 333rd Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
Workshop for magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling of inner magnetosphere through synergetic approach by observations and modeling
Date 2016-11-15/16
Place Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan.
The 328th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
Producing Biomass Energy and Material through Revegetation of Deteriorated Grass Fields
(2nd SATREPS Symposium of Producing Biomass Energy and Material through Revegetation of Deteriorated Grass Fields)
Date 2016-11-14
Place Bogor, Indonesia.
6th international symposium of collaborative researches in Fukushima since the Great East Japan Earthquake
Date 2016-10-26 13:00-17:00, 19:30-21:00
Place Fukushima Terrsa
Mission ミッション1 環境診断・循環機能制御
The 323rd Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
International Symposium on the Whole Atmosphere (ISWA)
Date 2016-09-14/16
Place Ito Hall, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.


International Symposium on Frontier Researches in Sustainable Humanosphere 2015
Date 2015(平成27)年11月16–17日
Place 京都大学生存圏研究所 木質ホール3階
Host 京都大学生存圏研究所
International Symposium on Frontier Researches in Sustainable Humanosphere 2015
Date 2015-11-16/17
Place Wood Composite Hall, Uji Campus, Kyoto University
Host Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University.


Symposium on dynamics of the geospace
Date 2014-01-16/17
Place Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA, Japan.
Humanosphere Science School 2013 (HSS2013) The 3rd International Symposium for Sustainable Humanosphere (The 3rd ISSH)
Date 2013-09-09/11
Place University of Bengkulu, Indonesia.
International workshop on GPS radio occultation mission with a micro satellite
Date 2013-08-08/09
Place Chiba University, Japan.
International Symposium for making good use of GNSS data in Southeast Asia
Date 2013-07-01/02
Place Indonesia.
International Symposium on Frontier Researches in Sustainable Humanosphere 2013
—Humanosphere Science School 2013—
Date 2013-11-27/28
Place Kihada Hall, Uji Obaku Plaza, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, Japan.
Host Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University.
International CAWSES-II Symposium Conference
Date 2013-11-18/22
Place Toyoda Auditorium of Nagoya University, Japan.
The 4th International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security (SustaiN) 2013 Conference
Date 2013-10-19/20
Place Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University, Japan.
International Symposium on Earth-Science Challenges (ISEC) 2013 —The 3rd Summit between the University of Oklahoma and Kyoto University
Date 2013-10-03/05
Place Uji Obaku Plaza, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, Japan.


International Workshop of GPS Meteorology
Date 2012-03-26 (Cancelled)
Place Kyoto University’s Tokyo Office
Nanocellulose Summit 2012
Date 2012-10-15
Place Kyoto TERRSA


The 1st ICSU World Data System Conference —Global Data for Global Science
Date 2011-09-03/06
Place Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University.
International Symposium on 10th Anniversary of Equatorial Atmosphere Radar
Date 2011-09-22/23
Place National Institute of Aeronautics and Space of Indonesia (LAPAN), Indonesia.
Humanosphere Science School 2011 (HSS2011)
Date 2011-09-21/24
The 2nd Summit Between the University of Oklahoma and Kyoto University
Date 2011-09-14/16
Wood Culture and Science Kyoto 2011 (WCS Kyoto2011)
Date 2011-08-06/09
Place Uji Obaku Plaza, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, JAPAN.
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series (IMWS) on Innovative Wireless Power Transmission: Technologies, Systems, and Applications (IMWS-IWPT2011)
Date 2011-05-12/13
Place Uji Obaku Plaza, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, JAPAN.
UTAN-RISH Workshop 2011
Date 2011-12-07/08 (Postponed)
6th Atmospheric Limb Conference
Date 2011-11-29/12-01
Place Yamauchi Hall of Shiran-kaikan, Kyoto University.
The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security (SustaiN) 2011
Date 2011-10-08/09
Place Uji Obaku Plaza, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, JAPAN.

Gokasho, Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. 611-0011
Telephone: +774-38-3346 Facsimile: +774-38-3600