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The 209th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere:
Nanocellulose Summit 2012

Add Nanocellulose Poster Exhibition

The world’s top scientists and large research project leaders involved with nanocellulose brought together. They will speak about each country’s current status and prospects concerning nanocellulose research and industrialization.


Supporters’ Organization (Engagement):

The Cellulose Society Japan, Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry (METI) Japan, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization Japan (NEDO), Japan Bioindustry Association, Japan Association For Chemical Innovation

Applications and Inquiries:

Nanocellulose Summit 2012 organizer Laboratory of Active Bio-based Materials (Yano Lab) Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University.

E-mail: seibutukinomat@rish.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Nanocellulose Poster Exhibition

Nanocellulose Summit 2012 Program:

10:30Opening remarks
10:40Prof. Akira Isogai (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
11:10Prof. Derek G. Gray (McGill University, Canada)
11:40Prof. Kristiina Oksman (Lulea University of Technology, Sweden)
12:10Lunch break
13:30Prof. Lars Berglund (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
14:00Dr. Tanja Zimmermann (Empa, Switzerland)
14:30Ms. Pia Qvintus (VTT, Finland)
15:30Dr. Antti Laukkanen (UPM, Finland)
16:00Dr. Richard Berry (CelluForce, Canada)
16:30Prof. Hiroyuki Yano (Kyoto University, Japan)
17:15Concluding remarks

Nanocellulose Poster Exhibition

Symposium-0209a Symposium-0209b
Symposium-0209_(Nanocellulose_summit_2012)_en.pdf (375 145 bytes)