
Core Research Divisions

Updated: 2022/04/12


The Core Research Divisions, a group which consists of both regular and provisional staffs, is engaged in basic investigations on our humanosphere toward achieving the stated research missions by integrating their expertise. The Division of Diagnostics and Control of the Humanosphere which includes 7 different laboratories pursues research on the analytical and mechanistic interpretations of and control of a wide variety of phenomena occurring in our humanosphere through the elucidation and integral understanding of the mechanisms of wood formation as well as measurement and diagnostic analysis of the atmospheric environment with the aid of radio science and technology. The Division of Creative Research and Development of the Humanosphere which also includes 7 different laboratories pursues research on developing of new materials and technologies required to extend our sustainable humanosphere through the research on measurement and assessment of the space environment, solar power station/satellite in space, and ideal recycling systems for wood resources. The Division of Strategic Research on the Humanosphere which consists of 5 laboratories which explore new research fields that are not presently investigated by the regular staff so far.

Division of Diagnostics and Control of the Humanosphere

The Division of Diagnostics and Control of the Humanosphere aims to examine a wide variety of phenomena occurring within Humanosphere, analyze the mechanisms of these phenomena, and ultimately to control them. The division engages in research on integral understanding and controlling of the mechanisms of wood formation as well as measurement and diagnostic analysis of the atmospheric environment with the aid of radio science and technology.


Division of Creative Research and Development of Humanosphere

The Division of Creative Research and Development of Humanosphere is a group of experts pursuing research to stop the ongoing deteriorations of the Humanosphere and to remedy the Humanosphere. One main research area is the technological development for new recycling systems of forest resources. The other research area is the technological development for the expansion of the Humansophere into space, which includes the research on the solar power station (SPS), satellite observations of space electro-magnetic environments, and computer simulations on space science and technology.


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