Flagship Collaborative Research “Collaborative Research of Energy Transfer and Material Conversion by Microwaves”
Updated: 2022/06/01
Project Outline
Collaborative Research of Energy Transfer and Material Conversion by Microwaves
Leader : Naoki Shiohara
This collaborative research aims to open a new field of microwave utilization for wireless energy transfer (Microwave Power Transfer, Wireless Power Transfer) and energy transfer sources for the development of materials (biofuels and functional materials derived from biomass and inorganic resources such as metals and ceramics). This collaborative research also aims at expanding microwave-applied science and technology through communication between microwave engineers and chemists, biologists, physicists, medical and material scientists from the Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere and other research organizations around the world.
Outcome from the project
■Yong Huang : 2015 IEEE MTT-S Japan Young Engineer Award, 2015.10.5
■Shinohara’s Lab : Microwave Workshops & Exhibition (MWE) 2014, 2015, 2016
「Wireless Power Transfer via Radiowaves (Wave Series)」Naoki Shinohara
ISBN 978-1-84821-605-1、Publisher ISTE Ltd. and John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Great Britain and United States、(Jan. 2014)
Social Activites
IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTc) (2011, former IEEE IMWS-IWPT(IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Innovative Wireless Power Transmission: Technologies, Systems, and Applications)
Masaki Shinohara: General Chair and Founder (2011), Advisory committee他 (2012- )
International Journal of Wireless Power Transfer (Cambridge Press)
Masaki Shinohara: Founder (2013), Executive Editor(2013- )
Space Solar Power Systems (SSPS)
Masaki Shinohara・Yohei Ishikawa: Founders (2014) , Chiars (2014- )
JST Center Of Innovation (COI)
Project Leader: Tsuyoshi Nomura (Panasonic), Research Leader: Hidetoshi Kotera (Kyoto University) (2013-)
Big biomass conversion projects using microwave reactions
NEDO Project (2005-2008)
“Pretreatment of woody biomass for enzymatic saccharification using selective white rot fungi and microwave solvolysis”
NEDO Project (2008-2014)
“Highly efficient production system of bioethanol from woody biomass”
NEDO Project (2014)
“R & D of bioethanol production system from waste construction wood”
NEDO Project (2014 -)
“Development of production process of chemical feedstocks from woody biomass”
CREST Project (2011 – 2016)
“Creation of lignin-derived functional polymers from plant biomass using electromagnetic wave-responsive catalytic reactions
ALCA Project (2015-)
Studies on sophisticated lignin degradation by marine microbial enzymes and its application to artificial lacquer materials
We constructed a bench-scale bench plant using microwave and gene-engineered microorganisms through these big projects and apply it to the demonstration production experiments of biofuels and useful chemicals in collaboration with private companies. (The plant is an asset of Kyoto Univ. and placed in a private company.)