Flagship Collaborative Research "Integrated studies of the sustainable production and utilization of tropical biomass plants"
Updated: 2017/10/18
Project Outline
Integrated studies of the sustainable production and utilization of tropical biomass plants
Leader: Toshiaki Umezawa
The aim of this flagship projects is to conduct international collaborative research towards the establishment of system for the sustainable management and utilization of tropical plantation of trees and grass biomass plants.
Outcome from the project
◎Externally funded project
Science and Technology Cooperation on Global Issues(JST/JICA)”Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS: Project Type Technical Cooperation)”(2016-2021)
leader:Professor Toshiaki Umezawa
Large parts of deforested areas of Southeast Asia are dominated by grass weeds such as Imperata cylindrica. The deteriorated grassland that has emerged in the space left by felled tropical natural forest has been difficult to convert to agricultural or forest land. To address this problem, we are working on (1) comprehensive analysis of the microorganisms present in the soil environment, (2) establishment of an efficient fertilization process, (3) breeding of large-sized gramineous biomass crops, and (4) practical realization of low environmental impact wood-based material and fuel pellets.
◎Establishment of facilities and equipments
Renovation of Treub laboratory in Bogor Botanical Garden
The 1st Treub laboratory was built in 1884 (Netherlandish colonial period), and it was rebuilt in 1914. The laboratory had been used for researches of tropical plants, and hence has much historical value. To establish a research environment, which can contribute to international collaborative works such as the SATREPS project, a major upgrade or massive renovation of the laboratory was carried out in 2017.
Establishment of an experimental field for cultivation of Sorghum in Kalimantan
The experimental field for cultivation of Sorghum was established at the Katingan Botanical Garden in Kalimantan, which is one of the target site of the SATREPS project. A 1st cultivation test was started in April of 2017.
Renovation of a greenhouse in Research Center for Biotechnology of Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
In Research Center for Biotechnology, molecular breeding of rice (Oryza sativa L.) with high lignin content or tolerance to drought and other environmental (biotic and abiotic) stresses are being carried out. In addition, characterization of local Sorghum cultivars is being performed toward their applications to biomass or food production. To promote the research activities, a decrepit greenhouse in the research center was renovated in 2017.
◎Convening of symposiums
Kick Off Meeting & Seminar
To propagate our activities in the SATRAPS project, the symposiums were held in Bogor Botanical Garden in September of 2015 and July of 2016.
The 1st SATREPS Conference
The conference was held in Bogor Botanical Garden in November of 2016.