Webinar at Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (Oct.29,Nov.8,Nov.12)
Professor Kenji Umemura will give three lectures at a webinar at Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. ・The first:10/29「The Development of Environmentally Friendly Adhesive and New Wood-Based Material」 ・The second:11/8「Current Condition of Wood and Adhesive Industries in Japan,and How to Write Scientific Paper.」 ・The third:11/12 Introduction of Laboratory of Sustainable Materials,RISH Kyoto University
Announcement:The 307th lecture of JSMS Committee on Wood and Wood-Based Materials
Asst.Prof.Miyuki Matsuo will give a lecture at The 307th lecture of JSMS Committee on Wood and Wood-Based Materials. ・Theme:”The evaluation of residual stress distribution of large-diameter sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) and keyaki (Zelkova serrata) logs” ・Date:Oct.13th,2021 14:00~14:50 ・Place:online (Zoom) Advance application is required. Click here for details.
Online lecture to Northeast Forestry University in China was held on July 30th.
Professor Kenji Umemura and Associate Professor Miyuki Matsuo gave an online lecture to Northeast Forestry University,China. Since the signing of the MOU in 2015 with Northeast Forestry University, China, we have been actively interacting with each other.