
Research philosophy










Welcome to the homepage of Laboratory of Timber Science and Engineering!

In our laboratory, our research focus is put into areas like utilization of wooden and wood-based composite materials, development of buildings with high seismic resilience, and estimation of mechanical properties of existing timber structures.

As one of the oldest structural materials, timber is constantly changing for instance in color, as time passes by. This enables a timber structure to change its looks, which is what makes it attractive. However, due to bio-deterioration, the strength of timber could be degraded substantially and timber structures could be damaged severely under large earthquakes. Therefore, it is very important to conduct maintenance to extend the life cycle of timber structures. 

Recently, achieving SDGs and sustainability goals are very crucial in building constructions. To achieve them, it is indispensable to build timber structures and also utilize wood products in non-timber structures. Moreover, hybrid structures that consist of timber can have many advantages like allowing utilization of wood products in high rise buildings and decreasing the seismic weight of the building.

From the above viewpoints, our laboratory is interested in estimation and analyses of mechanical properties of various wooden structural components and structures, development of high performance timber houses and mid to high-rise buildings and structural hybridization of timber and other structural materials.

For more information, please refer to the link below:


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