
The 3rd Asia Research Node Symposium on Humanosphere Science

開催日時 2018(平成30)年9月25日(火)~27日(木)
開催場所 台湾国立中興大学(National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan)
主催者 京都大学生存圏研究所・国立中興大学
申請代表者 橋口浩之 (京都大学生存圏研究所大気圏精測診断分野)
関連ミッション ミッション1 環境診断・循環機能制御
ミッション2 太陽エネルギー変換・高度利用
ミッション3 宇宙生存環境
ミッション4 循環材料・環境共生システム
ミッション5 高品位生存圏
関連分野 材料科学,植物学,昆虫学,微生物学,生態学,森林学,木質科学,化学,生化学,分子生物学,建築学,宇宙科学,大気科学,環境科学,電磁工学,農学等。






ARN のハブ機能の強化の一環として、国内外の共同研究者を糾合した第3回目の国際シンポジウムを9月25~27日に台湾の国立中興大学において開催した(第1回は2017年2月にマレーシア・ペナンで、第2回は2017年7月に京大宇治キャンパスで開催)。台湾を中心とするアジア諸国、欧米諸国、日本国内の多様な研究機関より生存圏科学の創生に貢献する様々な科学分野の研究者を招聘し、8つのセッションを設け、合計35の招待講演を実施し、活発な議論を行った。また、国内外の学生を中心にショートプレゼンテーション付きのポスターセッション58件を実施し、様々な分野の研究者と学生が直接交流した。Session Organizerの投票により、Best Student Poster Award 6件を選出し、表彰した。参加者の総数は外国人163名(うち台湾149名)、学生140名を含む201名(3日間の延べ参加者数502名)であった。

以上のように,本シンポジウムにおいて ARN の機能を活用した共同研究や生存圏科学の国際展開と教育に関して活発な議論を行うことができ、新たな国際共同研究の発掘と国際研究コミュニティーの拡大、国際的な若手人材の育成、ARNの機能の拡大等に貢献した。

なお、エクスカーションとして、木生昆蟲博物館(Muh Sheng Museum of Entomology)と日月潭(Sun Moon Lake)を見学し、参加者の親睦を深めた。



  • 生存圏科学の国際展開、国際的な人材育成の強化、国際コミュニティーの拡大
  • 赤道大気レーダー等の海外の大型設備、実験フィールド、ARN共同ラボを活用した国際共同研究の拡大
  • 国内外の研究機関とARNの連携強化、ARNのハブ機能の強化
  • 本学の国際教育研究拠点としての機能やプレゼンスの向上



September 25 (Tue)

09:30–10:30Opening Ceremony
Chair: Hiroyuki Hashiguchi (RISH, Kyoto University)
Opening address
Takashi Watanabe (Director of Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH), Kyoto University, Japan)
Chou Chi-Chung (Dean of Office of Research and Development, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan)
Photo Session
10:30–12:10Session I-a: Atmospheric Observations with MST radars
Chairs: Hiroyuki Hashiguchi (RISH, Kyoto University, Japan),
Jenn-Shyong Chen (China Medical University, Taiwan)
  • Recent Progress of Chung-Li VHF Radar Group in Lower and Upper Atmospheric Researches
    Yen-Hsyang Chu
  • 25 years of Indian MST radar at NARL, Gadanki
    Thota N. Rao and Amit K. Patra
  • An overview of results from ShUREX campaigns (2015–2017) at Shigaraki MU Observatory
    Hubert Luce, Hiroyuki Hashiguchi, and Lakshmi Kantha
  • Status of Equatorial MU Radar project in 2018
    Mamoru Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Hashiguchi, and Toshitaka Tsuda
13:10–14:50Session II-a: Energy Transfer and Conversion in Geospace
Chairs: Yoshiharu Omura (RISH, Kyoto University, Japan),
Lou-Chuang Lee (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
  • Auroras and precipitating particles above the high-latitude boreal forests
    Jih-Hong Shue
  • Geospace Exploration Project: Arase
    Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Iku Shinohara, Takeshi Takashima, Kazushi Asamura, Shiang-Yu Wang, Yoichi Kazama, Satoshi Kasahara, Syoichiro Yokota, Takefumi Mitani, Nana Higashio, Yoshiya Kasahara, Yasumasa Kasaba, Satoshi Yagitani, Ayako Matsuoka, Hirotsugu Kojima, Yuto Katoh, Kazuo Shiokawa, and Kanako Seki
  • Parameters of magnetospheric locations associated with occurrences of aurora and comparison with their ionospheric counterparts
    Sunny W. Y. Tam, Chih-Yu Chiang, Tzu-Fang Chang, Wun-Jheng Syugu, Shiang-Yu Wang, Yoichi Kazama, Bo-Jhou Wang, Satoshi Kasahara, Shoichiro Yokota, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, and Iku Shinohara
  • Energy flow from the solar wind to the Earth during substorm: Simulation results
    Yusuke Ebihara, and Takashi Tanaka
  • Magnetic explosion in the Sun-Earth system: Magnetic reconnection
    Seiji Zenitani
15:20–17:00Session I-b: Plants for Sustainable Humanosphere —Biomass and Bioactive Compounds—
Chairs: Yuki Tobimatsu (RISH, Kyoto University, Japan),
Ying-Hsuang Sun (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan)
  • Genetics and Genomic Analysis of the Heartwood Traits in Taiwania cryptomerioides
    Ying-Hsuan Sun, Nai-Wen Tsao, Shih-Yin Chen, Shin-Hung Pan, Joy H Ding, Hung Lin, Cheng-De Chung, Fang-Hua Chu, Ting-Feng Yeh, and Sheng-Yang Wang
  • Reciprocal cross-regulation of VND and SND multigene TF families for wood formation in Populus trichocarpa
    Ying-Chung Jimmy Lin
  • Biosynthesis of Heartwood and Antitumor Lignans
    Masaomi Yamamura, Masato Kumatani, Keisuke Kobayashi, and Toshiaki Umezawa
  • Dynamics and functions of plant bioactive compounds in the rhizosphere
    Akifumi Sugiyama
17:00–18:00Short Poster Presentation — Elevator Speech (Chair: Chin-Cheng Yang)
19:00Banquet at Park City Hotel Central Taichung

September 26 (Wed)

08:30–10:10Session II-b: Integrated Vector Management: a Strategy for Sustainable Humanosphere
Chairs: Wu-Chun Tu (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan),
Lee-Jin Bong (National Health Research Institute, Taiwan)
  • Establishment of an early warning system for malaria in Southern Africa, incorporating climate predictions-the iDEWS project
    Noboru Minakawa, Neville Sweijd, Swadhin Behera, Masahiro Hashizume, Takeshi Ikeda, Yoonhee Kim, Peter Witbooi, Gbenga Abiodun, Eric Mabunda, Francois Engelbrecht, Willem Landman, Philip Kruger, Raj Maharaj Yushi Morioka, Masami Nonaka, and Ataru Tsuzuki
  • Plant-based repellents to control mosquitoes
    Theeraphap Chareonviriyaphap
    Mosquito reproduction control and the effects of mosquito host factors to dengue virus replication
    Shin-Hong Shiao
  • Dengue Prevention: Alternative Approaches in Managing Aedes Mosquitoes
    Wan Fatma Zuharah, Ahbi Rami Rattanam, Thiagaletchumi Maniam, and Rohaiyu Rodzay
  • Dengue Vector Control and Aedes aegypti resistance to insecticides from Indonesia
    Intan Ahmad
10:10–12:00Poster Session
12:00Excursion (Muh Sheng Museum of Entomology and Sun Moon Lake)

September 27 (Thu)

08:30–10:10Session I-d: Our Footprints on Global Environment: Threats to Ecosystem Sustainability
Chairs: Chin-Cheng Yang (RISH, Kyoto University, Japan),
Shaw-Yhi Hwang (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan)
  • Globalization and invasive ants: polydomy as an enigmatic characteristics
    Kazuki Tsuji, and Aye Thanda Win
  • The importance of urban pest management on the sustainable future of urban ecosystem
    Chow-Yang Lee
  • How sublethal neonicotinoid insecticides weaken honey bee colonies?
    En-Cheng Yang, Ming-Cheng Wu, Kuang-Hui Lu, and Yun-Ru Chen
  • How will climate change affect a crop system that includes soybeans (crop), aphids (pest), and ladybugs (biocontrol agent)?
    Hsin-Yi Lee, Ying-Jie Wang, and Chuan-Kai Ho
10:30–12:10Session II-c: Wireless Power Transfer for Sustainable Electronics
Chairs: Naoki Shinohara (RISH, Kyoto University, Japan),
Heng-Ming Hsu (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan)
  • Wirelessly-Powered CMOS Electrochemical Sensing Interface Design
    Yu-Te Liao, Shao-Yung Lu, Yi-Chia Cheng
  • Some preliminary theoretical and experimental research results of WPT system between two points using Microwave power beam at 2.45 GHz
    Dao Khac An, Nguyen Chung Dong, and Nguyen Tien Thanh
  • Design of a 13.56-MHz Active Rectifier with Digital Offset Compensation for Implantable Medical Devices
    Fu-Bin Yang and Po-Hung Chen
  • Signal Communication in Wireless Power Transfer For Internet of Things
    Heng-Ming Hsu
  • Recent Research of Wireless Power Transfer at RISH for a Smart, Happy, and Resilient Society
    Naoki Shinohara
13:10–14:50Session I-c: Water, carbon, and nutrient cycling in forest under climate change
Chairs: Guo-Zhang Song (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan),
Masayuki Itoh (Hyogo Prefecture University, Japan)
  • Are the evapotranspiration and canopy photosynthesis of Asian tropical rainforests affected by climate change?
    Yoshiko Kosugi, Satoru Takanashi, Shoji Novughi, Tatsuro Nakaji, Mai Kamakura, Wakana Azuma, Siti Aisha Shumsuddin, and Marryanna Lion
  • Effects of inter-annual climate difference on hydrologic and biogeochemical controls on methane dynamics in forest ecosystems
    Masayuki Itoh, Ayaka Sakabe, Yoshiko Kosugi, and Takashi Hirano
  • Multiple dimensions of fog and ecosystem function in a subtropical montane cloud forest
    Shih-Chieh Chang
  • The linkage between fine root dynamics and community structure in subtropical evergreen forest
    Jyh-Min Chiang, Pui-Wai Leung, Li-Wan Chang, and Cho-Ying Huang
15:20–17:00Session II-d: Atmospheric and ionospheric studies with new instruments and technology
Chairs: Mamoru Yamamoto (RISH, Kyoto University, Japan),
Charles Lin (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
  • Lessons Learned from the Ongoing Development of the Ionospheric Dynamics Explorer and Attitude Subsystem Satellite (IDEASSat)
    Loren Chang, Chi-Kuang Chao, Amal Chandran, Cheng-Ling Kuo, and Jann-Yenq Liu
  • Convective-scale assimilation with the GPS-zenith total delay and radar data and its impact on heavy rainfall prediction in Taiwan
    Shu-Chih Yang, Zih-Mao Huang, Ching-Yuan Huang, and Chih-Chieh Tsai
  • Equatorial Plasma Bubble for Space Weather Monitoring in Malaysia
    Suhaila M Buhari
  • The development of data assimilation in the ionospheric space weather
    Chia-Hung Chen, Charles Lin, Tomoko Matsuo, and J. Y. Liu
17:00Closing Remarks
Presentation of Student Poster Award
Closing Address
Hwang Shaw-Yhi (Associate Dean of College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan)

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