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Symposium Report
In March 2008, a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University, the Research Institute for Sustainable Humonosphere (RISH), Kyoto University, and the College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences, University of Oklahoma with the objective of contributing to the development of research and advanced education in the areas of meso scale meteorology and severe weather hazards with focus on radar observations, computer modeling, and theoretical studies.
In accordance with the agreement, the first International Symposium on Observation and Modeling Studies of the Atmosphere was held at the Kyoto University, Uji Campus, Obaku Plaza in November 2009 with main focuses on weather observation related topics. This 1st symposium is referred to as the “Uji Statement” — the implementation of state-of-the-art weather radar technology and numerical prediction is essential for reducing the impact of severe-weather hazards. The participants of this symposium agreed to enhance mutual cooperation and exchange of experience and knowledge toward sustainable capacity-building and the prevention and mitigation of weather related disasters”.
Around the same time, when the world focus was largely on research related to global warming and climate change issues, the Kyoto University launched the Global COE program on hydrometeorological disasters research focusing on interaction among the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and human activities based on climate change in the 21st Century (Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Graduate School of Science, etc.).
Thus, the second summit, International Symposium on Earth Science Challenges (ISEC) which was held at the National Weather Center in 2011 held in Norman, Oklahoma, USA, broadened the scope to encompass system sciences, radar and satellite remote sensing, hydrometeorology and water cycles, modeling and data assimilations, and weather and climate variability. From the 2nd symposium onwards, it was decided to refer to the summit series as ISEC, to hold the symposia biannually, and to alternate ISEC sites between Kyoto, Japan and Oklahoma, USA. The third symposium in 2013 was held at the Kyoto University, Uji Campus, Kyoto, Japan and while the fourth symposium in 2015 in Norman, Oklahoma, USA (Kirstetter et al. 2015). The fifth symposium was held at Kyoto, Japan from 1 to 5 October 2017.
In 2012, while the Kyoto University, Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI) embarked on SOUSEI funded Program for Risk Information on Climate Change nesting topics such as Precise Impact Assessments on Climate Change in the program modules, the University of Oklahoma appointed Prof. Dr. Berrien Moore III, world famous earth scientist as Vice President, Weather and Climate Programs; Dean, College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences; Chesapeake Energy Corporation Chair in Climate Studies; and Director, National Weather Center.
At the time University of Oklahoma has developed several phased array radars for next-generation weather observations (Isom et al. 2013), Japan also developed the X-band phased-array weather radar (PAWR) with the capability to observe cumulonimbus clouds within 1 minute, bringing both institutions in Japan and USA to the forefront of next-generation radar technology. Further, the University of Oklahoma attracts national research institutes such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and other state meteorological related industries to the campus and promotes state-of-the-art education and research in atmospheric sciences.
With common views and understanding to promote industrial-government-academia collaborative research, once again the 5th International Symposium on Earth-Science Challenges (ISEC2017) demonstrated the reciprocal cooperation between the Kyoto University and the University of Oklahoma. The 5th Symposium brought together scientists and researchers to share the latest progress and advances of research results in the study of the Earth. The symposium addressed the following topics especially in the areas of hydrometeorology and severe weather hazards consisting of radar observations, computer modeling and theoretical studies:
- Advances in the remote sensing of the atmosphere
- Understanding, predicting, modeling of the atmosphere and data assimilation
- Hydrology and water resources, water-related disasters
- Extreme weather and climate variation
- Hydrological and Meteorological disaster and risk control
Recognizing the University of Oklahoma contributions and connections in national organizations in the USA, the ISEC 2017 was opened to the public and attracted scientists, researchers, students, and participants from the industry.
Outline of Sessions
Special Session I
As the opening session of ISEC 2017, Dr. Steven Cavallo first introduced a wide range of activities conducted by School of Meteorology and the Atmospheric Radar Research Center, University of Oklahoma. His introduction well outlined the following presentations by OU participants. Dr. Daphne Ladue, Mr. Kunihiro Naito and Ms. Jill Hardy overviewed an extensive training project between OU and Weathernews, Inc. This presentation attracted attention from Japanese side. I myself, as the chair of this session, felt that the program is very unique of OU and practical. It will be a future challenge to implement such program in Japan. From Japanese side Dr. Yukio Tamura advocated the usefulness and necessity of ‘Full-Scale Storm Simulator (FSSS)’ for wind-related disaster risk reduction. There are several comments from OU side in relation to a similar device in United States. Dr. Osamu Suzuki of Meteorological Research Institute overviewed recent development and enhancement of advanced meteorological observation operated by Japan Meteorological Agency. Several technical comments are given by OU participants. (written by Hirohiko Ishikawa)
Special Session II
Professor Robert Palmer gave the first talk of the special session discussing the Advanced Radar Research Center (ARRC). The ARRC is the largest academic radar program in the world with an emphasis on interdisciplinary radar education and research. The ARRC has developed several state-of-the-art radar systems, and observations from the Atmospheric Imaging Radar and PX-1000 were shown for severe thunderstorm cases in Oklahoma. The ARRC is currently developing two new phased array radars that are expected to be completed in the next two to three years. Professor Eiichi Nakakita from Kyoto University presented his research on the field experiments conducted to study the development of thunderstorms from early stages to mature stages producing heavy rainfall. His analysis showed several different observation platforms used to study thunderstorms. He noted that the Ka band radars are especially useful for detecting the early development of thunderstorm initiation due to their sensitivity to small cloud drop sizes. Dual-Doppler analyses were also used in the study to understand the horizontal and vertical motions in the developing thunderstorms. The results will be particularly helpful for identifying new ways to forecast thunderstorm initiation to give greater warning about impending heavy rainfall events. (written by David Bodine)
Special Session III
Dr. D. Bodine introduced scientific collaborations between Kyoto University and the University of Oklahoma regarding high‐resolution tornado simulations for tornado debris and radar simulation studies. The impact of debris loading on tornado dynamics was studied by varying surface debris fluxes (Bodine et al. 2016a,b). A polarimetric radar simulator was created to study tornado debris signatures using data from the Large‐Eddy simulation model and the Kyoto University wind tunnel (Cheong et al. 2017). Dr. P. E. Kirstetter introduced a graduate program of the University of Oklahoma in Hydrology and Water Security that meets the growing need of humanity to address complex challenges, such as flood risk and water scarcity in a changing climate. To meet the rapidly‐growing demand for expertise in interdisciplinary water issues, the hydrology program leverages OU’s core strengths in the atmospheric, geographic, and engineering sciences. Prof. S. Yoden reviewed research progress on stratosphere-troposphere two-way dynamical coupling in the tropics for data analyses and theoretical and numerical model studies. Recently, a new international research activity on Stratospheric And Tropospheric Influences on Tropical Convective Systems (SATIO-TCS) under SPARC project of the World Climate Research Programme was started. It focuses on stratosphere-troposphere dynamical coupling in the tropics, where no comparable interpretive paradigm exists. Dr. T. Miyoshi presented a “Big Data Assimilation” (BDA) system. For precise prediction of rapidly-changing local severe storms, a BDA system that performs 30-second-update data assimilation cycles at 100-m grid spacing was developed. It was possible by the fortunate combination of Japan’s most advanced supercomputing and sensing technologies: the 10-petaflops K computer and the Phased Array Weather Radar (PAWR). (written by Hiroyuki Hashiguchi)
Oral Session I: Advances in the Weather Radar
The session of Advanced in Weather Radar summarized the recent advancements in weather radar development and application made by both OU and KU. The development of a novel C-band mobile radar at OU was reported, which can provide polarimetric measurements with unprecedentedly high temporal resolution and flexibility through digital beamforming technique. This system is expected to be operational in 2020. A novel method of estimating near-surface refractivity was developed by the KU, which leverages on the existing digital broadcasting signals. The technique is complementary to the existing radar based technique, but can be extended to cover a large region cost-effectively. A new and robust technique was developed to produce a height-time intensity (HTI) plot from volumetric radar products. This allows not only easier interpretation of polarimetric products and related microphysics, but also more consistent comparison with measurements from other instruments and numerical models. This technique was demonstrated by applying to a stratiform precipitation region of a MCS. In addition, synergistic observations of density current and MCS during the PECAN field campaign by an X-band rapid-scan radar (RaXPol) and lidar were reported. Furthermore, a novel data assimilation framework was developed to determine the targeted region for future radar observations that can result in better forecasts. This is particularly important for the multiple-function phased array radar (MPAR), where the radar resources are limited and full volumes of weather observations cannot be performed frequently. This was successfully demonstrated with a tornadic storm. (written by Tian-You Yu)
Oral Session II: Understanding, Predicting, Modelling of the Atmosphere
The session began with a seminar showing that there are two rainfall maxima over oceans just off the Indian coast, better represented from TRMM than GPI IR-based estimates due to the spreading of anvil clouds in convection (Shige). In the second seminar, it was hypothesized that there are orographic effects on volcanic ash (Poulidis), where using the WRF-Chem model, evidence was presented that there are significant impacts of ash dispersion from topographic effects. The third seminar was an evaluation of whether Arctic sea ice loss can be attributed to Arctic cyclones (Cavallo), showing that all sea ice loss at fast time scales is associated with Arctic cyclones and their precursor, tropopause polar vortices. The fourth seminar evaluated the effects of airflow from buildings using LES, showing building height can significantly alter the flow (Takemi). The fifth seminar of an LES study addressing the impact of buildings on airflow focused on the attribution of buildings to the development of pre-thunderstorm cumulus clouds (Yamaguchi). The session concluded with a seminar comparing two different types of microphysics schemes: spectral bin vs. bulk microphysics (Johnson) for an idealized supercell in the WRF model, where pros and cons of each type of scheme were evaluated. (written by Steven Cavallo)
Oral Session III: Advances in the Weather Radar and UAV
There were six oral presentations in this session. The first three research results related with radars were presented by Japanese researchers. A lot of polarimetric radars have been deployed in Japan. The small scale structures become one of the research targets recently. Sassa (Kochi University) developed an automatic detection system of tornado funnels from camera images, in addition to radar observation of tornado generating clouds. Observations for fine cloud structures using Ka-band polarimetric radar were started (Ohigashi, Kyoto University). Polarimetric radars have been also used for volcanic ash observation (Sato, Meteorological Research Institute). The last three researchers of University of Oklahoma presented research results on UAV from the newly developed Center for Autonomous Sensing and Sampling (CASS). Chilson introduced three-dimensional Mesonet concept, in which surface observations are extended to lower atmosphere using UAV, and showed a prototype of UAV. Byrd presented simulation results on a UAV-mounted passive radar system for multiple Doppler measurements. Ground base station is also currently under development for an autonomous UAV system (Umeyama). In addition to radars, University of Oklahoma is developing total UAV systems of their own making, which could facilitate urgent development. It was expected that UAV enables drastically high-frequency observations for lower atmospheres in the near future. (written by Tadayasu Ohigashi)
Oral Session IV: Extreme Weather and Climate Variation
Dr. Ryuji Yoshida (RIKEN AICS and RCUSS, Kobe University) conducted numerical simulations to understand the maintenance mechanisms of the back-building rainband in July 2010 in western Japan. In his SCALE-RM simulations, the importance of moist southwesterly flows and a forced ascent due to the cold front are identified. Dr. Kuniaki Higashi (RISH, Kyoto University) conducted observational and numerical studies on the gust (Hira Oroshi). In the long-term WRF simulations, only during the Hira Ohoshi events, a characteristic narrow regions of strong winds extends from Lake Biwa toward the foothill of the Hira mountain range appears. Prof. Hitoshi Mukogawa investigated the dynamics and predictability of the influence from the stratosphere to the troposphere. In the case study for the event in March 2007, the planetary waves are amplified in the stratosphere due to the barotropic instability to propagate downward and the predictable period is found to be approximately seven days. Dr. Ryo Mizuta (MRI, JMA) presented an ensemble climate simulation dataset, d4PDF. The ensemble size is 100 and the horizontal scale of global and regional atmospheric simulations are 60 and 20 km, respectively. The historical simulation reproduces the observed frequency of extreme precipitation reasonably well. (written by Takeshi Enomoto)
Oral Session V: Hydrological and Meteorological Disasters and Risk Control
The central theme of Oral Session V was hydrologic and meteorological disasters and risk control. There were total five presentations including two by OU and the other three by Japanese side. The presentations by OU discussed large scales phenomena including atmospheric drivers of pluvial and drought conditions over the US (by P. X. Flanagan et al.) and the use of ensemble weather forecasting for large-scale flood predictions and risk communication in African countries (by L. Labriola et al.). Their presentations highlight the potential usage of global scale meteorological information in disaster risk reductions. The three presentations by Japanese side discussed different hazards: flash flood by T. Sayama et al., strong wind by H. Kikitsu et al. and heatstroke by T. Okaze et al., with more bottom-up approaches. The adopted methods reflect unique characteristics of dealt hazards, yet they all need better understandings and accurate predictions of atmospheric conditions. We conclude that there are many common interests to be further communicated between OU and Japan such as hydrologic modeling, wind predictions and downscaling of climate change projections. (written by Takahiro Sayama)
Oral Session VI: Advances in the Atmospheric Radar and Weather Radar
Session VI focused on advances in atmospheric and weather radar technology as well as their associated new applications in atmospheric observation. Prof. Yamamoto of Kyoto University introduced the new plan to establish the “Equatorial MU (Middle and Upper atmosphere) Radar,” which is a key element in the “Study of coupling processes in the solar-terrestrial system” project. Five representatives from the University of Oklahoma made presentations during this session. Mr. Greene demonstrated the potential of small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) for atmospheric sensing, including the method for calibration of thermodynamic sensors and the estimation of horizontal wind fields using recent field observations. Ms. Smith demonstrated the observation of nocturnal low-level jets (NLLJs) using the Collaborative Lower Atmospheric Boundary Layer Profiling System (CLAMPS) and WRF Model Analyses. Mr. Griffin provided characteristics of the detailed structure of the tornado using the Atmospheric Imaging Radar (AIR), which can record observations with high temporal resolution. Mr. Wienhoff investigated tornado dynamics and lofted tornado debris from five tornado events observed by a rapid-scan, X-band, polarimetric Doppler radar (RaXPol). Prof. Shapiro proposed a variational method of dual-Doppler analysis designed to improve the analysis of vertical motion in cases of missing low-level data and tested the proposed method using CM1 numerically simulated data of a supercell storm. (written by Masanori Yabuki)
Oral Session VII: Data Assimilation
The oral session VII on data assimilation highlighted the recent developments at both universities in the assimilation of environmental observations in atmospheric models. KU contributions focused on advances in the assimilation of high-resolution weather radar and satellite data. OU presentations highlighted the benefit of data assimilation to document processes and improve forecasts in the challenging context of nocturnal convection in the PECAN field campaign. The added value of PECAN observations, involving fixed and mobile weather radar platforms, surface and flight-based remote sensing profilers was demonstrated with the multi-scale GSI-based data assimilation system. Assimilating the Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI) observations showed the role of atmospheric bores in maintaining nocturnal convection. An ensemble forecasting framework was specifically set up to analyze the case of a mesoscale convective system and document the generation of two mesovortices. Assimilating radar and surface data to improve ensemble hail forecasts at high resolution was also discussed. Various configurations in the microphysics schemes were tested to highlight the significance of the representation of hail growth and decay in forecasting surface hail size. Observations operators have been developed to assimilate dual polarimetric radar data in order to improve forecasts of severe weather with numerical prediction models. Methods of perturbations of the atmospheric field were also presented in this context. Finally, the assimilation of the satellite-based motion vectors of Himawari-8 was demonstrated to predict heavy precipitation in the Northern Kyushu with the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter. (written by Pierre Kirstetter)
Poster Session
29 posters with a wide-range themes, such as development of new instruments for understanding high impact weather, climate change issues, understanding and forecasting of severe storm, social science problem on long-term recovery, etc., were presented. Eight posters were selected as the best student poster award. Mr. Masahiro Shiozaki, whose presentation was selected one of the best student poster award, presented mid-latitude response to ENSO in winter. He conducted a composite analysis using long-term reanalysis climate data, and he demonstrated that Western Pacific (WP)-like meridional dipole pattern is evident and Pacific/North American (PNA) pattern is obscure during the typical ENSO events. (written by Kosei Yamaguchi)
The 5th international symposium covered climate change and weather related disaster risks and control (hydrology and meteorological disasters) which have become one of the most debated topics and global phenomenon for human survival. The symposium once again renewed the Uji Statement to “enhance mutual cooperation and exchange of experience and knowledge toward sustainable capacity-building and the prevention and mitigation of weather-related disasters”.
The discussions addressed various weather-related disaster risks and climate change impact assessments by making use of various scientific approaches, computer model simulations, and theoretical/case studies. Thus, from a broad perspective of science to practical applications, views and opinions were exchanged among the expert scientists from the Norman Campus, University of Oklahoma and the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University, Uji Campus. In addition, the symposium paved a concrete platform to promote research and educational exchanges of students and young staff members between both institutes.
Taking stock of University of Oklahoma’s close collaborations with the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and other national meteorological related organizations, this symposium was opened to the public and widely promoted discussions to improve education and collaboration among the industry, government and the academia.
ISEC2017 was attended by 171 participants from Japan and abroad in the academia and industry as:
Kyoto university researchers | 55 |
KU students | 22 among which 5 are foreigners |
Other university officials | 47 |
Other university students | 45 among which 30 are foreigners |
Industrial participants | 2 |
Total | 171 |
Bodine, D., T. Maruyama, R. D. Palmer, C. J. Fulton, H. B. Bluestein, and D. C. Lewellen, 2016a: Sensitivity of tornado dynamics to soil debris loading. J. Atmos. Sci., 73, 2783–2801.
Bodine, D., R. D. Palmer, T. Maruyama, C. J. Fulton, Y. Zhu, and B. L. Cheong, 2016b: Simulated frequency dependence of radar observations of tornadoes. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 33, 1825–1842.
Cheong, B. L., D. J. Bodine, C. J. Fulton, S. M. Torres, T. Maruyama, R. D. Palmer: Sim-Radar: A polarimetric radar time-series simulator for tornadic debris studies, IEEE Trans. on Geosci., 55, 2858–2870.
Isom, B., R. Palmer, R. Kelley, J. Meier, D. Bodine, M. Yeary, B. Cheong, Y. Zhang, T. Yu, and M.I. Biggerstaff, 2013: The Atmospheric Imaging Radar: Simultaneous Volumetric Observations Using a Phased Array Weather Radar. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 30, 655–675,
P.-E. Kirstetter, T.-Y. You, R. D. Palmer, D. Parsons, H. Ishikawa, and J. M. Erlingis, 2015: ISEC 2015: Integrating Research and Education to Study Severe Weather and Climate Variability. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., ES129–ES132.
E. Yoshikawa and coauthors, “MMSE Beam Forming on Fast-Scanning Phased Array Weather Radar,” in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 3077–3088, May 2013. doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2012.2211607
October 1 (Sunday), 2017
Short Course Seminar Room 1 & 2 (1F) | |
13:30–14:20 | LECTURE: Techniques of Dual-Doppler Wind Analysis Alan Shapiro (School of Meteorology and Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms, OU) |
14:30–15:30 | HANDS-ON ACTIVITY: Severe Weather Forecasting Simulation Eric Jacobsen, Alex Zwink, and Jill Hardy (Warning Decision Training Division, Norman, OK) |
15:40–16:30 | LECTURE: Introduction of Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH) and Its Atmospheric/ Ionospheric Studies Mamoru Yamamoto (RISH, KU) |
16:40–17:30 | LECTURE: Recovery from Natural Disaster Norio Maki (DPRI, KU) |
October 2 (Monday), 2017
09:15–10:00 | Registration Lobby (1F) |
Opening Ceremony Kihada Hall (1F) Chair: Takashi Maruyama (DPRI, KU) |
10:00–10:10 | Opening Address Hajime Nakagawa (Director of DPRI, KU) |
10:10–10:20 | Announcement |
Special Session I Kihada Hall (1F) Chair: Hirohiko Ishikawa (DPRI, KU) |
10:20–10:45 | Overview of the School of Meteorology and College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences David Parsons (SoM, OU) |
10:45–11:10 | OU and Weathernews, Inc. Radar and Warning Decision Training Project Overview Daphne Ladue (CAPS, OU) |
11:10–11:35 | Wind-Related Disaster Risk Reduction and Full-Scale Storm Simulator (FSSS) Yukio Tamura (School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University, China) |
11:35–12:00 | Recent Enhancement of Meteorological Observations of JMA Osamu Suzuki (Meteorological Research Institute, JMA, Japan) |
12:00–13:00 | Lunch Break |
Oral Session I: Advances in the Weather Radar Kihada Hall (1F) Chair: Tian-You Yu (Advanced Radar Research Center, OU) |
13:00–13:15 | Multi-Function Phased Array Radar Observation Targeting of a Convective Storm Christopher Kerr (SoM, OU) |
13:15–13:30 | Mobile Doppler Radar and Lidar Analysis of a Strong Density Current and MCS on 15 July 2015 during PECAN in the United States Dylan W. Reif (School of Meteorology, OU) |
13:30–13:45 | Novel Radar Techniques for Polarimetric and Microphysical Analyses of the Stratiform Rain Region of MCSs Amanda M. Murphy (School of Meteorology, OU) |
13:45–14:00 | Development of a C-band High-Resolution, Mobile, Polarimetric, Phased-Array Radar System: Polarimetric Atmospheric Imaging Radar (PAIR) Tian-You Yu (Advanced Radar Research Center, OU) |
14:00–14:15 | Ultrawideband Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Radar and Ku-Band Synthetic Aperture Rader for Airborne Imaging and Snow Characterization Jay McDaniel (Advanced Radar Research Center, OU) |
14:15–14:30 | Near-Surface Atmospheric Refractive Index by Receiving Digital Broadcasting Signals Jun-ichi Furumoto (RISH, KU) |
14:30–14:50 | Coffee Break Lobby (1F) |
Oral Session II: Understanding, Predicting, Modelling of the Atmosphere Kihada Hall (1F) Chair: Steven Cavallo (School of Meteorology, OU) |
14:50–15:05 | Rainfall over the Asian Coastal Regions Observed by TRMM Precipitation Radar: Role of Orography, Diurnal Cycle, and Intraseasonal Oscillation Shoichi Shige (Graduate School of Science, KU) |
15:05–15:20 | Orographic Effects on the Transport and Deposition of Volcanic Ash — A Mount Sakurajima Case Study Alexandros P. Poulidis (DPRI, KU) |
15:20–15:35 | How Much Sea Ice Loss Can Be Attributed to Arctic Cyclones? Steven Cavallo (School of Meteorology, OU) |
15:35–15:50 | Observational and Numerical Studies on Turbulent Airflows over an Urban Area Tetsuya Takemi (DPRI, KU) |
15:50–16:05 | Convection Genesis by Urban Meteorological Model Based on Large Eddy Simulation Kosei Yamaguchi (DPRI, KU) |
16:05–16:20 | Investigation of Representation of Ice and Snow Categories in a Supercell Simulation Using Spectral Bin and Bulk Microphysics Schemes Marcus Johnson (Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms, OU) |
16:20–16:40 | Coffee Break Lobby (1F) |
Oral Session III: Advances in the Weather Radar and UAV Kihada Hall (1F) Chair: Tadayasu Ohigashi (DPRI, KU) |
16:40–16:55 | Volcanic Ash Plume Observed by Polarimetric Weather Radar Eiichi Sato (Meteorological Research Institute, Japan) |
16:55–17:10 | Photogrammetric Detection of Funnel Clouds Koji Sassa (Science cluster, Kochi University, Japan) |
17:10–17:25 | Videosonde and Radar Observations in Ice-Phase Regions of Stratiform Clouds Tadayasu Ohigashi (DPRI, KU) |
17:25–17:40 | The 3D Mesonet Concept: Extending Networked Surface Meteorological Tower Observations Through Unmanned Aircraft Systems Phillip B. Chilson (School of Meteorology / Advanced Radar Research Center/ Center for Autonomous Sensing and Sampling, OU) |
17:40–17:55 | UAV-Based Multistatic Passive Radar for Mobile Observations of Severe Weather Andrew Byrd (ARRC, OU) |
17:55–18:10 | Autonomous UAV Systems for Remote Sensing Applications Arturo Umeyama (ARRC, ECE, OU) |
October 3 (Tuesday), 2017
09:00–09:15 | Registration Lobby (1F) |
Welcome Address Kihada Hall (1F) | |
09:15–09:25 | Kaoru Takara (DPRI/ Dean of Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability, KU) |
09:25–09:35 | Group Photo Kihada Hall (1F) |
Special Session II Kihada Hall (1F) Chair: David Bodine (Advanced Radar Research Center, OU) |
09:35–10:00 | Overview of Fundamental and Practical Researches on Generation and Development of Baby-Rain-Cell Aloft in a Severe Storm Eiichi Nakakita (DPRI, KU) |
10:00–10:25 | The Advanced Radar Research Center at the University of Oklahoma — An Interdisciplinary Approach to Radar Science Robert Palmer (ARRC / SoM, OU) |
10:25–10:45 | Coffee Break Lobby (1F) |
Oral Session IV: Extreme Weather and Climate Variation Kihada Hall (1F) Chair: Takeshi Enomoto (DPRI, KU) |
10:25–10:40 | Maintenance Mechanism of Back-Building Rainband in a Numerical Simulation of a Heavy Rain in July 2010 in Western Japan Ryuji Yoshida (RCUSS, Kobe University, Japan) |
10:40–10:55 | High Resolution Numerical Study of Migrating Strong Downslope Wind “Hira-Oroshi” in Japan Kuniaki Higashi (RISH, KU) |
10:55–11:10 | Dynamics and Predictability of Downward Propagating Stratospheric Planetary Waves Observed in March 2007 Hitoshi Mukougawa (DPRI, KU) |
11:10–11:25 | Large Ensemble Climate Simulations with High-resolution AGCM and RCM Ryo Mizuta (Meteorological Research Institute, Japan) |
11:25–11:40 | Observed Characteristics of Tropopause Polar Vortices over Summit Station, Greenland Sarah Borg (School of Meteorology, OU) |
12:00–13:00 | Lunch Break |
13:00–14:20 | Poster Session Hybrid Space (2F) |
14:30–18:30 | Technical Tour–Visit to MU radar at Shigaraki |
Poster Session
- Real-time Auto Calibration and DSD Retrieval for Polarimetric Radar at Attenuating Frequency
Ahoro Adachi (MRI, JMA, Japan) - Development of Software-Defined Multi-Channel Receiver System for the Equatorial Atmosphere Radar (EAR)
Nor Azlan Mohd Aris (RISH, KU) - Shigaraki UAV-Radar Experiments (ShUREX): Measuring Turbulence in the Lower Troposphere
Hiroyuki Hashiguchi (RISH, KU) - Water Vapor Profiles Observed from Raman Lidar Calibrated with GNSS Precipitable Water Vapor
Hayato Kakihara (RISH, KU) - Diurnal LST Characteristics over the Urban Area in Japan
Yuhei Yamamoto (DPRI, KU) - Prospective of Future Spaceborne Precipitation Measuring Mission
Nobuhiro Takahashi (ISEE, Nagoya University, Japan) - An Analysis of Cumulonimbus Cloud Development Using Ka-band Doppler Radar
Tomohiro Niibo (Graduate School of Engineering, KU) - Development of MU Radar Real-Time Processing System with Adaptive Clutter Rejection
Kohsuke Kubota (RISH , KU) - Preliminary Investigation of Generation of Guerilla-Heavy Rainfall Using Himawari-8 and XRAIN Information in Kinki Region
Wendi Harjupa (Graduate School of Engineering, KU) - Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Organized Structures over Block Arrays with Various Building Heights
Toshiya Yoshida (DPRI, KU) - Study on the Forecast of Localized Heavy Rainstorms by Combining Coherent Doppler LIDAR and Numerical Forecast Model
Naohiro Iwmaoto (RISH, KU) - Optimal Interpolation of River Water Levels for Real-Time Inundation Mapping Based on the RRI Model
Shintaro Miyake (Graduate School of Engineering, KU) - Forecasting Developing and Mature Stage of Mesoscale Convective Systems by Ensemble Assimilation of XRAIN
Yosuke Horiike (Graduated School of Engineering, KU) - Preliminary Research on Identification of Strategies for Long-term Recovery against Flood in 2015 in Myanmar —Case Study from Hinthada Township, Ayeyarwady Region—
Kensuke Otsuyama (DPRI, KU) - Rainfall Impact to El Nino in Batanghari River Basin, Sumatra, Indonesia
Karlina (Graduate School of Engineering, KU) - Impacts of Environmental Conditions on Intensification of Tropical Cyclones
Shota Yamasaki (DPRI, KU) - Disparate Mid-latitude Responses to ENSO Categorized by the Winter Climate in the Far East
Masahiro Shiozaki (Graduate school of Science, KU) - Pseudo-Global Warming Experiments on the Intensity of Typhoons Haiyan (2013) and Melor (2009)
Masaya Toyoda (Graduate School of Engineering, Gifu University, Japan) - Multiscale Analysis on the Future Change of Heavy Rainfall in Baiu Season
Yukari Osakada (Graduate School of Engineering, KU) - An Attempt on Analysing the Changes of Small-scale Torrential Rainfall under Global Warming Using Very-fine RCM
Keitaro Morimoto (Graduate School of Engineering, KU) - Improvement of the Heavy Orographic Rainfall Retrievals in the GSMaP Algorithm for Microwave Radiometers
Munehisa K. Yamamoto (Graduate School of Science, KU) - Study on the Extreme Weather Mechanism of Urban Area by Combining a Doppler Lidar and High-Resolution Numerical Model
Jun-ichi Furumoto (RISH, KU) - Characteristics of Viscoelastic Dampers against Long-Duration Wind Loadings
Dave Osabel (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) - Trial Manufacture of an Independent Measuring System for Aerodynamic Characteristics of Flying Debris
Kento Matsui (Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, KU) - Ranking CMIP5 GCM Historical Runs for Model Ensemble Experiment over a Regional Scale: A Case Study over Indochina Region
Rattana Chhin (Department of Geophysics, KU) - Impact of Interactive Chemistry of Stratospheric Ozone on Southern Hemisphere Paleoclimate Simulation
Satoshi Noda (Department of Geophysics, KU)
October 4 (Wednesday), 2017
09:00–09:15 | Registration Lobby (1F) |
Special Session III Kihada Hall (1F) Chair: Hiroyuki Hashiguchi (RISH, KU) |
09:15–09:40 | KU-OU Scientific Collaborations: High-Resolution Tornado Simulations for Tornado Debris and Radar Simulation Studies David Bodine (Advanced Radar Research Center, OU) |
09:40–10:05 | Hydrology initiative at the University of Oklahoma Pierre Kirstetter (Hydrometeorology and Remote Sensing Laboratory/ ARRC, OU/ NSSL, NOAA) |
10:05–10:30 | Stratosphere-Troposphere Two-Way Dynamical Coupling in the Tropics Shigeo Yoden (Graduate School of Science, KU) |
10:30–10:55 | Big Data Assimilation for 30-second-update 100-m-mesh Numerical Weather Prediction Takemasa Miyoshi (RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science, Japan) |
10:55–11:15 | Coffee Break Lobby (1F) |
Oral Session V: Hydrological and Meteorological Disasters and Risk Control Kihada Hall (1F) Chair: Takahiro Sayama (DPRI, KU) |
11:15–11:30 | Primary Atmospheric Drivers of Pluvial Years in the United States Great Plains Paul X. Flanagan (School of Meteorology, OU) |
11:30–11:45 | Forecasting and Communicating Water-related Disasters in Africa Laura Labriola (Advanced Radar Research Center, OU) |
11:45–12:00 | Integration of Local Information and Flood Modeling for Real-Time Flood Hazard Mapping Takahiro Sayama (DPRI, KU) |
12:00–12:15 | Wind Velocity Estimation Based on Timber Structural Damage for Development of Japanese Enhanced Fujita Scale Hitomitsu Kikitsu (National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, Japan) |
12:15–12:30 | Investigation of the Effects of Meteorological Factors on Heatstroke Risk for Tokyo in the 2050s Based on Mesoscale Meteorological Simulations Tsubasa Okaze (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) |
12:30–13:30 | Lunch Break Advisory Board Lunch @ RISH small conference room No. 1 & Room No. S248 |
Oral Session VI: Advances in the Atmospheric Radar and Weather Radar Kihada Hall (1F) Chair: Masanori Yabuki (RISH, KU) |
13:30–13:45 | Equatorial MU Radar, Plan and Progress Mamoru Yamamoto (RISH, KU) |
13:45–14:00 | Early Successes for Atmospheric Sensing Using Rotary-Wing UAS: The Sky Is the Limit Brian Greene (School of Meteorology/ Advanced Radar Research Center/ Center for Autonomous Sensing and Sampling, OU) |
14:00–14:15 | CLAMPS Observation Capabilities and WRF Model Analyses Elizabeth N. Smith (School of Meteorology, OU) |
14:15–14:30 | High-Temporal Resolution Observations of the 27 May 2015 Canadian, Texas, Tornado Using the Atmospheric Imaging Radar Casey Griffin (School of Meteorology, OU) |
14:30–14:45 | An Investigation of Vortex Signatures in Strong, Damaging Tornadoes Zachary B. Wienhoff (School of Meteorology, OU) |
14:45–15:00 | Improving Vertical Velocity Retrievals from Dual-Doppler Observations of Convection Alan Shapiro (School of Meteorology and Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms, OU) |
15:00–15:20 | Coffee Break Lobby (1F) |
Oral Session VII: Data Assimilation Kihada Hall (1F) Chair: Pierre Kirstetter (Hydrometeorology and Remote Sensing Laboratory/ ARRC, OU/ NSSL, NOAA) |
15:20–15:35 | Impact of Assimilating PECAN IOP Observations on the Numerical Predictions of Bores and Bore-Induced Convection Hristo G. Chipilski (School of Meteorology, OU) |
15:35–15:50 | A Tale of Two Mesovortices: Analysis of a Simulated Severe MCS Observed During PECAN on 5–6 July 2015 Matt Flournoy (School of Meteorology, OU) |
15:50–16:05 | The Assimilation of Radar and Surface Data to Improve the Skill of High-Resolution Ensemble Explicit Hail Forecasts Jonathan Labriola (Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms, OU) |
16:05–16:20 | Development of Assimilation Methods for Dual Polarimetric Radar Data Takuya Kawabata (Meteorological Research Institute, JMA, Japan) |
16:20–16:35 | Assimilation of Rapid-Scan Atmospheric Motion Vector of Himawari-8 to Improve the Rainfall Forecast of the Northern Kyushu Heavy Rainfall Hiromu Seko (Meteorological Research Institute, JMA, Japan) |
16:35–16:50 | Assimilation of Radar Reflectivity with EnKF: Additional Ensemble Perturbations to Modify the Atmospheric Field Sho Yokota (Meteorological Research Institute, JMA, Japan) |
Closing Ceremony Kihada Hall (1F) | |
16:50–17:10 | Closing Address Takashi Maruyama (DPRI, KU) |
October 5 (Thursday), 2017
10:00–11:00 | Excursion |
10:00–10:30 | DPRI Museum |
10:30–11:00 | Wind Tunnel |
23 July, 2018
27 November, 2017