
The 412th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
NDACC Science Workshop in Tsukuba

更新日: 2020/01/31

開催日時 2019-10-17/18
開催場所 National Institute for Environmental Studies (2019-10-17)
International Congress Center EPOCHAL TSUKUBA/National Institute for Environmental Studies/Meteorological Research Institute/Aerological Observatory (2019-10-18)

National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)
Meteorological Research Institute (MRI)
JMA’s Aerological Observatory


October 17 (Thursday)

09:00 Departure of a bus from the hotel to NIES
09:15 Arrival at NIES (16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba-City, Ibaraki, 305-8506 Japan)
09:30–09:40 Welcome speech
Chiho Watanabe (President, NIES)
09:40–09:45 Guidance about the workshop
Hideaki Nakajima (NIES)
09:45–10:00 D. Hurst (NOAA/CIRES)
Anomalously High Water Vapor in the Northern Hemisphere Middle Stratosphere during Early 2019
10:00–10:15 R. Weiss (SIO) and R. Prinn (MIT)
A Renewed Impetus for Expanding Global Trace-Gas Measurement Networks
10:15–10:30 P. Wang (CAS)
Atmospheric Composition Detection Activities over China
10:30–10:45 Coffee break
10:45–11:00 I. Morino (NIES)
Total Carbon Column Observing Network —Activities operated by Japanese organizations and satellite data validation with TCCON—
11:00–11:15 T. Matsunaga (NIES)
Latest status of GOSAT and GOSAT-2 project (tentative)
11:15–11:30 Y. Terao (NIES)
Ground-based greenhouse gas observations by NIES (tentative)
11:30–12:30 Lunch (at NIES)
12:30–12:45 T. Sakai (MRI, JMA)
Lidar Research at MRI
12:45–13:00 T. Nishizawa (NIES)
Aerosol and cloud observation using a network of ground-based lidars (AD-Net)
13:00–13:15 R. Niimi (Aerological Observatory, JMA)
Introduction of Aerological Observatory and Meteorological Instrument Center
13:15–13:30 M. Fujiwara (Hokkaido Univ.)
Some balloon sounding activities in Japan —SOWER, and contributions to SHADOZ and GRUAN
13:30–13:45 Coffee break
13:45–14:00 M. Shiotani
A Proposal for Satellite Observation of the Whole Atmosphere —Superconducting Submillimeter-Wave Limb-Emission Sounder (SMILES-2)
14:00–14:15 Y. Kanaya (JAMSTEC)
UV-vis Multi-Axis/Direct-sun DOAS observations around Japan and on Research Vessels
14:15–14:30 A. Mizuno (ISEE, Nagoya Univ.)
Research activity and instrumental development for microwave measurements at Nagoya University
14:30–14:45 T. Nagahama (ISEE, Nagoya Univ.)
Long-term monitoring of tropospheric and stratospheric trace gases using ground-based FTIRs in Japan
15:00–17:00 Site Visit at NIES
FTIR (Morino), Lidar (Nishizawa), GOSAT (Matsunaga), UV-B (Nakajima)
17:00 Departure of a bus from NIES to the hotel

October 18 (Friday)

09:00 Departure of a bus from the Okura Frontier Hotel Epochal to MRI
09:15 Arrival at MRI (1-1 Nagamine, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0052, Japan)
09:15–09:45 Site Visit at MRI
Lidar (aerosol, water vapor, ozone) (Sakai, Nagai)
09:45 Move to Aerological Observatory
10:00–11:30 Site Visit at Aerological Observatory
Dobson, Meteorological Instrument Verification Center, Observation Field (Narita, Abo, Mori, Ueno)
11:30 Leave Aerological Observatory
11:45 Drop off some people at Tsukuba Center Station
12:00 Arrive at Okura Frontier Hotel Epochal


7 October, 2019
13 November, 2019


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