Venue: Online
08:30–09:00 | Registration |
09:00–09:05 | Opening |
09:05–09:10 | Welcoming Speech from project leader, Dr. R. Hendrian, M.Sc. |
09:10–09:15 | Speech from LIPI, Chairman of LIPI |
09:15–09:25 | Opening Speech Prof. Dr. Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro, Minister of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency |
09:25–09:30 | Speech from JICA Mr. ITO Keisuke, Deputy Director General, Economic Development, JICA |
09:30–09:35 | Speech from JST Mr. KOBAYASHI Osamu, Director, Department of International Affairs, JST |
09:35–09:40 | Group Photo |
09:40–10:00 | Keynote Speaker I: Utilization of lignocellulosic biomass for the production of sustainable materials Prof. Kenji Umemura, Kyoto University, Japan |
10:00–10:20 | Keynote Speaker II: Cutting edge technologies in biomass conversion and utilization in Indonesia Prof. Bambang Subiyanto, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia |
10:20–10:50 | Discussion |
10:50–11:10 | Update of the Project for Producing Biomass Energy and Material Through Revegetation of Alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica) Fields (Japan) Prof. Dr. Toshiaki Umezawa, Kyoto University, Japan |
11:10–11:30 | Update of the Project for Producing Biomass Energy and Material Through Revegetation of Alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica) Fields (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. I Made Sudiana, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia |
11:30–12:00 | Discussion |
12:00–12:15 | Video Display (Poster presentation short talk) |
12:15–12:55 | Poster Session 1 |
12:55–13:10 | Discussion |
13:10–13:45 | Poster Session 2 |
13:45–13:55 | Discussion |
24 November, 2020
11 September, 2020