Place: Rakuyu Kaikan (Map number 96)
14:10–14:50 | Dr. Juan Guo (Research Institute of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, China) “Wood Collection of Chinese Academy of Forestry: Overview of Wood Identification and Cell Wall Structures in the past 10 years” |
14:50–15:30 | Dr. Zhai Shengcheng (College of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, China) “Establish a mutual promotion system of wood market based on xylarium — a case of xylarium development in Nanjing Forestry University” |
15:30–16:10 | Dr. Ratih Damayanti (Forest Products Research and Development Center Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia) “Indonesian ligno-cellulose collection ‘Xylarium Bogoriense’: Conserving the bio-diversities through research and development” |
16:20–16:50 | パネルディスカッション 「女性研究者の現状とこれから」 司会: 恒次祐子先生(東京大学) |
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1 March, 2019
21 January, 2019