Local Oranization Committee: wave-kanazawa [at] cie.is.t.kanazawa-u.ac.jp
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October 29, 2017
14:30–14:55 | Oral Particle trapping and ponderomotive processes during breaking of ion acoustic waves in plasmas Bharati Kakad, Amar Kakad, and Yoshiharu Omura Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, New Panvel, India, 410218 |
14:55–15:20 | Oral Generation mechanism of whistler-mode hiss emissions Y. Omura RISH, Kyoto University |
15:20–15:45 | Oral Ion hole formation and nonlinear generation of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron waves: THEMIS observations Masafumi Shoji (1), Yoshizumi Miyoshi (1), Yuto Katoh (2), Kunihiro Keika (3), Vassilis Angelopoulos (4), Satoshi Kasahara (3), Kazushi Asamura (5), Satoko Nakamura (6), Yoshiharu Omura (6) (1) Nagoya University, (2) Tohoku University, (3) The University of Tokyo, (4) University of California Los Angeles, (5) ISAS, (6) Kyoto University |
15:45–16:00 | Break |
16:00–16:25 | Oral Investigation of ion composition of the inner magnetosphere from magnetosonic wave observations Y. Miyoshi (1), K. Nomura (1), S. Kurita (1), S. Matsuda (1), K. Keika (2), M. Shoji (1), S. Machida (1), Y. Kasahara (3), N. Kitamura (4), O. Santolik (5), C. A. Kletzing (6), S. Boardsen (7), and R. Horne (8) (1) Nagoya University, Japan, (2) University of Tokyo, Japan, (3) Kanazawa University. Japan, (4) ISAS/JAXA, Japan, (5) CAS, Czech republic, (6) University of Iowa., US, (7) NASA/GSFC, US, (8) BAS, UK |
16:25–16:50 | Oral Not All whistler mode bursts produce relativistic electrons equally: Role of wave properties in whistler mode bursts S. Saito (1), Y. Miyoshi (1), S. Kurita (1), Y. Kasahara (2), F. Tsuchiya (3), A. Kumamoto (3), A. Matsuoka (4), S. Y. Wang (5), Y. Kazama (5), S. W. Y. Tam (6), S. Kasahara (4), S. Yokota (4), T. Mitani (4), N. Higashio (4), T. Hori(1), M. Shoji (1), S. Matsuda (1), M. Teramoto (1), T. F. Chang (1), K. Keika (7), I. Shinohara (4), and T. Takashima (4) (1) ISEE, Nagoya University, (2) Kanazawa University, (3) Tohoku University, (4) ISAS, JAXA, (5) Academia Sinica, Taiwan, (6) ISAPS, NCKU, Taiwan, (7) University of Tokyo |
16:50–17:30 | Invited Quasiperiodic modulations of energetic electron fluxes in the ULF range observed by the ERG satellite M. Teramoto (1), T. Hori (1), Y. Miyoshi (1), S. Kurita (1), S. Saito (1), N. Higashio (2), T. Mitani (3), A. Matsuoka (3), I. Park (1), T. Takashima (3), R. Nomura (2), M. Nose (4), A. Fujimoto (5), Y. -M. Tanaka (6), M. Shinohara (7), and I. Shinohara (3). (1) ISEE, Nagoya University, (2) TKSC/JAXA, (3) ISAS/JAXA, (4) Kyoto University, (5) Kyusyu University, (6) NIPR, (7) Kagoshima National College of Technology |
Invited : 40min. (Presentation 25min. + Q&A 15min.), Contributed: 25min. (Presentation 15min. + Q&A 10min.)
October 30, 2017
09:10–09:50 | Invited Multiple timescales of pulsating electron/proton auroras related with chorus/EMIC waves Mitsunori Ozaki (1); Kazuo Shiokawa (2); Yoshizumi Miyoshi (2); Ryuho Kataoka (3); Yusuke Ebihara (4); Shin-ichiro Oyama (2); Yoshimasa Tanaka (4); Yuichi Otsuka (2); Masahito Nose (5); Tsutomu Nagatsuma (6); Satoshi Kurita (2); Martin Connors (7); Reiko Nomura (8); Kaori Sakaguchi (6); Satoshi Yagitani (1); Satoshi Kurita (2); Martin Connors (7); Reiko Nomura (8); Kaori Sakaguchi (6); Satoshi Yagitani (1);Yoshiya Kasahara (1); Yasumasa Kasaba (9); Atsushi Kumamoto (9); Fuminori Tsuchiya (9); Yuto Katoh (9); Mitsuru Hikishima (10); Shoya Matsuda (2); Ayako Matsuoka (10); Masafumi Shoji (2); Keisuke Hosokawa (11); Yasunobu Ogawa (3); Akira Kadokura (3); Yuka Sato (3); Masaki Okada (3); Takanori Nishiyama (3); Herbert Akihito Uchida (3) (1) Kanazawa University, (2) ISEE, Nagoya University, (3) NIPR, (4) RISH, Kyoto University,(5) Kyoto University, (6) NICT, (7) Athabasca University, (8) JAXA, (9) Tohoku University, (10) ISAS/JAXA, (11) The University of Electro-Communications |
09:50–10:30 | Invited Properties of whistler-mode waves observed in the inner magnetosphere by the Van Allen Probes O. Santolik, I. Kolmasova, G. B. Hospodarsky, W. S. Kurth, and C. A. Kletzing Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS, Prague, , Czech Republic |
10:30–10:45 | Break |
10:45–11:10 | Oral Estimation of the chorus group velocity from THEMIS wave observations U. Taubenschuss, O. Santolik, O. Le Contel, and J. W. Bonnell Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS, Prague, Czech Republic |
11:10–11:35 | Oral Numerical simulations of wave-mode conversion on plasma density gradient M. Horky, Y. Omura, and O. Santolik Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS, Prague, Czech Republic |
11:35–13:00 | Lunch |
13:00–14:45 | Poster session |
14:50–15:30 | Invited Multispacecraft observations of lightning whistlers triggering plasmaspheric hiss I. Kolmasova, O. Santolik, M. Hanzelka, J. S. Pickett, W. S. Kurth , and C. A. Kletzing Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS, Prague, Czech Republic |
15:30–16:10 | Invited Observations of energetic electron precipitation into the atmosphere using LF/VLF standard radio waves Hiroyo Ohya (1) and Fuminori Tsuchiya (2) (1) Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba Univ., Japan, (2) PPARC, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku Univ., Japan |
Poster session list (13:00–14:45, Oct. 30, 2017)
- Improvement of radiation tolerance in a plasma waveform receiver
Yuya Tokunaga (1), Mitsunori Ozaki (1), Satoshi Yagitani (1), Akira Yoshida (1), Naoto Okubo (1), Hirotsugu Kojima (2), Takahiro Zushi (2)
(1) Kanazawa University, Japan, (2) RISH, Kyoto University, Japan - Development of a real-time signal prcessing module usig a FPGA for the plasma wave measurements
T. Takahashi, Y. Ogawa, T. Hamano, M. Ota, Y. Kasahara, and Y. Goto
Kanazawa University - A pulse noise reduction technique from natural electromagnetic waves by signal processing
Takumi Dejima (1), Mitsunori Ozaki (1), Satoshi Yagitani (1), Kazuo Shiokawa (2), Akihiro Hirano (1), Martin Connors (3)
(1) Kanazawa Univ., (2) ISEE, Nagoya Univ., (3) Athabasca Univ. - Analysis of equatorward drifting proton aurora associated with spectral characteristics of Pc1 waves
T. Inoue (1), M. Ozaki (1), S. Yagitani (1), K. Shiokawa (2), Y. Miyoshi (2), R. Kataoka (3), Y. Ebihara (4), R. Nomura (5), K. Sakaguchi (6), Y. Otsuka (2), M. Connors (7)
(1) Kanazawa Univ., (2) Nagoya Univ., (3) NIPR, (4) Kyoto Univ., (5) JAXA, (6) NICT, (7) Athabasca Univ. - A few tens of Hz modulations of pulsating electron aurora?related with subpacket structures of chorus emissions
Takumi Inoue (1), Tomohiro Inoue (1), Mitsunori Ozaki (1), Satoshi Yagitani (1), Yusuke Ebihara (2), Mitsuru Hikishima (3), Keisuke Hosokawa (4), Kosuke Imamura (1), Akira Kadokura (5), Yasumasa Kasaba (6), Yoshiya Kasahara (1), Ryuho Kataoka (5), Yuto Katoh (6), Atsushi Kumamoto (6), Satoshi Kurita (7), Shoya Matsuda (7), Ayako Matsuoka (3), Masaki Okada (5), Yuichi Otsuka (7), Shin-ichiro Oyama (7), Yuka Sato (5), Kazuo Shiokawa (7), Yoshimasa Tanaka (5); Fuminori Tsuchiya (6), Martin Connors (9)
(1) Kanazawa University, (2) RISH, (3) ISAS, (4) UEC, (5) NIPR, (6) Tohoku University, (7) ISEE, (8) ISAS/JAXA, (9) Athabasca University - Direction finding method developed for the Arase/PWE
M. Ota (1); Y. Kasahara (1); S. Matsuda (2); H. Kojima (3); A. Matsuoka (4); M. Hikishima (4); Y. Kasaba (5); M. Ozaki (1); S. Yagitani (1); F. Tsuchiya (5); A. Kumamoto (5)
(1) Kanazawa Univ. (2) Nagoya Univ. (3) Kyoto Univ. (4) ISAS/JAXA, (5) Tohoku University, - Clarification of the mechanism of VLF radiation intensity reduction before earthquakes observed by DEMETER and WWLLN data
Tetsuya Kodama (1), Jean-Jacques Berthelier (2), Tatsuo Onishi (2), Toshiyasu Nagao (3), Shoho Togo (4), Masashi kamogawa (4)
(1) JAXA, Tsukuba, Japan, (2) LATMOS, Paris, France, (3) Tokai University, Shimizu, Japan, (4) Tokyo Gakugei University, Tokyo, Japan - Analysis of propagation characteristic of MF band radio waves observed by S-310-40 sounding rocket
D. Oka, K. Ishisaka, T. Abe, A. Kumamoto
Toyama Prefectural Univ. - DC electric field measurement in the MID-latitude ionosphere by S-520-26 sounding rocket
A. Yamamoto, K. Ishisaka, M. Tanaka, M. Yamamoto, T. Abe
Toyama Prefectural Univ. - Two-dimensional electromagnetic particle simulation of whistler-mode triggered emissions
T. Nogi and Y. Omura
RISH, Kyoto University - Pitch Angle Scattering of Energetic Electrons by Plasmaspheric Hiss Emissions
M. Tobita and Y. Omura
RISH, Kyoto University - Dynamics of energetic protons interacting with EMIC waves
K. Sekine and Y. Omura
RISH, Kyoto University - Dynamics of energetic electrons in 2D mirror field and 3D dipole field
K. Takahashi and Y. Omura
RISH, Kyoto University - Estimation of lunar surface permittivity using natural waves observed by KAGUYA/WFC
Y. Tagawa, R. Kimura, Y. Goto, Y. Kasahara
Kanazawa University - Study of effects of ionosphere on HF ocean radar
N. Hanada, T. Kakumoto, Y. Goto, Y. Kasahara
Kanazawa University - Dissipation in Relativistic Pair-Plasma Reconnection: Revisited
S. Zenitani
RISH, Kyoto University
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29 November, 2017
18 October, 2017