
International Symposium on Frontier Researches in Sustainable Humanosphere 2015

開催日時 2015-11-16/17
開催場所 Wood Composite Hall, Uji Campus, Kyoto University
主催者 Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University.


生存圏研究所が拠点活動の一環として平成 23 年より推進している新しい研究の枠組み「生存圏科学の新領域開拓」に関して、今期拠点活動の最終年度の国際シンポジウムを開催致します。新領域開拓の研究は、生存圏と人間との関わりに重点を置いた研究であり、5 つの主要テーマ、1)バイオマスの生理活性、2)木質住環境と健康、3)大気質の安心・安全、4)電磁場の生体影響、5)千年居住圏、と複数のサブテーマで構成されています。

今回の国際シンポジウム(一般公開)では、全 5 テーマおよび圏間共同研究に関して、海外からの研究者を含む 13 名の研究者を招聘しました。これら招待講演に加え、研究所内からの研究報告を織り交ぜて、広範な専門領域をカバーするシンポジウムとする予定です。関係諸氏のご参加を歓迎致します。

日時: 2015(平成27)年11月16日から17日
場所: 京都大学生存圏研究所 木質ホール



November 16, 2015

09:30 Registration Desk Opens
10:00–10:10 Opening remarks
Director: Dr. T. Tsuda (RISH)
  Theme 1: Biomass-derived Protective Compounds for Human and Livestocks (Chair: Dr. T. Watanabe)
10:10–10:50 Plant-derived bioactive compounds and their transport mechanisms
Dr. S. van der Krol (Lab. of Plant Physiology, Wageningen University, The Netherlands)
10:50–11:30 Application Research on Using Bamboo Vinegar Based Additives for Broiler Chicken Breeding
Dr. W. Zhang (School of Engineering, Zhejiang A & F University, China)
11:30–12:10 Application Research of Bamboo Vinegar in Broiler Chickens
Dr. C. Li (College of Animal Science and Technology, Nanjing Agricultural University, China)
12:10–13:10 Lunch Break
13:10–13:40 Characterization of Antivirus Activities of Wood and Bamboo Vinegar
Dr. R. Li (RISH)
  Theme 3: Air Quality and Related Environmental Issues (Chair: Dr. K. Takahashi / Dr. M. Yabuki)
13:40–14:20 Experimental and observational study on haze in equatorial Asia
Dr. M. Kuwata (Asian School of the Environment and Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
14:20–15:00 Atmospheric deposition of reactive nitrogen
Dr. K. Matsuda (Faculty of Agriculture Field Science Center, Tokyo University of Agriculture and technology)
15:00–15:30 Observational studies on the air quality issues in forest environments
Dr. K. Takahashi Dr. M. Yabuki (RISH)
15:30–15:50 Coffee Break
  Theme 4: Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (Chair: Dr. J. Miyakoshi)
15:50–16:30 Recent Advances in Biomagnetic Stimulation and Imaging of the Brain
Dr. S. Ueno (Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo)
16:30–17:10 Bioelectromagnetics research in Europe with a focus in France
Dr. I. Lagroye (The University of Bordeaux, France)
17:10–17:40 Cellular Responses to Electromagnetic Fields
Mr. E. Narita, Dr. S. Koyama, Ms. Y. Shimizu, Dr. T. Mitani, Dr. N. Shinohara, Dr. J. Miyakoshi (RISH)
18:00 Welcome Reception


November 17, 2015

  Theme 5: Origins and Maintenance of Hyper long Life Livingsphere —Wood Science and Culture in East Asia— (Chair: Dr. H. Isoda)
09:00–09:40 Recent trend in sustainable built environment —Tall timber building
Dr. W. Chang (Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, University of Bath, UK)
09:40–10:20 A Study on Chemometrics and Image Analysis for Species Identification of Wooden Cultural Properties in Korea
Mr. S. W. Hwang (Department of Wood and Paper Science, Kyungpook National University, Korea)
10:20–10:50 Utilization of the natural adhesives on the wood-based materials
Mr. Z. Zhao, Dr. K. Umemura, Dr. K. Kanayama (RISH)
  Theme 2: Wooden Habitat and Human Health (Chair: Dr. K. Kanayama/ Dr. H. Yano)
10:50–11:30 Differences in human physiological and psychological response: volatility and humidity conditioning effects caused by different wooden environments
Dr. K. Shimizu (Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University)
11:30–12:10 Wooden Tactile Warmth for Human and its Evaluation
Dr. Y. Obata (Graduate School of Engineering, Tottori University)
12:10–13:10 Lunch Break
13:10–13:40 Wooden Habitat and Human Health —Technological development for humidity control and psychophysiological effects—
Dr. Y. Furuta, Dr. E. Matsubara (Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Kyoto Prefectural University/ Forest and Forest Products Research Institute)
  Inter-sphere collaborative program
13:40–14:20 Nanoparticle size characterization by image analysis: Transmission electron microscopy and nanoparticle tracking analysis
Mr. T. Wagner (Biomedical Imaging Group, Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany)
14:20–15:00 Designing Lignins for the Future Biorefinery
Dr. J. Ralph (Professor at Department of Biochemistry and Wisconsin Energy Institute, University of Wisconsin-Madison Leader at Plant Area, US Department of Energy, Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, USA)
15:00 Closing remarks
Organizer: Dr. K. Yazaki (RISH)


Poster PDF File (4 408 320 bytes)

28 October, 15 October, 2015.