
The 328th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere
Producing Biomass Energy and Material through Revegetation of Deteriorated Grass Fields
(2nd SATREPS Symposium of Producing Biomass Energy and Material through Revegetation of Deteriorated Grass Fields)

開催日時 2016-11-14
開催場所 Bogor, Indonesia.


08:00–08:30Registration Secretariat
08:30–08:35Opening MC
08:35–08:50Welcoming Ceremony from Project Leader Dr. Didik Widyatmoko, M.Sc.
08:50–09:05Opening Ceremony Deputy of Life Sciences LIPI
09:05–09:15Speech from JICA Representative from JICA
09:15–09:35Presentation from JST Representative from JST
09:35–09:50Coffee break Organizer
09:50–10:20Keynote Speaker I: Prof. Umezawa Prof. I Made Sudiana (Moderator)
10:20–10:50Keynote Speaker II: Prof. Budi Mulyanto
10:50–11:20Keynote Speaker III: Dr. Novizar Nazir
11:40–12:00Poster session
12:00–13:00Break Organizer
13:00–13:15Dr. Puspita Lisdiyanti Prof. I Made Sudiana (Moderator)
13:15–13:30Dr. Hanano
13:30–13:45Dr. Reni Lestari
13:45–14:00Assc. Prof. Dr. Kobayashi
14:20–14:35Dr. Satya Nugraha
14:35–14:50Prof. Umezawa
14:50–15:05Prof. Subyakto
15:05–15:20Mr. Sukma Surya K.
15:40–15:50Closing ceremony Organizer
15:50–16:00Coffee break

Poster PDF file (237 953 bytes)

Symposium-0328 aSymposium-0328 b

13 December, 7 November, 2016