
(International Symposium on the Whole Atmosphere)

開催日時 2016(平成28)年9月14日(水)10:30~16日(金)
開催場所 東京大学伊藤謝恩ホール
主催者 東京大学大学院理学系研究科および国立極地研究所の共同主催
申請代表者 佐藤薫 (東京大学大学院理学系研究科)
所内担当者 山本衛 (京都大学生存圏研究所レーダー大気圏科学分野)
関連ミッション ミッション1 環境診断・循環機能制御
ミッション3 宇宙生存環境
関連分野 大気科学。











Wednesday, September 14

10:30–10:40Opening remarks (K. Sato)
10:40–11:10Keynote 1
K. Hamilton: Propagation of the S2 tide throughout the whole atmosphere: The remarkable information in a simple barometric record
Session 1: Planetary/Rossby waves and tides I
11:10–11:25J. M. Forbes: Planetary wave-tide interactions and consequences in the middle and upper atmosphere (invited)
11:25–11:40J. Oberheide: Short-term tidal variability in the ionospheric dynamo region over one solar cycle (invited)
11:40–11:55R. R. Garcia: Seasonal and interannual variability of the diurnal tides observed by SABER (invited)
11:55–12:10L. Chang: Coherent seasonal, annual, and quasi-biennial variations in ionospheric tidal/SPW amplitudes: Observations and Modeling
Session 2: Planetary/Rossby waves and tides II
13:30–13:45R. S. Lieberman: Observational and theoretical studies of tide-planetary wave interaction in the middle atmosphere (invited)
13:45–14:00A. K. Smith: The QBO impacts on tides and the SAO (invited)
14:00–14:15V. Wirth: Diagnosing long-range propagation of upper tropospheric Rossby wave packets (invited)
Session 3: Middle atmosphere climate
14:15–14:30D. R. Marsh: Are stratospheric ozone chemistry feedbacks critical for the determination of climate sensitivity? (invited)
14:30–14:45K. Matthes: Decadal variability and its relation to the solar cycle and internal variability (invited)
14:40–15:00B. Funke: Mesosphere-stratosphere coupling by polar winter descent of odd nitrogen (invited)
15:00–15:15Y. Tomikawa: Dynamical response of the SH middle atmosphere to energetic particle precipitations in the latest reanalysis data
15:15–15:45Coffee break
Session 4: Sudden stratospheric warming and SSW-initiated global coupling
15:45–16:00R. A. Vincent: Stratospheric warmings in the southern hemisphere and coupling to the mesosphere (invited)
16:00–16:15T. Birner: Sudden stratospheric warmings and anomalous upward wave activity flux (invited)
16:15–16:30T. Hirooka: Modulation of the semiannual oscillation induced by sudden stratospheric warming events (invited)
16:30–16:45Y. J. Orsolini: Role of planetary waves, gravity waves and tides in the downward transport of nitrogen oxides during elevated stratopause events
16:45–17:00S. Noguchi: Predictability of the stratospheric polar vortex breakdown: An ensemble reforecast experiment for the splitting event in January 2009
17:00–17:15C. Zulicke: Relation of low-latitude mesospheric wind anomalies to SAO, QBO and SSW
17:15–17:30F. I. Laskar: Interhemispheric coupling during sudden stratospheric warmings and at different phases of Quasi-Biennial Oscillation
17:30–17:45K. Sato: Interhemispheric Coupling Study by Observations and Modelling (ICSOM)
18:00–19:30ICSOM meeting (members only)

Thursday, September 15

09:30–10:00Keynote 2
W. Randel: Satellite observations and coupling of the whole atmosphere
Session 5: Stratosphere-troposphere coupling I
10:00–10:15M. A. Geller: Baroclinic mixing of potential vorticity as the principal sharpening mechanism for the tropopause inversion layer (invited)
10:15–10:30M. H. Hitchman: On the role of inertial instability in cyclones: Stratosphere-troposphere exchange, jet acceleration, and PV dipoles (invited)
10:30–10:45P. H. Haynes: The controlling effect of the stratosphere on the tropospheric flow and on upward planetary wave propagation (invited)
10:45–11:00Coffee break
Session 6: Stratosphere-troposphere coupling II
11:00–11:15T. Iwasaki: Impacts of low-level polar cold air outbreaks on Brewer-Dobson circulations (invited)
11:15–11:30S.-W. Son: Modulation of the organized tropical deep convections by the stratospheric Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (invited)
11:30–11:45S. Yoden: Stratosphere-troposphere dynamical coupling in the tropics: QBO modulations of the tropical deep convection and the MJO (invited)
11:45–12:00M. P. Baldwin: tbd (invited)
12:00–12:15M. Abalos: Phase-speed spectra of tracer eddy fluxes linked to isentropic stirring in the UTLS
13:30–15:30Poster presentations
15:30–16:00Coffee break
Session 7: Gravity waves I
16:00–16:15 H.-Y. Chun: Convective gravity waves and their interaction with QBO (invited)
16:15–16:30 S. L. Vadas: The vertical coupling of the lower to upper atmosphere via atmospheric gravity waves (invited)
16:30–16:45 A. Hertzog: Gravity waves: Long-duration balloon observations and parameterization in climate models (invited)
16:45–17:00 P. Preusse: Global gravity wave distributions from limb-sounding satellites, ECMWF and ray-tracing modelling (invited)
17:00–17:15 I. Krisch: 3D tomographic measurements of gravity waves with the IR limb imager GLORIA during GW-LCYCLE
17:15–17:30 D. J. Murphy: Gravity waves in models and observations over Antarctica and the Southern Ocean (invited)
17:30–17:45 R. Shibuya: Inertia-gravity waves with a wave period of quasi-12 h in the mesosphere observed by the PANSY radar
17:45–18:00 B. R. Sutherland: Flows induced by 1D, 2D and 3D internal wavepackets (invited)
19:00–21:00Banquet (Registration and payment are necessary by August 15 2016)

Friday, September 16

09:30–10:00Keynote 3
W. E. Ward: Effects of dynamical variability in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere on energetics and constituents
Session 8: Vertical coupling I
10:00–10:15Huixin Liu: Thermospheric inter-annual variability: Implications for effects of ENSO and QBO (invited)
10:15–10:30K. Shiokawa: Horizontal and vertical coupling of the middle and upper atmosphere observed by airglow imagers (invited)
10:30–10:45J. Yue: Quasi-two-day wave coupling of the middle atmosphere and ionosphere-thermosphere (invited)
10:45–11:00Coffee break
Session 9: Vertical coupling II
11:00–11:15X. Chu: Thermospheric Fe layers up to ~200 km in Antarctica and their coupling with the atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere (invited)
11:15–11:30Y. Miyoshi: Vertical propagation of gravity waves in the thermosphere simulated by GAIA (invited)
11:30–11:45H. Schmidt: What determines the downward transport of nitrogen oxides from the lower thermosphere to the stratosphere? (invited)
11:45–12:00R. Yasui: An analysis on the momentum budget in the MLT region based on satellite and whole atmosphere model data
12:00–12:15A. de la Camara: The impact of source-related nonorographic gravity wave parameterizations on the circulation of the middle atmosphere
Session 10: Observations and technology of the middle and upper atmosphere
13:30–13:45I. M. Reid: Meteor radar and airglow observations at middle and high latitudes (invited)
13:45–14:00M. Yamamoto: Study of ionospheric irregularities over Japan and Indonesia with radars and other instruments (invited)
14:00–14:15J. L. Chau: MMARIA: A multi-static, multi-frequency meteor radar approach to improve the MLT wind field measurements (invited)
14:15–14:30M. Tsutsumi: Characteristics of mesosphere echoes over Antarctica obtained using PANSY and MF radars
14:30–14:45K. Nishimura: Technical development for MST radar; Pulse coding, signal processing and spectrum estimation
Session 11: Gravity waves II
14:45–15:00M. Rapp: Initial results of the GW-LCYCLE campaign 2015/16 — results on the life cycle of gravity waves from combined airborne and ground based observations (invited)
15:00–15:15T. Moffat-Griffin: Measuring mesospheric gravity waves from above the oceans: a ship-borne imager
15:15–15:30X. Lu: Statistical characterization of high-to-medium frequency gravity waves in vertical winds and temperatures in the MLT
15:30–16:00Coffee break
Session 12: Gravity waves III
16:00–16:15 D. C. Fritts: Multi-scale gravity wave dynamics throughout the atmosphere: Interactions, instabilities, and secondary gravity wave generation (invited)
16:15–16:30 T. Nakamura: Gravity waves in the middle atmosphere over Syowa Station, the Antarctic (69S, 40E), observed with ground-based optical observations
16:30–16:45 I.-S. Song: Numerical simulation of mesoscale gravity waves observed near the mesopause region
Session 13: High-resolution GCM
16:45–17:00 M. J. Alexander: Gravity waves and precipitation in high-resolution models and observations (invited)
17:00–17:15 E. Manzini: Towards a high resolution stratosphere in ICON (invited)
17:15–17:30 E. Becker: Explicit simulation of gravity waves up to the lower thermosphere using a global circulation model (invited)
17:30–17:45 Hanli Liu: Gravity Wave Variation from the Stratosphere to the Lower Thermosphere During Stratospheric Sudden Warming Events (invited)
17:45–17:50Closing remarks (K. Sato)

Saturday, September 17

Excursion (Registration and payment are necessary by August 15)

List of poster presentations (Thursday, September 15)

Planetary/Rossby waves and tides

  • X. Lu: Vertical coupling of eastward travelling planetary waves from the stratosphere to the lower thermosphere in Antarctica using lidar, satellite, and modeling
  • S. Eswaraiah: Observation of strong mesospheric tides over the Antarctic during stratosphere sudden warming years
  • S. Nozawa: Changes of temperature and semidiurnal tide in the polar lower thermosphere and upper mesosphere related to sudden stratospheric warmings above Tromsoe, Norway
  • M. A. Thithonis: Quasi two day wave activity during major sudden stratospheric warming events
  • V. Silverman: Radiative effects of ozone waves on the polar vortex seasonal cycle and extratropical QBO signal
  • R. Thieblemont: Poleward transport variability in the northern hemisphere during the final stratospheric warming simulated by CESM (WACCM)

Middle atmosphere climate

  • A. Kuchar: A mid-latitude stratosphere dynamical index for attribution of stratospheric variability and improved ozone and temperature trend analysis - dynamics discussion
  • H. Naoe: Future changes in ozone Quasi-Biennial Oscillation with increasing GHGs and ozone recovery in CCMI simulation
  • D. F. Hurst: Stratospheric water vapor and ozone: Past influences on climate evaluated using the SWOOSH database
  • M. Lopez-Puertas: Variability of temperature and cooling rates in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere
  • P. Kishore: Evaluating CMIP5 models using GPS radio occultation COSMIC temperature in UTLS region during 2006-2013: 21st century projection and trends

Sudden stratospheric warming and SSW-initiated global coupling

  • A. de la Camara: On the sensitivity of sudden stratospheric warmings to previous stratospheric conditions
  • V. Kumar: Impact of sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) over tropical region: A study using COSMIC/ FORMOSAT-3 observations
  • P. Kishore: Sudden stratospheric warmings observed in the last decade by satellite measurements

Stratosphere-troposphere coupling

  • M. Sandhya: Convective response due to a potential vorticity intrusion in tropical latitudes
  • M. Sandhya: Tropical upper tropospheric humidity variations and tropical plumes due to potential vorticity intrusions over Indian sector
  • S. K. Sharma: Investigations on water vapor, total column ozone and aerosol optical thickness over western sites of India
  • D. Domeisen: A blocking view of stratosphere — troposphere coupling
  • E. Nishimoto: Influence of the stratospheric Quasi-Biennial Oscillation on the Madden-Julian Oscillation during austral summer
  • T. Yamanouchi: Importance of stratosphere-troposphere coupling in polar atmosphere and climate
  • T. Ermakova: Manifestation of ENSO events in the extra-tropical stratosphere
  • E. Savenkova: Stratosphere-troposphere coupling during the SSW Events
  • J. Suzuki: Interannual variability of equatorial Kelvin waves around the tropical tropopause influenced by the background wind
  • S. Hirano: A three-dimensional analysis on the role of atmospheric waves in the climatology and interannual variability of stratospheric final warming in the Southern Hemisphere
  • K. Nishii: Decay processes of short and long extreme stratospheric polar vortex events

Gravity waves

  • J. B. Snively: Numerical modeling of large amplitude mesospheric gravity waves and their observable signatures in the hydroxyl airglow layer
  • B.-G. Song: Sources of gravity waves in the upper mesosphere at King Sejong Station, Antarctica (62.22°S, 58.78°W)
  • P. Ghosh: Convection generated high frequency gravity waves: Comparison between MST radar observations & WRF simulation
  • M. Pramitha: Identification of gravity wave sources over tropical latitudes using reverse ray tracing technique
  • M. Kogure: Seasonal and height variations of gravity wave activities in the middle atmosphere (15–70 km) over Syowa Station (69S, 40E) in the Antarctic using Rayleigh/Raman lidar
  • Y. Minamihara: Characteristics of vertical wind fluctuations in the lower troposphere at Syowa Station in the Antarctic revealed by the PANSY radar
  • D. Takeo: Long-term variation of horizontal phase velocity spectra of atmospheric gravity waves observed by an airglow imager at Shigaraki: Comparison between mesopause region and thermosphere
  • S. Perwitasari: 3-years of concentric gravity wave variability in the mesopause as observed by IMAP/VISI
  • A. V. Koval: Numerical simulation of the stationary orographic gravity waves impact on the ozone fluxes and meridional circulation during stratospheric warming events in the middle atmosphere
  • J. Zhao: Characterization of gravity waves in the stratosphere and lower mesosphere at McMurdo, Antarctica
  • C. Chen: Lidar observations and automated extraction of persistent gravity waves with periods of 3-10 h at McMurdo (77.83°S, 166.67°E) utilizing two-dimensional Morlet wavelet transform
  • T. S. Matsuda: New applications of horizontal phase velocity spectrum derived from airglow imaging observation at Syowa
  • C. J. Heale: Interaction of finite amplitude gravity waves in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere

Vertical coupling

  • M. Shivankandan: Multi-instrument investigation of troposphere-ionosphere coupling through gravity waves and the role of gravity waves in the formation of equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs)
  • A. Saito: ISS-IMAP observation of the airglow structures in the MLT region
  • L. N. Makarova: Influence of the space disturbances on the Arctic weather
  • N. Eguchi: Sudden tropical stratospheric warming by subtropical jet variation in the middle atmosphere
  • V. Matthias: QBO modulation of the southern polar mesopause region
  • G. Bharti: Radiative cooling by NO emission observed by TIMED/SABER over Asian sector

Observations and technology of the middle and upper atmosphere

  • M. K. Ejiri: Observed fine-structures in sporadic Ca+ ion layers by a frequency-tunable resonance scattering lidar in the midlatitude
  • P. Baron: Study for measuring middle and upper atmospheric wind and temperature with sub-millimeter and TeraHertz limb sounders
  • T. Hashimoto: Automatic diagonal-loading scheme for robust adaptive beamforming on atmospheric radars
  • J. Gumbel: The MATS satellite mission - tomography of structures and waves in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere
  • Y. Guo: Measuring turbulence and eddy flux with a Na lidar
  • H. Hashiguchi: Development of MU radar real-time processing system with adaptive clutter rejection
  • S. Ochiai: A plan of submillimeter limb sounder for measurement of the middle atmosphere

Wave-mean flow interaction

  • Y. Hayashi: Formation of two dimensional and three dimensional circulation responding to unsteady wave forcing in the middle atmosphere
  • T. Kinoshita: A study of three dimensional structure of stratospheric material transport
  • Y. Kanno: Mean meridional circulations expressed by mass-weighted isentropic time means

Solar effects on the neutral atmosphere

  • K. Kodera: Solar influence on the tropical troposphere from the middle atmosphere
  • K. Imai: SMILES observations of mesospheric ozone during the solar eclipse
  • T. Nishiyama: Comparison study between polar mesosphere winter echo, CNA and electron density in the mesosphere based on the PANSY radar
