The 4th International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security (SustaiN) 2013
開催日時 | 2013/10/19(土) 9:30–18:05 - 2013/10/20(日) 10:15–19:30 |
開催場所 | 京都大学百周年時計台記念館および吉田国際交流会館 |
主催者 | 在日インドネシア人留学生協会京都‐滋賀支部およびSustaiN Society |
申請代表者 | Setiawan Khoirul Himmi (Indonesia Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Bogor, Indonesia) |
所内担当者 | 吉村剛 (京都大学生存圏研究所居住圏環境共生分野) |
関連ミッション |
ミッション 1 (環境計測・地球再生) |
1. Energy and Environment (EnE)
Renewable energy; Low carbon energy system; Energy economics and planning; Sustainable municipal solid waste management; Sustainable consumption and production; Urban water and Waste Management; Life cycle inventory and impact assessment in ASEAN nations; Energy Efficiency and low energy buildings; Energy related Biotechnology and Nanotechnology; Efficient and environmental friendly Information Communication and Technology; Advances in geosciences.
2. Sustainable Forestry and Agriculture (FA)
Tropical forest ecology and management; Forest resource and conservation; Forest product and technology; Community based forest management; Agriculture process engineering; Agriculture and food security; Nursery and Breeding technology; Pest control and management.
3. Sustainable Built Environment in Tropical Hemisphere Countries (BE)
Educating Future Architects: Sustainability as The Norm; Design: Creativity and Adaptability; Towards a Grand Scenario: Policy for Sustainable Growth; Structure, Geo-technique and Construction Materials; Transportation and Urban Design; Construction Technology and Value Management; Sustainable buildings and constructions; Buildings (life cycle cost, energy and impact analysis); Heritage conservation; Preservation and Restoration of Wooden Structures.
4. River Basin and Sustainable Disaster Management (RnD)
River and watershed Management; Water resources management; Debris flow and debris flood; Hydrological modeling; Erosion control and sediment transport; Disaster caused by extreme weather; Community based disaster management; Disaster analysis, monitoring and mitigation; Surveillance and early warning systems.
5. Social and Economics Development (SE)
Democracy and democratization of violence; Politics of energy security; Public Sphere, Public Space and Urban politics; Global Governance and development; Weaving the future of memories and identities.
The 4th SustaiN Conference 2013 emphasis on the sustainable future for human security, in response of the need to solve numerous human-related problems resulting from the rapid growth of modern society. The topic of a sustainable future for human security needs to be discussed in an integrated way, in accordance with the principles of sustainability, considering energy and materials supply, economies and trade, technology, cities, agriculture, social and environmental aspects.
The objective of the conference:
- To provide a forum for international researchers community to discuss, share and exchange their latest research progress in relation with sustainable future issues.
- To develop and promote a sustainable networking between participants to hold human securities and bridging ideas into policies and desired realities.
- To broaden information access for scientific communities toward global scientific, technology and engineering societies.
- To empower Asian in general and South East Asia in particular for research collaboration, network and partnership among researcher communities and decision makers.
We are living in an important historical point. The rise of Asia had brought waves of optimism across Asian nations. This brings many opportunities to shape a sustainable future for human security in Asia. However, there are still many problems and challenges lie in various aspects and levels, from community to governance, from politics to economy, and from global to local.
The shift of pendulum generated some consequences; some of them lead to natural resources depletion, shortage of carbon-based energy, shortage of food and water, as well as over-utilization of natural and human resources. The future economic and technology heavily rely on either the proper utilization of Asian natural resources, or well-prepared human resources.
To create breakthroughs for ensuring the prosperous future of the Asian people, deep understanding of problems and the dynamics shaping them is at paramount importance. Thus, students and scholars are at the forefront of this process.
Learning from the advanced West is important. However, it is clear that “one size fits all” is not always applicable. Asia, with its unique and vibrant culture, history, and socio-political contexts, offers various different kinds of wisdom and solutions. It depends on us to answer this intellectual challenge. Thus, we believe that building a network of students and scholars working on various aspects and levels of challenges for the future of Asia with various academic background is an important step to find creative and fresh answers.
However, scholarly understanding of challenges and their creative answers to problems should not stop at books, journals, and conferences. They should inspire policies and actions, both by the government and civil society. We should create bridges to bring ideas to realities.