International Symposium on Earth-Science Challenges (ISEC)
—The 3rd Summit between the University of Oklahoma and Kyoto University—
開催日時 | 2013/10/03(木) 9:00~ - 2013/10/05(土) ~16:30 |
開催場所 | 京都大学宇治おうばくプラザ |
主催者 | 京都大学防災研究所・中北英一 |
申請代表者 | 中北英一 (京都大学防災研究所) |
所内担当者 | 津田敏隆 (京都大学生存圏研究所大気圏精測診断分野) |
関連ミッション |
ミッション 1 (環境計測・地球再生) |
関連分野 | 地球科学、気象学、水文学、電磁気学、超高層物理学。 |
場所: 京都大学宇治おうばくプラザ
2008 年にオクラホマ大学大気地理学部と京都大学防災研究所と京都大学生存圏研究所の 3 者間で、大気科学の研究教育推進に関する協定が締結されている。この協定に基づき第 3 回目の国際シンポジウムを開催する。過去 2 回のシンポジウムでは、気象および気候に関する地球科学の挑戦をテーマとして実施されている。その後、京都大学では 2012 年度から気候変動リスク情報創生プログラム課題「課題対応型の精密な影響評価」を防災研主導で進めている中、オクラホマ大学でも気候研究の大御所である Dr. B Moore を新たに大気地理学科の学部長に迎え、さらに副学長に任命して、気象学のみならず気候学にその版図を拡張している。加えて、フェーズドアレイレーダーなど次世代のレーダー技術に関して、日米が世界の先駆を進んでいる。このような状況をふまえ、本研究集会である第 3 回目の国際シンポジウムでも気象および気候に関する先端的なシンポジウムとして、サイエンスからアプリケーションに至る幅広いスペクトラムの議論を展開することを目的とした。
本研究集会では、口頭発表 53 件、ポスター発表 21 件が行われ、100 名を超える多くの参加者を迎えて開催することができた。研究集会では、リモートセンシングを用いた最新の観測技術とその気象観測への応用、ハイインパクト現象に対する解明と予測、防災に資する極端現象と気候変化の解析、という 3 つの大きなテーマを掲げ、加えて、シンポジウムのタイトルである地球科学の挑戦と将来というスペシャルセッションを設け、活発な議論が行われた。また、本研究集会は京都大学とオクラホマ大学の交流の意味を持っており、前回のシンポジウムからおよそ 2 年の歳月を経て、いずれの分野においても、京都大学・オクラホマ大学お互いに目覚ましい進歩を遂げているものと認識することができた。また、若手研究者同士の交流のイベントを行い、近年盛んになりつつある両大学間の人材交流を加速するものと期待できる。2 年後にはオクラホマ大学にて第 4 回目のシンポジウムを開催することの合意も得ることができた。
- Keynote: 竜巻形成に関するエントロピック平衡理論と変分法ラグラジアン形成
- Session 1-1: 地球科学の挑戦と将来
- Session 2-1: アドバンスリモートセンシング
- Session 2-2: アドバンスリモートセンシング
- Session 1-2: 地球科学の挑戦と将来
- Session 2-3: アドバンスリモートセンシング
- Poster session
- Session 3-1: ハイインパクト現象に対する解明と予測
- Session 3-2: ハイインパクト現象に対する解明と予測
- Session 3-3: ハイインパクト現象に対する解明と予測
- Session 4-1: 防災に資する極端現象と気候変化の解析
- Technical tour: フェーズドアレイレーダーの見学
October 3 (Thursday), 2013
08:10–09:00 | Registration |
Opening Ceremony Chair: Hirohiko Ishikawa (GCOE-ARS/ DPRI, KU) | |
09:00–09:05 | Opening Address Naoto Oshiman (Director of DPRI, KU) |
09:05–09:10 | Opening Address Toshitaka Tsuda (Director of RISH, KU) |
Opening Special Talk Chair: Hirohiko Ishikawa (GCOE-ARS/ DPRI, KU) | |
09:15–10:00 | Entropic Balance Theory and Variational Field Lagrangian Formalism Yoshi K. Sasaki (George Lynn Cross Research Professor Emeritus, OU) |
10:00–10:10 | Taking a Ceremonial Photograph |
10:10–10:30 | Coffee Break |
Special Session: Earth-Science Challenges and Beyond (1) Chair: Eiichi Nakakita (DPRI, KU) | |
10:30–10:55 | Extreme Weather Variations in the Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupled System: Past, Present and Future Shigeo Yoden (Graduate School of Science, KU) |
10:55–11:20 | Global COE Project: A Research and Educational Challenge to Extreme Weather and its Over-sea Activities Hirohiko Ishikawa (GCOE-ARS/ DPRI, KU) |
11:20–11:45 | Overview of the University of Oklahoma Research Program Robert D. Palmer (Associate Vice President for Research/ Tommy C. Craighead Chair of SoM, OU) |
11:45–12:10 | Research in the School of Meteorology: The Upcoming PECAN Project on Nocturnal, Continental Convection and Future Long-term Directions David B. Parsons (SoM/ Mark and Kandi McCasland Chair of Meteorology, OU) |
12:10–13:30 | Lunch Break |
Session: Advanced Remote Sensing Development and Observations (1) Chair: Jun-Ichi Furumoto (RISH, KU) | |
13:30–13:45 | Polarimetric NEXRAD and Its Utilization for Operations and Research Present and Future Alexander Ryzhkov (Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies, OU/ NOAA/OAR/NSSL, USA) |
13:45–14:00 | Detection of Potentially Hazardous Convective Clouds with a Dual-Polarized C-band Weather Radar Ahoro Adachi (Meteorological Research Institute, Japan) |
14:00–14:15 | Fuzzy Logic Classification of Three-Body Scattering from S-band Polarimetric Radar Measurements Vivek Mahale (ARRC/ SoM, OU) |
14:15–14:30 | 3D Compact X-Band Weather Radar System in Urban Area Toshiaki Takaki (FURUNO ELECTRIC CO., LTD., Japan) |
14:30–14:45 | The Quality RhoHV Using Multilag Moment Processor on a Solid-State Weather Radar B. L. Cheong (ARRC/ ECE, OU) |
14:45–15:00 | Development and Observation of the Phased Array Radar at X band Tomoo Ushio (Osaka University, Japan) |
15:00–15:15 | Quantitative Ash Estimation by Operational Weather Radar Masayuki Maki (Kagoshima University, Japan) |
15:15–15:35 | Coffee Break |
Session: Advanced Remote Sensing Development and Observations (2) Chair: Tian-You Yu (ARRC/ ECE/ SoM, OU) | |
15:35–15:50 | Observations of the 20 May 2013 Newcastle-Moore, Oklahoma EF-5 Tornado Using the PX-1000 Solid-State Polarimetric X-band Radar J. M. Kurdzo (ARRC/ SoM/ ECE, OU) |
15:50–16:05 | Convective-Stratiform Separation Reviled by Video Disdrometer and Polarimetric Radar Observations —The Bayesian Approach Petar Bukovcic (Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies/ SoM/ ARRC, OU) |
16:05–16:20 | Clear Air Echoes from S-band Weather Radars–A Renewed Look Eric Jacobsen (ARRC, OU) |
16:20–16:35 | Aerosol Particles and Trace Gases Profiling Experiments Using a Combination of In-situ and Remote Sensing Measurements over Shigaraki, Japan Masanori Yabuki (RISH, KU) |
16:35–16:50 | Development of the Rotational Raman Lidar for Temperature Measurement with a Multispectral Detector Kenichi Yoshikawa (RISH, KU) |
16:50–17:05 | PWV Variation Associated with Cold Outflow Observed by Dense GNSS Network Yoshinori Shoji (Meteorological Research Agency, Japan) |
17:05–17:20 | High-resolution Precipitable Water Vapor Retrieval Using High-elevation Slant Delays from a Dense Network of GPS and QZSS Receivers Eugenio Realini (RISH, KU) |
17:20–17:35 | A Study on a Humidity Estimation Method Using the Side-lobe Emission from a Wind Profiling Radar Shigeru Inaka (RISH, KU) |
October 4 (Friday), 2013
08:05–08:30 | Registration |
Special Session: Earth-Science Challenges and Beyond (2) Chair: David B. Parsons (SoM, OU) | |
08:30–08:55 | Recent Progresses with Data Assimilation for Severe Weather Prediction at the Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms Ming Xue (CAPS/ SoM, OU) |
08:55–09:20 | Advanced Radar Research Center —Challenges and Innovations in Radar Tian-You Yu (ARRC/ ECE/ SoM, OU) |
09:20–09:45 | Towards Building Up an Adaptation Strategy against Climate Change Eiichi Nakakita (DPRI, KU) |
09:45–10:10 | Characteristics of Atmospheric Gravity Waves Observed Using the MU (Middle and Upper Atmosphere) Radar and GPS Radio Occultation Toshitaka Tsuda (RISH, KU) |
10:10–10:30 | Coffee Break |
Session: Advanced Remote Sensing Development and Observations (3) Chair: Hiroyuki Hashiguchi (RISH, KU) | |
10:30–10:45 | Synergistic Use of MST Radars, Radiosondes and Radio Occultations for Identifying and Quantifying Turbulence in the Free Atmosphere Lakshmi Kantha (University of Colorado/ RISH, KU) |
10:45–11:00 | Atmospheric Turbulence Parameters Estimated from Concurrent Balloon and MU Radar Measurements Hubert Luce (South-Toulon Var University, France) |
11:00–11:15 | Development of Range-imaging Boundary Layer Radar Masayuki K. Yamamoto (RISH, KU) |
11:15–11:30 | NFL-MaP: NMQ-FLASH-Landslide Monitoring and Prediction System over the US Yang Hong (ARRC, OU) |
Special Seminar Chair: Hiroyuki Hashiguchi (RISH, KU) | |
11:30–11:50 | Issues and Challenges in Developing a Multi-mission Phased Array Radar (MPAR) for Weather and Aircraft Surveillance Dick Doviak (NOAA/OAR/National Severe Storms Laboratory, USA) |
11:50–13:00 | Lunch Break/ Lunch Time Meeting between OU and KU faculty |
12:30–13:50 | Poster Session
Session: Understanding and Prediction of High-Impact Weather (1) Chair: Masahito Ishihara (GCOE-ARS, KU) | |
14:00–14:15 | Organization Aspects of Convective Systems Causing Severe Rainfalls and Tornadoes in the Japan Area during 2006 to 2012 Masahito Ishihara (GCOE-ARS, KU) |
14:15–14:30 | Development of a Technique to Identify the Stage of Storm Life Cycle using X-band Polarimetric Radar Aritoshi Masuda (DPRI, KU) |
14:30–14:45 | Using Varied Microphysics to Account for Uncertainty in Warm-Season QPF in a Convection-Allowing Ensemble Jeffrey D. Duda (ARRC/ SoM, OU) |
14:45–15:00 | Hydrometeor Distributions in the Different Developing Stages of Baiu Monsoon Clouds Observed by Continuous Videosonde Soundings Kenji Suzuki (Yamaguchi University, Japan) |
15:00–15:15 | The Analysis and Prediction of Microphysical States and Polarimetric Radar Variables in a Mesoscale Convective System and Real Time Storm Scale Ensemble Forecast Using Advanced Multi-Moment Microphysics Schemes Bryan J. Putnam (CAPS/ ARRC/ SoM, OU) |
15:15–15:30 | Academic-Industrial Collaboration Study on the Observational Database for Elucidation of the Localized Katabatic Wind Hiroto Sakamoto (RISH, KU) |
15:30–15:50 | Coffee Break |
Session: Understanding and Prediction of High-Impact Weather (2) Chair: Xuguang Wang (SoM/ CAPS, OU) | |
15:50–16:05 | Estimation of Flying Debris’ Velocity in a Tornado Occurred in Tsukuba-city on May 6, 2012 by Using Numerical Simulation Takashi Maruyama (DPRI, KU) |
16:05–16:20 | Vertical Structure of the Tsukuba F3 Tornado on 6 May 2012 as Revealed by a Solid state Polarimetric Radar Hiroshi Yamauchi (Meteorological Research Institute, Japan) |
16:20–16:35 | Rapid-Scan, Mobile, Polarimetric, Doppler-Radar Observations of Supercell Tornadoes Howard B. Bluestein (SoM, OU) |
16:35–16:50 | Understanding the Importance of Surface Drag in Tornadogenesis through High Resolution Real Data Simulations Alexander D. Schenkman (CAPS, OU) |
16:50–17:05 | High Resolution Numerical Study of Migrating Strong Downslope Wind Hira-Oroshi in Japan Kuniaki Higashi (RISH, KU) |
17:05–17:20 | Downscaling Simulations from Mesoscales to District-Scales by Merging NWP and CFD Models Tetsuya Takemi (DPRI, KU) |
18:00–20:00 | Banquet |
October 5 (Saturday), 2013
08:05–08:30 | Registration |
Session: Understanding and Prediction of High-Impact Weather (3) Chair: Ming Xue (CAPS/ SoM, OU) | |
08:30–08:45 | Ensemble Forecast Experiments of Tornados Occurred on 6th May 2012 using a Nested-LETKF System Hiromu Seko (Meteorological Research Institute/ JAMSTEC, Japan) |
08:45–09:00 | Study on the Variability Characteristics of Precipitable Water Vapor Associated with Heavy Rainfall Using a Non-hydrostatic Model Masanori Oigawa (RISH, KU) |
09:00–09:15 | Data Assimilation of Ice-Water Mixing Ratios Estimated from Polarimetric Radar Observation Kosei Yamaguchi (DPRI, KU) |
09:15–09:30 | Recent Development and Progress on Hybrid Ensemble-Variational Data Assimilation for Global to Storm Scale Numerical Weather Prediction Xuguang Wang (SoM/ CAPS, OU) |
09:30–09:45 | Simulation Experiment of Tornadoes Formed along Typhoon Rainbands Using a Cloud Resolving Model Kazuhisa Tsuboki (Nagoya University, Japan) |
09:45–10:00 | Development of Nowcasting Method Based on Spatial Scale Analysis of Precipitation Distribution Observed by X-band Polarimetric Radar Nozomu Takada (Meteorological Engineering Center, Inc., Japan) |
10:00–10:20 | Coffee Break |
Session: Extreme Weather and Climate Variability for Mitigation Chair: Tetsuya Takemi (DPRI, KU) | |
10:20–10:35 | SDS of Precipitation with a Formatted Regression Frame Sunmin Kim (DPRI, KU) |
10:35–10:50 | Understanding Changes in the Arctic Atmosphere to Reductions in Sea Ice Steven M. Cavallo (SoM, OU) |
10:50–11:05 | A WRF Model Simulation of Changes in the Characteristics of Tropopause Polar Vortices Due to Sea Ice Loss Dylan Lusk (SoM, OU) |
11:05–11:20 | Simulation of an Arctic Summer Cyclone Using MPAS Nicholas Szapiro (SoM, OU) |
11:20–11:35 | Wave Information Sensitivity for Ocean Currents under Typhoon Condition Junichi Ninomiya (DPRI, KU) |
11:35–11:50 | Investigating the Dynamics of Error Growth in ECMWF Forecast Busts Sam Lillo (SoM, OU) |
Closing Ceremony Chair: Eiichi Nakakita (DPRI, KU) | |
11:50–12:00 | Closing Address Eiichi Nakakita (DPRI, KU) |
Technical Tour —A Visit to Phased Array Radar of Osaka University Coordinator: Motohiro Honma (DPRI, KU) | |
12:15 | Depart at Kyoto University's Uji Campus by tour bus, having lunch box |
13:15 | Arrive at Osaka University at Suita City in Osaka |
13:15 | A Visit to X-band phased array radar introduced by Professor Ushio (Osaka University) |
14:30 | Depart at Osaka University |
15:30 | Make a brief stop near the Kiyomizu Temple |
16:00 | Make a brief stop at hotels near Kyoto Station OU faculty and students stay |
16:30 | Arrive at Uji Campus, Kyoto University |
International Symposium on Earth-Science Challenges (ISEC) 2013 http://hmd.dpri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/kuou2013/ |