
(Symposium on Scientific Applications of GPS in Active Geosphere Investigations)

開催日時 2006/10/13(金) 8:30~ - 2006/10/14(土) ~16:00
開催場所 チュラロンコーン大学 宝石貴金属研究所 (タイ王国バンコク市)
主催者 京都大学21世紀COE 「活地球圏の変動解明アジア・オセアニアから世界への発信」
申請代表者 家森俊彦 (京都大学大学院理学研究科)
所内担当者 津田敏隆 (京都大学生存圏研究所大気圏精測診断分野)
関連ミッション ミッション 1 (環境計測・地球再生)
関連分野 超高層物理学、気象学、地質学。


GPS 電波による大気中の水蒸気量の推定、スマトラ地震前後の地殻変動、下層-超高層大気および宇宙空間科学への応用、特に低緯度電離圏研究への応用、気象学への応用について内外研究者による講演と討議を行った。入門的解説も含め、分野外の研究者・学生にもわかりやすくすることに心がけ、タイ側の参加者にも大変好評であった。東南アジア地域における生存圏研究の推進と振興、研究・観測上の人的ネットワーク形成という目的を果たした。


 DAY 1: 13 October 2006
8:30–  9:00Registration
  Chair person and moderator by Toshitaka Tsuda (RISH)
9:00–  9:10Opening by Dean of Faculty of Science Chulalongkorn University
9:10–10:00Fundamentals of GPS by Chalermchon Satirapod (Chulalongkorn Univ.)
10:00–10:20Coffee/tea break
  Session 1. Application in Upper Atmosphere and Space Science
10:20–12:00Moderator by Toshihiko Iyemori (Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ.)
   1. Introduction of space science studies using GPS observation system by Akinori Saito (Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ.)
2. Plasma bubbles in the ionosphere by Michi Nishioka (Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ.)
3. Southeast Asia TEC variation over Vietnam and the region by Le Huy Minh (Institute of Geophysics, Vietnam)
12:00–13:00Lunch break
13:00–14:00Moderator by Toshihiko Iyemori (continued)
   4. Ionospheric observation in South-East Asia by Mamoru Ishii (NIICT)
5. GPS NINJA: A networked data distribution system for GPS and GPS-TEC data by Hiromichi Nagao (JAMSTEC)
Contributed papers and comments
14:10–14:30Coffee/tea break
  Session 2. Application in Hydro-Meteorology
14:30–15:45Moderaror by Boossarasri Thana (Chulalongkorn Univ.)
  1. Application of GPS Techniques in Meteorology by Toshitaka Tsuda (RISH)
2. Application of GPS to the evaluation of rainmaking by Sinchai (BRRAA)
18:00–20:00Reception at room#103 1st floor Vitaya Pattana Building
 DAY 2: 14 October 2006
9:00–10:30Moderator by Boossarasri Thana (continued)
   3. Observation of rainfall in the Indian Sub-continent related with GEOSS and MAHASRI project by Taiichi Hayashi (DPRI)
4. GPS meteorological observation in Thailand by Nithiwatthn CHOOSAKUL (Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ.)
5. Diurnal moisture variations obtained by GPS system in Southeast Asia by Taichi Sasaki (JAMSTEC) and Kinpei Ichiyanagi (JAMSTEC)
10:30–10:50Coffee/tea break
10:50–11:35Moderator by Boossarasri Thana (continued)
  6. Data Assimilation of GPS data to Mesoscale Numerical Weather Prediction Model and its Impact on Rainfall Forecast by Yoshinori Shoji (Meteorological Research Institute)
Contributed papers and Comments
  Session 3. Application in Geodesy and Seismology
11:35–12:15Moderator by Michio Hashizume
 1. Introductory talk on utilization of GPS in Geodesy by Teruyuki Kato (ERI)
12:15–13:15Lunch Break
13:15–15:15Moerator by Michio Hashizume (continued)
     2. Crustal Deformation from the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake detected by Continuous GPS in Southeast Asia by Manabu Hashimoto (DPRI)
3. Monitoring groundwater variations in Bangkok using modern geodetic techniques by Yoichi Fukuda (Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ.)
4. Geodynamics of the Carpathian seismogenic zone by GPS by Victor Mocanu (Univ. of Bucharest, Romania)
5. Use of GPS technique for volcano and earthquake related research in Indonesia by Irwan Meilano (Bundung Institute of Technology, Indonesia)
Contributed Papers and Comments
15:15–15:30Coffee/tea break
15:30–16:00Moderator by Toshitaka Tsuda (RISH)
  Wrap-Up Discussion and Closing


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