
国際シンポジウム「地球科学の挑戦」 —第5回オクラホマ大学/京都大学サミット—
International Symposium on Earth-Science Challenges (ISEC)
The 5th Summit between the University of Oklahoma and Kyoto University

開催日時 2017(平成29)年10月1日(日)~5日(木)
開催場所 京都大学宇治キャンパス宇治おうばくプラザ きはだホール・セミナー室
主催者 丸山敬 (京都大学防災研究所)
申請代表者 丸山敬 (京都大学防災研究所)
所内担当者 古本淳一 (京都大学生存圏研究所大気圏精測診断分野)
関連ミッション ミッション1 環境診断・循環機能制御
ミッション5 高品位生存圏
関連分野 気象・気候分野。





2008年にオクラホマ大学大気地理学部と京都大学防災研究所と京都大学生存圏研究所の3者間で、大気科学の研究教育推進に関する協定が締結されている。この協定に基づき第5回目の国際シンポジウムを開催する。過去4回のシンポジウムでは、気象および気候に関する地球科学の挑戦をテーマとして実施されている。その後、京都大学では2012年度から気候変動リスク情報創生プログラム課題「課題対応型の精密な影響評価」を防災研主導で進めている中、オクラホマ大学でも気候研究の大御所であるDr. B Mooreを新たに大気地理学科の学部長に迎え、さらに副学長に任命して、気象学のみならず気候学にその版図を拡張している。加えて、フェーズドアレイレーダーなど次世代のレーダー技術に関して、日米が世界の先駆を進んでいる。このような状況をふまえ、第5回目の国際シンポジウムでも気象および気候に関する先端的なシンポジウムとして、サイエンスからアプリケーションに至る幅広いスペクトラムの議論を展開する。具体的には、気象や気候に関する地球科学の挑戦というテーマのもと、1)レーダーや衛星による次世代大気リモートセンシング、2)大気現象の数値モデリングと観測データの同化、3)水文現象と水循環、4)気象と気候の変動、5)地球システム科学としての展開、という5つのセッションを開催した。




October 1 (Sunday), 2017

Short Course Seminar Room 1 & 2 (1F)
Techniques of Dual-Doppler Wind Analysis
Alan Shapiro (School of Meteorology and Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms, OU)
Severe Weather Forecasting Simulation
Eric Jacobsen, Alex Zwink, and Jill Hardy (Warning Decision Training Division, Norman, OK)
Introduction of Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH) and Its Atmospheric/ Ionospheric Studies
Mamoru Yamamoto (RISH, KU)
Recovery from Natural Disaster
Norio Maki (DPRI, KU)

October 2 (Monday), 2017

09:15–10:00Registration Lobby (1F)
Opening Ceremony Kihada Hall (1F)
Chair: Takashi Maruyama (DPRI, KU)
10:00–10:10Opening Address
Hajime Nakagawa (Director of DPRI, KU)
Special Session I Kihada Hall (1F)
Chair: Hirohiko Ishikawa (DPRI, KU)
10:20–10:45Overview of the School of Meteorology and College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences
David Parsons (SoM, OU)
10:45–11:10OU and Weathernews, Inc. Radar and Warning Decision Training Project Overview
Daphne Ladue (CAPS, OU)
11:10–11:35Wind-Related Disaster Risk Reduction and Full-Scale Storm Simulator (FSSS)
Yukio Tamura (School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University, China)
11:35–12:00Recent Enhancement of Meteorological Observations of JMA
Osamu Suzuki (Meteorological Research Institute, JMA, Japan)
12:00–13:00Lunch Break
Oral Session I: Advances in the Weather Radar Kihada Hall (1F)
Chair: Tian-You Yu (Advanced Radar Research Center, OU)
13:00–13:15Multi-Function Phased Array Radar Observation Targeting of a Convective Storm
Christopher Kerr (SoM, OU)
13:15–13:30Mobile Doppler Radar and Lidar Analysis of a Strong Density Current and MCS on 15 July 2015 during PECAN in the United States
Dylan W. Reif (School of Meteorology, OU)
13:30–13:45Novel Radar Techniques for Polarimetric and Microphysical Analyses of the Stratiform Rain Region of MCSs
Amanda M. Murphy (School of Meteorology, OU)
13:45–14:00Development of a C-band High-Resolution, Mobile, Polarimetric, Phased-Array Radar System: Polarimetric Atmospheric Imaging Radar (PAIR)
Tian-You Yu (Advanced Radar Research Center, OU)
14:00–14:15Ultrawideband Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Radar and Ku-Band Synthetic Aperture Rader for Airborne Imaging and Snow Characterization
Jay McDaniel (Advanced Radar Research Center, OU)
14:15–14:30Near-Surface Atmospheric Refractive Index by Receiving Digital Broadcasting Signals
Jun-ichi Furumoto (RISH, KU)
14:30–14:50Coffee Break Lobby (1F)
Oral Session II: Understanding, Predicting, Modelling of the Atmosphere Kihada Hall (1F)
Chair: Steven Cavallo (School of Meteorology, OU)
14:50–15:05Rainfall over the Asian Coastal Regions Observed by TRMM Precipitation Radar: Role of Orography, Diurnal Cycle, and Intraseasonal Oscillation
Shoichi Shige (Graduate School of Science, KU)
15:05–15:20Orographic Effects on the Transport and Deposition of Volcanic Ash — A Mount Sakurajima Case Study
Alexandros P. Poulidis (DPRI, KU)
15:20–15:35How Much Sea Ice Loss Can Be Attributed to Arctic Cyclones?
Steven Cavallo (School of Meteorology, OU)
15:35–15:50Observational and Numerical Studies on Turbulent Airflows over an Urban Area
Tetsuya Takemi (DPRI, KU)
15:50–16:05Convection Genesis by Urban Meteorological Model Based on Large Eddy Simulation
Kosei Yamaguchi (DPRI, KU)
16:05–16:20Investigation of Representation of Ice and Snow Categories in a Supercell Simulation Using Spectral Bin and Bulk Microphysics Schemes
Marcus Johnson (Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms, OU)
16:20–16:40Coffee Break Lobby (1F)
Oral Session III: Advances in the Weather Radar and UAV Kihada Hall (1F)
Chair: Tadayasu Ohigashi (DPRI, KU)
16:40–16:55Volcanic Ash Plume Observed by Polarimetric Weather Radar
Eiichi Sato (Meteorological Research Institute, Japan)
16:55–17:10Photogrammetric Detection of Funnel Clouds
Koji Sassa (Science cluster, Kochi University, Japan)
17:10–17:25Videosonde and Radar Observations in Ice-Phase Regions of Stratiform Clouds
Tadayasu Ohigashi (DPRI, KU)
17:25–17:40The 3D Mesonet Concept: Extending Networked Surface Meteorological Tower Observations Through Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Phillip B. Chilson (School of Meteorology / Advanced Radar Research Center/ Center for Autonomous Sensing and Sampling, OU)
17:40–17:55UAV-Based Multistatic Passive Radar for Mobile Observations of Severe Weather
Andrew Byrd (ARRC, OU)
17:55–18:10Autonomous UAV Systems for Remote Sensing Applications
Arturo Umeyama (ARRC, ECE, OU)

October 3 (Tuesday), 2017

09:00–09:15Registration Lobby (1F)
Welcome Address Kihada Hall (1F)
09:15–09:25Kaoru Takara (DPRI/ Dean of Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability, KU)
09:25–09:35Group Photo Kihada Hall (1F)
Special Session II Kihada Hall (1F)
Chair: David Bodine (Advanced Radar Research Center, OU)
09:35–10:00Overview of Fundamental and Practical Researches on Generation and Development of Baby-Rain-Cell Aloft in a Severe Storm
Eiichi Nakakita (DPRI, KU)
10:00–10:25The Advanced Radar Research Center at the University of Oklahoma — An Interdisciplinary Approach to Radar Science
Robert Palmer (ARRC / SoM, OU)
10:25–10:45Coffee Break Lobby (1F)
Oral Session IV: Extreme Weather and Climate Variation Kihada Hall (1F)
Chair: Takeshi Enomoto (DPRI, KU)
10:25–10:40Maintenance Mechanism of Back-Building Rainband in a Numerical Simulation of a Heavy Rain in July 2010 in Western Japan
Ryuji Yoshida (RCUSS, Kobe University, Japan)
10:40–10:55High Resolution Numerical Study of Migrating Strong Downslope Wind “Hira-Oroshi” in Japan
Kuniaki Higashi (RISH, KU)
10:55–11:10Dynamics and Predictability of Downward Propagating Stratospheric Planetary Waves Observed in March 2007
Hitoshi Mukougawa (DPRI, KU)
11:10–11:25Large Ensemble Climate Simulations with High-resolution AGCM and RCM
Ryo Mizuta (Meteorological Research Institute, Japan)
11:25–11:40Observed Characteristics of Tropopause Polar Vortices over Summit Station, Greenland
Sarah Borg (School of Meteorology, OU)
12:00–13:00Lunch Break
13:00–14:20Poster Session Hybrid Space (2F)
14:30–18:30Technical Tour–Visit to MU radar at Shigaraki

Poster Session

  1. Real-time Auto Calibration and DSD Retrieval for Polarimetric Radar at Attenuating Frequency
    Ahoro Adachi (MRI, JMA, Japan)
  2. Development of Software-Defined Multi-Channel Receiver System for the Equatorial Atmosphere Radar (EAR)
    Nor Azlan Mohd Aris (RISH, KU)
  3. Shigaraki UAV-Radar Experiments (ShUREX): Measuring Turbulence in the Lower Troposphere
    Hiroyuki Hashiguchi (RISH, KU)
  4. Water Vapor Profiles Observed from Raman Lidar Calibrated with GNSS Precipitable Water Vapor
    Hayato Kakihara (RISH, KU)
  5. Diurnal LST Characteristics over the Urban Area in Japan
    Yuhei Yamamoto (DPRI, KU)
  6. Prospective of Future Spaceborne Precipitation Measuring Mission
    Nobuhiro Takahashi (ISEE, Nagoya University, Japan)
  7. An Analysis of Cumulonimbus Cloud Development Using Ka-band Doppler Radar
    Tomohiro Niibo (Graduate School of Engineering, KU)
  8. Development of MU Radar Real-Time Processing System with Adaptive Clutter Rejection
    Kohsuke Kubota (RISH , KU)
  9. Preliminary Investigation of Generation of Guerilla-Heavy Rainfall Using Himawari-8 and XRAIN Information in Kinki Region
    Wendi Harjupa (Graduate School of Engineering, KU)
  10. Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Organized Structures over Block Arrays with Various Building Heights
    Toshiya Yoshida (DPRI, KU)
  11. Study on the Forecast of Localized Heavy Rainstorms by Combining Coherent Doppler LIDAR and Numerical Forecast Model
    Naohiro Iwmaoto (RISH, KU)
  12. Optimal Interpolation of River Water Levels for Real-Time Inundation Mapping Based on the RRI Model
    Shintaro Miyake (Graduate School of Engineering, KU)
  13. Forecasting Developing and Mature Stage of Mesoscale Convective Systems by Ensemble Assimilation of XRAIN
    Yosuke Horiike (Graduated School of Engineering, KU)
  14. Preliminary Research on Identification of Strategies for Long-term Recovery against Flood in 2015 in Myanmar —Case Study from Hinthada Township, Ayeyarwady Region—
    Kensuke Otsuyama (DPRI, KU)
  15. Rainfall Impact to El Nino in Batanghari River Basin, Sumatra, Indonesia
    Karlina (Graduate School of Engineering, KU)
  16. Impacts of Environmental Conditions on Intensification of Tropical Cyclones
    Shota Yamasaki (DPRI, KU)
  17. Disparate Mid-latitude Responses to ENSO Categorized by the Winter Climate in the Far East
    Masahiro Shiozaki (Graduate school of Science, KU)
  18. Pseudo-Global Warming Experiments on the Intensity of Typhoons Haiyan (2013) and Melor (2009)
    Masaya Toyoda (Graduate School of Engineering, Gifu University, Japan)
  19. Multiscale Analysis on the Future Change of Heavy Rainfall in Baiu Season
    Yukari Osakada (Graduate School of Engineering, KU)
  20. An Attempt on Analysing the Changes of Small-scale Torrential Rainfall under Global Warming Using Very-fine RCM
    Keitaro Morimoto (Graduate School of Engineering, KU)
  21. Improvement of the Heavy Orographic Rainfall Retrievals in the GSMaP Algorithm for Microwave Radiometers
    Munehisa K. Yamamoto (Graduate School of Science, KU)
  22. Study on the Extreme Weather Mechanism of Urban Area by Combining a Doppler Lidar and High-Resolution Numerical Model
    Jun-ichi Furumoto (RISH, KU)
  23. Characteristics of Viscoelastic Dampers against Long-Duration Wind Loadings
    Dave Osabel (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
  24. Trial Manufacture of an Independent Measuring System for Aerodynamic Characteristics of Flying Debris
    Kento Matsui (Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, KU)
  25. Ranking CMIP5 GCM Historical Runs for Model Ensemble Experiment over a Regional Scale: A Case Study over Indochina Region
    Rattana Chhin (Department of Geophysics, KU)
  26. Impact of Interactive Chemistry of Stratospheric Ozone on Southern Hemisphere Paleoclimate Simulation
    Satoshi Noda (Department of Geophysics, KU)

October 4 (Wednesday), 2017

09:00–09:15Registration Lobby (1F)
Special Session III Kihada Hall (1F)
Chair: Hiroyuki Hashiguchi (RISH, KU)
09:15–09:40KU-OU Scientific Collaborations: High-Resolution Tornado Simulations for Tornado Debris and Radar Simulation Studies
David Bodine (Advanced Radar Research Center, OU)
09:40–10:05Hydrology initiative at the University of Oklahoma
Pierre Kirstetter (Hydrometeorology and Remote Sensing Laboratory/ ARRC, OU/ NSSL, NOAA)
10:05–10:30Stratosphere-Troposphere Two-Way Dynamical Coupling in the Tropics
Shigeo Yoden (Graduate School of Science, KU)
10:30–10:55Big Data Assimilation for 30-second-update 100-m-mesh Numerical Weather Prediction
Takemasa Miyoshi (RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science, Japan)
10:55–11:15Coffee Break Lobby (1F)
Oral Session V: Hydrological and Meteorological Disasters and Risk Control Kihada Hall (1F)
Chair: Takahiro Sayama (DPRI, KU)
11:15–11:30Primary Atmospheric Drivers of Pluvial Years in the United States Great Plains
Paul X. Flanagan (School of Meteorology, OU)
11:30–11:45Forecasting and Communicating Water-related Disasters in Africa
Laura Labriola (Advanced Radar Research Center, OU)
11:45–12:00Integration of Local Information and Flood Modeling for Real-Time Flood Hazard Mapping
Takahiro Sayama (DPRI, KU)
12:00–12:15Wind Velocity Estimation Based on Timber Structural Damage for Development of Japanese Enhanced Fujita Scale
Hitomitsu Kikitsu (National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, Japan)
12:15–12:30Investigation of the Effects of Meteorological Factors on Heatstroke Risk for Tokyo in the 2050s Based on Mesoscale Meteorological Simulations
Tsubasa Okaze (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
12:30–13:30Lunch Break
Advisory Board Lunch @ RISH small conference room No. 1 & Room No. S248
Oral Session VI: Advances in the Atmospheric Radar and Weather Radar Kihada Hall (1F)
Chair: Masanori Yabuki (RISH, KU)
13:30–13:45Equatorial MU Radar, Plan and Progress
Mamoru Yamamoto (RISH, KU)
13:45–14:00Early Successes for Atmospheric Sensing Using Rotary-Wing UAS: The Sky Is the Limit
Brian Greene (School of Meteorology/ Advanced Radar Research Center/ Center for Autonomous Sensing and Sampling, OU)
14:00–14:15CLAMPS Observation Capabilities and WRF Model Analyses
Elizabeth N. Smith (School of Meteorology, OU)
14:15–14:30High-Temporal Resolution Observations of the 27 May 2015 Canadian, Texas, Tornado Using the Atmospheric Imaging Radar
Casey Griffin (School of Meteorology, OU)
14:30–14:45An Investigation of Vortex Signatures in Strong, Damaging Tornadoes
Zachary B. Wienhoff (School of Meteorology, OU)
14:45–15:00Improving Vertical Velocity Retrievals from Dual-Doppler Observations of Convection
Alan Shapiro (School of Meteorology and Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms, OU)
15:00–15:20Coffee Break Lobby (1F)
Oral Session VII: Data Assimilation Kihada Hall (1F)
Chair: Pierre Kirstetter (Hydrometeorology and Remote Sensing Laboratory/ ARRC, OU/ NSSL, NOAA)
15:20–15:35Impact of Assimilating PECAN IOP Observations on the Numerical Predictions of Bores and Bore-Induced Convection
Hristo G. Chipilski (School of Meteorology, OU)
15:35–15:50A Tale of Two Mesovortices: Analysis of a Simulated Severe MCS Observed During PECAN on 5–6 July 2015
Matt Flournoy (School of Meteorology, OU)
15:50–16:05The Assimilation of Radar and Surface Data to Improve the Skill of High-Resolution Ensemble Explicit Hail Forecasts
Jonathan Labriola (Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms, OU)
16:05–16:20Development of Assimilation Methods for Dual Polarimetric Radar Data
Takuya Kawabata (Meteorological Research Institute, JMA, Japan)
16:20–16:35Assimilation of Rapid-Scan Atmospheric Motion Vector of Himawari-8 to Improve the Rainfall Forecast of the Northern Kyushu Heavy Rainfall
Hiromu Seko (Meteorological Research Institute, JMA, Japan)
16:35–16:50Assimilation of Radar Reflectivity with EnKF: Additional Ensemble Perturbations to Modify the Atmospheric Field
Sho Yokota (Meteorological Research Institute, JMA, Japan)
Closing Ceremony Kihada Hall (1F)
16:50–17:10Closing Address
Takashi Maruyama (DPRI, KU)

October 5 (Thursday), 2017

10:00–10:30DPRI Museum
10:30–11:00Wind Tunnel
