A JSPS Asia-Africa Science Platform Program, 2008-2010

Elucidation of ground-based atmosphere observation network in equatorial Asia

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JSPS AA Science Platform International symposium on the atmospheric observation and numerical forecast models

1. Schedule: 10-13 November 2009

[10 November(Tue)]

09:30-09:40 Welcome address N. Okada (Director, DPRI, KU)

09:40-09:50 Welcome address S. Kawai (Director, RISH, KU)

09:50-10:15 International Partnershio in Meteorlogy J. Snow (Dean, A&GS, OU)

10:15-10:35 Coffee break

10:35-11:00 Overview of GCOE program on extreme weather K. Takara (DPRI, KU)

11:00-12:00 KEY NOTE : Basic or applied or both for attainable goals ? : A theoretical experiment Y. Sasaki (Sasaki Institute, OU)

12:00-12:15 Group photo

12:15-13:30 Lunch

13:30-15:50 Session (1) Recent development of advanced radar

15:50-16:10 Coffee break

16:10-18:05 Session (2) Phased array radar technique

18:15-19:30 Icebreaker and Poster session (unattended)

[11 November (Wed)]

09:20-11:00 Session (3) Polarimetric radar

11:00-11:15 Coffee break

11:15-12:35 Session (4) Atmospheric observations and radarf applications

12:35-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:00 Poster session (attended)

15:00-16:30 Session (5) Data assimilation

16:30-16:50 Coffee break

16:50-18:20 Session (6) Data assimilation (continued)

18:30-20:30 Banquet

[12 November (Thu)]

09:20-11:15 Session (7) Numerical modeling

11:15-11:30 Coffee break

11:30-13:00 Session (8) Mitigation of weather hazards

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:40 Session (9) Mitigation of weather hazards (continued)

15:40-16:00 Coffee break

16:00-18:00 Panel discussion: Weather Hazards and Their Mitigation: Focus of Asian Countries

[13 November (Fri)]

09:30-15:15 Tour to Shigaraki MU Observatory

2. Venue

Kyoto University Uji Campus, Obaku Plaza and Wood Composite Hall