A JSPS Asia-Africa Science Platform Program, 2008-2010

Elucidation of ground-based atmosphere observation network in equatorial Asia

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A workshop on "Ground-based atmosphere observation network in equatorial Asia"; the Asia-Africa Science Platform (AA-SP) Program of JSPS

1. Workshop Report word file

Group Photo


2. Award Winners

Among the contributed papers; consisting of four oral and 47 poster papers, an award was given to a total of eight presentation. Photo of winners

First prize:
Second Prizes:
Third Prizes:
Fourth Prizes:

3. Workshop site:

We wish to hold the AA-SP workshop at the auditorium of LAPAN on 2-3 March. Then, we will join the Yoden's meeting from afternoon of 3 March. (* Note that we originally proposed to hold the meeting at ITB. But, as LAPAN is the local host, it seems better to have it at LAPAN in Bandung.)

4. Schedule: 2-5 March 2009 (see the schedule)

A workshop dedicated to AA-SP will be held one full day on 2 March (Mon) and in the morning of 3 March (Tue). We also urge the participants to join the sessions on 3-5 March as well. Please note that participants are arriving Bandung at around 10-11PM Sunday evening (1 March), and we will start the workshop from 10:30AM on Monday.

5. Program (PDF file)

[2 March (Mon)]
09:00-10:00 registration
10:00-12:00 opening session

   Welcome address

   An overview of the AA-SP program on "Ground-based atmospheric observation network in equatorial Asia"

   Review of Research on Atmospheric Science at LAPAN

   A brief histrical review of research activities at NARL by means of ground-based radio and optical instruments

12:00-13:00 Lunch break
13:00-15:00 SESSION 1

   Ozonesonde observations in the tropical latitude

   Ground based hydro-meteorological station network of VietNam HMS, present and future

   Weather Modification Research at Sorowako

   Overview and scientific background of JEPP-HARIMAU project:Long coastlines of maritime continent governing global climate

15:00-15:30 Tea Break
15:30-17:30 SESSION 2

   Overview and scientific background of JEPP-HARIMAU project:Long coastlines of maritime continent governing global climate

   Diurnal and intraseasonal variations of convective activity observed with HARIMAU radars

   Relationship between Propagation and Vertical Structure of MJO with Rainfall Intensity over Kototabang and Surrounded Area

   Investigation of Convective Triggering Mechanism Based on Observation at Kototabang Station

17:00-18:00 POSTER SESSION (Presenters are unattended)
19:00-21:00 (Reception for invited speakers will be hosted by LAPAN)
[3 March (Tue)]
08:30-09:30 POSTER SESSION (Presenters are attended)
09:30-11:30 SESSION 3

    Continuous monitoring of atmospheric temperature profiles with the MST radar-RASS at NARL

   Observations of lightning and lightning-related phenomena in Southeast Asia

   An Overview of 150 MHz LAPAN VHF Radar for Future Ground Base Atmospheric Observation in Indo-Pacific Tropics

   Study of Ionospheric Irregularities Over Indonesia”

   Ionosphere Studies with Satellite-Ground Beacon and the Equatorial Atmosphere Radar

11:30-12:00 discussions
(This workshop joints the JST workshop at ITB on 3-5 March.)

Note that following papers will be accommodated in the joint sessions of Yoden's workshop.

6. Invited speakers

As shown above, we will solicit NINE speakers for an invited talk for 30 minutes each in addition to overview talks. We will also select 4 contributed talks, 15 min. each by Indonesian colleagues.

7. Logistics


Jayakarta hotel Bandung

Travel support:

Most of participants from Japan, Vietnam and India will supported by AA-SP. While, AA-SP cannot support a trip by Indonesian participants. We will obtain some budget from RISH.

Travel schedule:

Ground transportation between the airport and Bandung will be arranged by LAPAN.