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[Nov 10am]
0: Basics of radar remote sensing
Lidar, radar, and optical particle counter data are shown to list up what we learn in the lecture.
1: Basics of scattering
We study the scattering theory to understand basics of the remote sensing analysis, such as scattering and extinction cross section, Rayleigh scattering and the geometrical optics. Reference: Bohren & Huffman, Absorption and scattering of light by small particles.
[Nov 10pm]
2: Cloud physics
To understand what happened in clouds, we learn some processes in clouds, such as Koehler curve and freezing rate. Reference: Spice et al., Primary ice nucleation in orographic cirrus cloud: A numerical simulation of the microphysics, QJRMS, 1637-1667, 1999.
3: Observational problems
Problems you face, e.g., when you install a lidar or a radar in the countryside.
[Nov 11am]
4: Calibration of lidar and radar
We study calibration methods of lidar and radar.
5: Data of lidar and/or radar
We study the data of the space-borne cloud radar CloudSat and the space-borne lidar CALIPSO, and learn the algorithm of the radar/lidar method which is applying to CloudSat and CALIPSO data. We also study up-to-date problems of CALIPSO data.
[Nov 11pm]
6: Optical particle counter & lidar observations
The optical particle counter (OPC) is one of the most powerful units to measure particles of cirrus clouds. Since OPC is expensive, we study how we analyze data of OPC and lidar, effectively.
7: Simultaneous observations with lidar and other instruments
Introduction of recent studies by using of the lidar, such as supersaturation and cirrus cloud, overshooting, TTL cloud.
[Nov 12am]
2. Lidar observations of water vapor and minor constituents 2
In the latter half of the series of lectures, remote sensing observations of middle atmosphere (up to 100 km altitude) will be focused, as well as some techniques on tropospheric measurement. The first two lectures are devoted to profiling of humidity, or water vapor mixing ratio, as well as other minor constituents such as ozone, CO2, etc. Observations of atomic metals such as sodium, potassium etc are also discussed.
4. Lidar observations of atmospheric temperature 2
Temperature profiling by lidar techniques such as a Rayleigh lidar, vibrational and rotational Raman lidars, atomic resonance lidars will be described. The temperature profiling as low as the boundary layer and the ground level is also included in the scope of lecture.
6. Meteor radar observations in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere 2
Meteor radar observations for wind profiling in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, as well as some aspect of meteor orbit observations will be described. Characteristics of traditional (classical) meteor radars (such as Kototabang MWR), HPLA (High Power Large Aperture) radar (such as the MU radar) and multistatic radars will be introduced.
8. Airglow observation in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere 1
Airglow (night glow) in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere is also a useful phenomenon for remote sensing of this region. Airglow imaging for studies of atmospheric wave, as well as temperature and wind measurements using airglow spectroscopy will be introduced, partly showing the results at Tanjungsari and Kototabang.
9. Other observations in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere
Medium frequency (MF) radars (such as in Pontianak, Pameungpeuk),MST radar measurements will also be described as other important observations in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere