International Symposium on the 40th Anniversary of the MU Radar

Oral presentation guide

Each presentation has been allotted 15 minutes including Q&A.

In-person participants:

You can connect your personal laptop via HDMI. Your screen is automatically shared via Zoom, so you do not need to connect to Zoom.
We will prepare one Windows computer for onsite presentation and screen sharing via Zoom. If you want to use this computer, please bring your presentation file with a USB device.

Virtual participants:

Share your screen via Zoom and start presentation. We accept pre-recorded video if you think your internet connection is not stable. Go to "upload presentation" page if you prefer pre-recorded video presentation.

Poster presentation guide

Poster presentation is also held in a hybrid style.
All posters (including in-person participants) can be uploaded in advance so that registered participants can view the uploaded posters anytime. We will prepare Zoom breakout rooms for each presentation. We also prepare in-person poster viewing time in 06:45-08:15 UTC (15:45-17:15 JST) on November 20 (Wed).
A short oral presentation will be held during 06:00-06:30 UTC (15:00-15:30 JST) on November 20 (Wed). Each presentation time is 3 minutes without Q&A. To save time, all the slides will be shown by the LOC. Please upload the PowerPoint or PDF file of a few slides for short presentation in addtion to your poster file via the "upload presentation" page.
In-person participants can put up their posters throughout the symposium from Monday to Thursday. If the virtual participants would like to display your poster on-site, please upload your poster file by November 8 via the "upload presentation" page.
The poster board size is 180 cm (horizontal) x 120 cm (vertical).
We request in-person participants also attend virtual poster sessions.

Organized by
Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH), Kyoto University

Supported by
International Exchange Program of National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Joint Research Program of Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE), Nagoya University
The Kyoto University Foundation
Kyoto Prefecture and Kyoto Convention & Visitors Bureau
The Meteorological Society of Japan
Society of Geomagnetism, Planetary and Space Sciences (SGEPSS)
Staff Only