Webサイト: https://www.rish.kyoto-u.ac.jp/geolab-rish_sympo2016/
近年、GPSで代表される衛星測位システム(GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite System)による位置と時計の測定精度が格段に向上しており(1 cm以下)、航空機・車両等の航行制御をはじめ広く民生活用されている。ここで、GNSSの測位電波が衛星から地上に到達する間に大気・電離圏で伝搬遅延を起こすことが究極の誤差要因となっている。一方、逆にこの測位誤差から有用な大気情報を抽出しようとする「GNSS気象学」と呼ばれる新しい大気圏計測法が注目を集めている。特に、集中豪雨に深く関係する水蒸気の空間分布と時間変動を精密観測する研究が進展している。
近年では、米国のGPSに加えて欧州のGelileo、ロシアのGLONASS、中国のBeido(北斗)も運用されつつある。また、日本も準天頂システム(QZSS: Quasi-Zenith Satellite System)を推進しており、インドのISROもregional測位システムを開発している。その結果、近い将来、東南アジア・インド域で最も多くのGNSSデータを利用できると予想されている。本ワークショップでは、GNSS気象学やSARを用いた大気計測手法の最近の研究動向に関する情報交換と国際協力についての議論を目的として開催し、8ヶ国(日本、イタリア、インドネシア、台湾、中国、シンガポール、韓国、ドイツ)から53名の参加があった。主な参加者は、GNSS気象学に関する2国間協力事業を実施しているイタリア・ミラノ大、インドネシア航空宇宙庁(LAPAN)の研究者や大学院生である。国内からは、長年にわたり共同研究を行っている気象研究所、およびGNSS気象学の社会実装に興味を持っている企業の関係者が参加した。
ワークショップには、GNSS受信システムのH/W開発、信号・データ処理アルゴリズム開発、衛星測位データ利用等の幅広いコミュニティから参加が見込まれることから、GNSS気象学の現状と将来指針に関する有益な Brain storming が行われた。また、2016年2月、2016年10月、2017年3月に日伊で開催した計3回の会合の内容を基礎として、EPS特集号(Special issue of Earth, Planets and Space)を出版することを確認し、編集委員会を立ち上げた。
March 6, 2017
13:00–13:30 | Opening Ceremony T. Tsuda, A. Monti Guarnieri |
13:30–13:55 | (S-01) Synthetic aperture Instrument for Novel Earth Remote-sensed MetereoloGy and IdrologY (invited) N. Pierdicca, O. Bombaci, G. Fornaro, E. Sansosti, F. Mattia, G. Satalino, F. S. Marzano, R. Ferretti, G. Boni, G. Venuti, and A. Monti Guarnieri* |
13:55–14:15 | (S-02) Ionospheric effect observation using long path of ALOS-2 ScanSAR InSAR R. Natsuaki*, T. Motohka, and S. Suzuki |
14:15–14:40 | (S-03) Disperse and Non-dispersive Components in the L-band InSAR Data Associated with Sporadic-E and Heavy Rain Episodes (invited) M. Furuya*, T. Suzuki, and Y. Kinoshita |
15:10–15:35 | (G-01) Application of real-time ionospheric tomography for GNSS correction (invited) S. Saito*, M. Yamamoto, C.-H. Chen, and A. Saito |
15:35–15:55 | (G-02) Recent development of ionospheric 3D tomography with GEONET data M. Yamamoto*, R. Mizuno, S. Saito, and A. Saito |
15:55–16:15 | (G-03) On characterizing of ionospheric holes made by North Korea ballistic missiles using 4D-var N. Ssessanga*, and Y. H. Kim |
16:15–16:35 | (G-04) 3-D ionospheric tomography of sporadic-E in Japan I. N. Muafiry* and K. Heki |
16:35–17:00 | (G-05) Total electron content forecast model over Japan using a machine learning technique (invited) M. Nishioka*, T. Tsugawa, T. Maruyama, and M. Ishii |
17:00–17:25 | (G-06) Response of the upper atmosphere to increase of CO2 (invited) H. Liu*, Y. Nakamoto and Y. Miyoshi |
17:25–17:50 | (G-07) Impact of higher-order ionospheric effects on GNSS estimated tropospheric parameter (invited) Z. Deng*, Zus F., and J. Wickert |
18:15–19:15 | ICE BREAKER |
March 7, 2017
09:40–10:05 | (G-08) Preseismic ionospheric anomalies: Current overview and perspective (invited) K. Heki*, L. He, and I. N. Muafiry |
10:05–10:25 | (G-09) Spatial structure of ionospheric anomalies associated with the 2015 Mw8.3 Illapel earthquake L. He* and K. Heki |
10:25–10:45 | (G-10) A statistical study on the F2-layer vertical variation during night-time medium scale travelling ionospheric disturbances Y. H. Kim, N. Ssessanga* and S.-H. Jeong |
10:45–11:05 | (G-11) Statistical estimation of growth rate of nighttime medium scale traveling ionospheric disturbances in mid latitude observed by GNSS T. Ikeda* and A. Saito |
11:05–11:30 | (G-12) Ionospheric storm monitoring system using GNSS-TEC observations (invited) T. Tsugawa*, M. Nishioka, H. Jin, and M. Ishii |
11:30–11:50 | (G-13) Modeling the ionospheric pre-reversal enhancement using coupled thermosphere-ionosphere data assimilation C.-H. Chen*, C.-H. Lin, W.-H. Chen, and T. Matsuo |
13:00–13:25 | (G-14) Ionospheric Irregularity Observations using GPS Receiver Networks in North America (invited) Y. Otsuka*, T. Sugiyama, T. Tsugawa, and M. Nishioka |
13:25–13:45 | (G-15) Space-borne imaging observation of the ionosphere and the mesosphere with optical instruments on the international space station A.Saito*, Y. Hozumi, T. Sakanoi, S. Perwitasari, I. Yoshikawa, A. Yamasaki, Y. Otsuka, H. Nakata and IMAP working group |
13:45–14:05 | (G-16) Simultaneous observations of plasma bubbles by a low-cost airglow imager and GNSS receivers in Ishigaki, Japan K. Hosokawa*, K. Takami, S. Saito, and Y. Ogawa |
14:05–14:25 | (G-17) Evaluation of ionospheric delay gradients associated with plasma bubbles for GNSS ground-based augmentation system (GBAS) S. Saito* and T. Yoshihara |
14:25–14:45 | (G-18) Equinoctial asymmetry in the zonal distribution of scintillation occurrence observed by GPS receivers P. Abadi*, Y. Otsuka, K. Shiokawa |
14:45–15:05 | (G-19) Determination of GNSS inter-frequency instrumental biases using an orthogonal function network for single receiver T. Maruyama*, and Ma Guanyi |
15:40–16:00 | (G-20) Over view of R&D activities related to airborne-based GNSS occultation in Japan and their future prospects T. Yoshihara*, S. Saitoh, T. Sakai, N. Fujii, K. Matsunaga, K. Hoshino, Y. Aoyama, and T. Tsuda |
16:00–16:20 | (G-21) PWV Retrieval over the Ocean Using Shipborne GNSS Receivers with MADOCA Real-Time Orbits Y. Shoji*, K. Sato, M. Yabuki, and T. Tsuda |
16:20–16:45 | (N-01) Validation of the atmospheric model using radiosondes over Pameungpeuk (invited) Halimurrahman*, Ginaldi Ari Nugroho and Ibnu Fathrio Soni Aulia Rahayu |
16:45–17:05 | (N-02) Coordinated observation and numerical study on a diurnal cycle of tropical convection over a complex topography in West Java, Indonesia M. Oigawa*, T. Matsuda, Noersomadi, and T. Tsuda |
17:05–17:30 | (N-03) Data Assimilation Experiment of Radio Occultation Refractivity Data by using a Mesoscale LETKF System (invited) H. Seko* and T. Tsuda |
18:00–20:00 | BANQUET |
March 8, 2017
09:40–10:05 | (G-22) High temporal and spatial resolution water vapor analysis for hazardous weather prediction and monitoring (invited) Y. Shoji*, K. Sato, M. Yabuki, and T. Tsuda |
10:05–10:25 | (G-23) Detection of water vapor variations associated to heavy rain in Northern Italy by geodetic and low-cost GNSS receivers E. Realini*, A. Gatti, and G. Venuti, A. Fermi, S. Barindelli, and P. Falakdin |
10:25–10:45 | (G-24) Latest developments of goGPS processing software: tropospheric delay estimation from dual- and single-frequency GNSS receivers A. Gatti*, E. Realini, and Y. Iwaki |
10:45–11:05 | (G-25) Validation of the procedure to produce 2D PWV maps on wide and orographically complex area with existing infrastructures I. Ferrando*, B. Federici, and D. Sguerso |
11:05–11:25 | (G-26) Does the (wet) tropospheric delay produce an effect on the GNSS positioning? D. Sguerso*, B. Federici, and I. Ferrando |
11:25–11:45 | (G-27) Analysis of spatio-temporal variations of GNSS-derived PWV measurements A. Fermi*, G. Venuti, E. Realini, and A. Gatti |
11:45–12:05 | (G-28) Preliminary Study on Development of the Near Real-Time GNSS Meteorology System for Supporting Research on Managing Solar Energy System in Singapore M. F. Norazmi*, K. J.-P. M. Winter, and W. M. Walsh |
13:10–13:30 | (G-29) 2016 Kumamoto, MSTID and Independent Component Analysis of Ionosphere TEC Anomalies K. Umeno*, T. Iwata, S. Tanabe and K. Igarashi |
13:30–13:50 | (G-30) Potential of GNSS in relation to photometers M. Campanelli, A. Mascitelli*, A. Mazzoni, S. Dietrich, E. Realini, F. Fratarcangeli, F. Brunier, M. Morelli, and M. G. Crespi |
13:50–14:10 | (G-31) Statistical analysis of tropospheric delay variation with short baselines of GNSS stations T. Yoshihara, S. Saito*, and A. Kezuka |
14:10–14:30 | (G-32) Measurement of the spatial distribution of water vapor in the atmosphere with INACORS — BIG / GNSS in Indonesia S. Arief* and K. Heki |
14:30–14:45 | (G-33) A study on real-time spatio-temporal variations of precipitable water vapor with a dense GNSS receiver network N. Ito*, T. Tsuda, M. Yabuki and E. Realini |
14:45–15:00 | (G-34) Comparison of three retrievals of dry atmospheric temperature from COSMIC GPS Radio Occultation (GPS-RO) results in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere over the equatorial region Noersomadi*, T. Tsuda, and A. Shinbori |
15:00–15:20 | (B-01) Raman lidar for profiling atmospheric water vapor both in daytime and nighttime M.Yabuki*, M. Tsukamoto, Y. Hasegawa, H. Kakihara, and T. Tsuda |
15:20–15:35 | (B-02) Observation of Temperature Profiles in Equatorial Region with EAR-RASS H. Tabata*, T. Tsuda, H. Hashiguti, J. Ina, and Y. Shiono |
15:35–15:50 | (B-03) A water vapor Raman lidar calibration technique with GNSS PWV and meso-scale model H. Kakihara*, M. Yabuki, N. Ito, T. Tsuda, T. Hasegawa and M. Tsukamoto |
15:50–16:05 | (B-04) High spatial resolution Lidar for observing the cloud optical properties with multi-spectral Lidar detector F. Kitafuji*, M. Yabuki, H. Kakihara, and T. Tsuda |
16:05–16:20 | Closing Ceremony T. Tsuda |
March 9, 2017
10:00–17:20 | Technical Tour — A Visit to the Shigaraki MU Observatory |
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