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第3回21COE国際シンポジウム —宇宙太陽発電—


日時: 2006年8月30日 (水) 16:30~9月1日 (金) 17:00
場所: 京都大学百周年記念時計台記念館
主催者: 京都大学 21 世紀 COE 「環境調和型エネルギーの研究教育拠点形成」
申請代表者: 橋本弘蔵 (京都大学生存圏研究所生存圏電波応用分野)


21 世紀 COE 「環境調和型エネルギーの研究教育拠点形成」も本年が最終年度となる。この仕上げの年に国際シンポジウム International Symposium for Sustainable Energy が開催される。ミッション 2 を中心とし,ミッション 3,4 も関係している。SPS や無線電力伝送関連の研究として我々も参加しており,その成果発表が行われる。COE の費用で外国からもある程度の人数を招待することになっている。しかし,この会議は全体会議と分科会から成り立っており,この分科会の期間に SPS やマイクロ波送電に関連した表記国際会議を当研究所の主催で開催した。本費用では,著名な海外の研究者 1 名だけを招待講演に招くことができた。






16:30–18:30Poster Presentations


Kozo Hasimoto [SPS Task Leader, Kyoto University 21COE Program] (Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University)
13:50–14:20Potential Roles of Space in a Sustainable Energy System
Leopold Summerer, Franco Ongaro, Advanced Concepts and Technology Planning Department (European Space Agency (ESTEC/ESA))
14:20–14:50The Implications and Use of the Moon for Solar Power for Earth
Frank Little (Texas A&M University, USA)
14:50–15:20Overview of Studies on Space Solar Power Systems of JAXA
Tatsuhito Fujita, Yuka Saito, Hiroyuki Yoshida, Masahiro Mori (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan)
15:20–15:50Recent Activities for SSPS at the USEF
Shoichiro Mihara, Takashi Saito, Yutaro Kobayashi,Hiroshi Kanai (Institute for Unmanned Space Experiment Free Flyer (USEF), Japan)
15:50–16:00Coffee Break
16:00–16:30Study on Photovoltaic System for SSPS
Mitsuru Imaizumi (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan)
16:30–17:00Solar Array and Power Distribution Technologies for Space Solar Power System
Mengu Cho (Kyushu Technical University, Japan)
17:00–17:30Antennas for Microwave Power Transmission in SPS and Their Peculiarities
Tadashi Takano (ISAS/JAXA, Japan)
17:30–18:00Considerations for Applying the ESPAR to the RF ID Reader
Yoshihiko Kuwahara (Shizuoka University, Japan)


9:30–10:00About Transmission of Maximum Power by Wave Beam
Vaganov R. B., Korshunov I. P., Korshunova E. N., Shatrov A. D. (Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics RAS, Russia)
10:00–10:30On the Minimization of Sidelobes in Large Antenna Arrays for Microwave Power Transmission
Blagovest Shishkov1, Naoki Shinohara2, Hiroshi Matsumoto2 and Kozo Hashimoto2 (1 Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria, 2 Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University, Japan)
10:30–11:00Hardware Reduction for Retrodirective System
D. S. Goshi, K. M. K. H. Leong, and T. Itoh. (University of California, Los Angels, USA)
11:00–11:30Direction of Arrival Estimation with Automatic Calibration
Kozo Hashimoto, Masatoshi Matsumoto, and Hiroshi Matsumoto (Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University, Japan)
11:30–12:00Recent Developments in Rectifying Antennas (Rectennas) for Microwave Power Transmission
Kai Chang (Texas A&M University, USA)
13:30–14:00High Power Microwave Active Integrated Antennas Using Semiconductor Devices for Wireless Power Transmission
Shigeo Kawasaki (Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University, Japan)
14:00–14:30GaN Based Material Growth and Devices for Microwave Power Transmission Systems
Fan Ren1, T. J. Anderson1, L. Voss1, M. Hlad1, B. P. Gila1, A. Verma1, W. Wu1, L. Covert1, J. Lin1, S. J. Pearton1, P. Bove2, H. Lahreche2 and J. Thuret2 (1 University of Florida, USA, 2 Picogiga International SAS, France)
14:30–15:00High Efficiency GaN-HEMT Power Amplifiers for Microwave Communication Systems
Kazutaka Inoue, Norihiko Ui, Yasunori Tateno, Seigo Sano and Shigeru Nakajima (Eudyna Device Inc., Japan)
15:00–15:20Coffee Break
15:20–15:50A Low Phase Noise Power-Combining Microwave Oscillator for Solar Power Transmission
Jonghoon Choi, and Amir Mortazawi (University of Michigan, USA)
15:50–16:20CW Magnetrons for Microwave Power Transmission Systems
Tomohiko Mitani, Naoki Shinohara, Kozo Hashimoto, and Hiroshi Matsumoto (Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University, Japan)
16:20–16:50On URSI White Paper on Solar Power Satellite Systems
Kozo Hashimoto (Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University, Japan)
Kozo Hasimoto [SPS Task Leader, Kyoto University 21COE Program] (Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University)

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ポスター制作: 熨斗千華子 (京都大学)